
OXM UK: Hellboy: The Science of Evil Review

OXM UK writes: "Right now we can hear a collective roar of 'oh crap!' from the Hellboy fanbase. Their beloved big red guy has been sullied once more for consoles.

See, there are movie tie-ins that are wheeled out to hit specific dates right next to their big-budget big-screen counterparts (which almost always turn out to be awful), and then there are games like this - an offence to anyone who gets caught up in its path of character-butchering and dreadful plot.

Hellboy's six beat 'em up missions last just over an hour each, so the burly hero's trip from the Carpathian Mountains to von Klempt's castle is over in an afternoon. The art direction is so-so but drenched in shadow, making it an almost impossible task to see certain parts of the level, leaving little room for exploration."


Top Ten Worst Games Based on Movies

Following last week’s look at the Top Ten Games Based on a Movie, this week’s Sunday Special feature is about to turn things upside down, this week looking at the top ten worst videogames based on a motion-picture release. As bad as some games based on a movie licence may be, at least most them are playable. But not these abominations.

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wallis4863d ago

I know it's a bit of a trope but shouldn't E.T be in there as well?

Kee4863d ago

I don't think anyone was expecting E.T to be good anyway. :)

I'm fortunate enough to say I haven't played any of these games.

Podcast - DF #57: My Patapon is Sacred Too

This week's episode of Distributed failure features discussion on Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, Rune Factory: Frontier, Patapon 2, Plants vs. Zombies, Legendary, Hellboy: The Science of Evil, and much more! They follow that up with some gaming news including the closure of Factor 5 studios and the possible announcement of a "slim" PS3. After that, they dive into the "Sausage Dump" and chat up some movies, as well as the Lost finale.

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Thunderbolt Games Review Hellboy: The Science of Evil

Thunderbolt Games: "It's safe to say that I'm quite a Hellboy fan. The world created in the two movies is fantastic, and I just love the character - even taking the time to dabble in the comic books. Hellboy: The Science of Evil dips in to both these mediums, creating a universe more suited to the comics whilst also borrowing elements from the films. Sadly, it fails to live up to the name, descending to a place far worse than hell itself… mediocrity."

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