
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters is FROMSOFTWARE’S best work yet

Keith: Well, here we are folks. After playing through not one but two different characters in FROMSOFTWARE’S recent DLC for Bloodborne, I have to say that this is definitely their best work yet. Yes, that even includes all of the DLC that they provided for Dark Souls, which weren’t bad at all. However it’s just the shear amount of content that was poured into their first and sadly their last DLC for Bloodborne, that it simply shines. And the fact that I’ve gone through multiple times to play it all over and over, well that should say something.

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die_fiend3189d ago ShowReplies(5)
Kyosuke_Sanada3189d ago

Maybe From Software wasn't aiming for just simple DLC but "gasps" an actual expansion.

ifistbrowni3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

I'm sorry, but paying $20 for a pack like this drives me nuts. I loved the DLC (I 100% "trophied" it), that Laurence First of Vicar was a total prick.

But, praising the game for charging $20 and making a decently lengthed DLC seems out of my "wheel house."

It's sad that we have gotten to this. DLC should always be like this, especially when paying $15+. (I'm thinking back to Fallout 3)

I could only imagine what other devs would do with this pack, though. They'd probably split each of the 4 (I played it at launch and think there is 4) new environments into individual DLCs and charge $15 a piece, then, instead of having the 9 new weapons as collectibles, theyd be on a staggered release for $2.99 a piece. To make it all seem more "valuable" and to make you feel like you're getting a good deal they'd throw a $50 season pass on the market place.

Actually.... wait a second... I guess I should be praising From Software.

Maxor3189d ago

I disagree. The base game is way better paced and less grindy than this expansion. This DLC hands out new toys like candy then I'm crushed when I realized that must once again grind blood rocks to upgrade them to +10.

Master-H3189d ago

Um. You should pick only a weapon or two to upgrade to +10 (weapons that go with your build). You're not required to upgrade all weapons to 10+ nor do you need that in anyway to finish the DLC.
Plus with the recent patch, you can now buy Blood Rocks for 60 insight.

So on a ng cycle you can collect: 1 bloodrock in the nightmare of mensis, 1 bloodrock near the end of the DLC, u should have enough insight to buy at least 1 Bloodrock off the messangers, and if you want more you can always jump into the Chalice dungeons

Bolts3189d ago

You can play this entire DLC with the original game +10 weapons just fine. However if you want to see your new babies shine then you're going to have to crank out another NG+ to see what they can do. That or run dungeons, or pony up 60 insight.

Yup that's not grindy at all. Lol. I'm already on NG+3 and that's enough. I don't care what this new saw can do. I'm not doing another NG for it. Too bad we can't just transfer one +10 to another. That would save a lot of hassel.

ifistbrowni3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

That's cool that they added Blood Rocks for 60 insight. I never tried more than 2 weapons in my initial playthrough (main game) since It was a lot of effort to get two +10.

I tried upgrading the weapon you got for killing the two beasts in the well, but even at +10 I didn't find it better than my +10 saw clever and +10 Ludwigs blade.

(I'm strictly talking PVE. Never found PVP enjoyable in this game).

Master-H3189d ago

Well at high blood levels, those probably do more damage because they're quality weapons whereas the Rakuyo only scales with skill.

To me, movesets matter more than pure damage and the Rakuyo definitely doesn't disappoint in that regard.

VsAssassin3189d ago

I'm so happy that From Software is where it's at right now, in many ways thanks to Miyazaki. I am pretty sure the management at From Soft is happy they have someone as visionary as HM. Can't wait what they have in store for us moving forward!

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Bloodborne's Level Design May Be the Antithesis of Elden Ring's

Though nearly a decade old, Bloodborne's spectacular level design seems the flip side of the same coin as Elden Ring's own stunning visuals.

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Bloodborne Is Now Playable On PC, If You're Patient Enough

New improvements have been made to Bloodborne PC using the shadPS4 emulator, allowing the title to run at 20 FPS already.

PrinceOfAnger34d ago

I am more interested in infamous second son and perhaps driveclub.

PrinceOfAnger32d ago

Yeah it need more time for fixing the graphics.

Zombieburger63832d ago

Give it 6 months. It’s not like Sony will do anything with the ip so what’s waiting a little longer. Btw screw sony.


Official PlayStation Account Posts About Bloodborne, Gets Everyone's Hopes Up

PlayStation just posted about Bloodborne on its Italian Instagram account with the hashtag #PS5... anyone else getting their hopes up?

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Elda35d ago

I'll believe it when Sony PS announces it.

35d ago
darthv7235d ago

I assume they got a team working on an official remaster, or at least a patch, that improves things overall. We know its possible. A 10th anniversary edition would be nice, with a cool themed controller as well.

purple10135d ago

You love a controller 😂

purple10135d ago

Previous posts about controllers probably.

TheEroica35d ago

How about bloodborne 2 and we stop dumbing gaming down with remakes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 35d ago
MinnesotaFatts35d ago

I'll believe it when I have the game in my hands.

TheEroica35d ago

Sony fans are so thirsty for anything right now let alone their most beloved game of the past decade. Will Sony ease their pain?

35d ago
35d ago
pwnmaster300035d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Didn’t helldivers 2 stellarblade ff7 just came out this year?

I never understoood the fanboy logic of 3rd party exclusive don’t count because it’s not first.
Can you play it on the other console??? No….okay, that means they have an exclusive game lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 35d ago
DarXyde35d ago

I'm gonna go ahead and get my hopes up.

Sony has been really weird this generation, but I refuse to believe they're going to just shrug and pass on Bloodborne.

I might get crushed, but it's worth it for hoping on Bloodborne.

derek35d ago

It would be cool if it was a sequel to the first co- developed by From and Sony using one of Sony's proprietary game engines. I'd take a remake demons souls style.

neutralgamer199235d ago

It’s amazing how many gamers want this game and this would be easy money. I don’t know what’s taking Sony so long. Just make it 60FPS and upres. Release it on PS5 than later again at full price for PC

anast35d ago

Hyped! I don't mind being let down. The hype is fun.

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