
The Legend of Zelda Tri Force Heroes New Update Adds New Hero Points Mechanic

GS: The Legend of Zelda Tri Force Heroes is definitely one of the more unique entries of the Zelda series released in recent times. Some players might have not liked its multiplayer focused approach, but there's no denying that's something very unique. If you have been enjoying the game these past few weeks, you will be happy to know that a new update has been made available for the game, adding a brand new feature and more.

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ShadowKnight3101d ago

Great game and my 3DS is still kicking.


'Tri Force Heroes': When Single Player Multiplayer Zelda Goes Wrong

The average Zelda sequel is unique, creative, and emblematic of everything that makes the franchise so engrossing. Then there’s Tri Force Heroes.

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Shiken1239d ago

They should have just given us Four Swords Adventures 2. They already had a winning formula for co op, not sure why they tried to change it.


Our Least Favorite Zelda Games

Alex from Link-Cable writes: "But of course even the shiniest rupee can get scuffed every once in a while and the Zelda series is not immune from boring, lame or just plain bad games."

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10 Games Nintendo Should Port to Mobile Next, You're Welcome

With a port of Professor Layton confirmed for iOS platforms, we know Nintendo is willing to loosen their grip and let older titles breath new life. Here are the 10 Nintendo games we would like to see come to mobile platforms.

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