
Dragon’s Dogma PC Port Shines in New Trailer

EB: In less than one month, Capcom’s cult classic, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, will finally release on PC. And, if the game’s recently released trailer is anything to go by, the PC port looks nothing short of amazing.

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zen_hydra3108d ago

I really enjoyed Dragon's Dogma (and Dark Arisen) on the PS3, in spite of its buggy issues. If this PC version is relatively easy to mod for, and the community gets behind it, I could see it turning into something really great.

I'm just not sure how Capcom views the modding of their games. Do they support it (or at least tolerate it), or do they try to make their games a tiresome chore to modify?

breakpad3108d ago (Edited 3108d ago )

really tragic trailer for one of the best games of Ps3/X360 era ...they missed the whole point with the tragelaffic full explosions, all action hollywood trailer...Dragons dogma was awesome because had grounded action with believable medieval mythological lore and atmospheric environments all those combined wth some Japanase perception of medieval era (aka manga Berserk) ....an excellent mix which i enjoyed it to its last drop

Alexander1Nevermind3108d ago (Edited 3108d ago )

I very much enjoyed this game on the PS3 but didnt finish it. I've been wanting this for my PS4. I will be getting this on PC.
EDIT: Also the Original game's start theme song (initial release, not dark arison) kicked ass!!! They need to put that back at the start up. I would literally just sit at the start menu until this song ended

breakpad3108d ago

^ completely agree the original japanese song managed to capture completely the manga perception i was talking

rdgneoz33108d ago

"aka manga Berserk"

And one of the fun little items you could get in the game was Gutts' and Griffith's armor and weapons. Overall, loved the game (DD and Dark Arisen). The combat was fun and it had interesting mechanics with the monster climbing. Can't wait till the MMOish DD comes to the west (it's in beta in Japan atm I believe).

Alexander1Nevermind3107d ago

I have a Japanese PS4 account and the game (Dragons Dogma Online)was released about 4 months ago I believe. I have it downloaded the having to use a proxy to play is such a pain, not to mention no English translation mods like PC. I was playing blind so to speak. Still I would jump if released outside Asia.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3107d ago
thekhurg3108d ago

Surprised this isn't getting a ps4 release too.

NovusTerminus3108d ago

One of the best RPG's I've ever played, going to get is again for PC, the PS3 version was great but the framerate was not so good.

Nonetheless, it was and is an amazing game.

nunley333108d ago

Hopefully this means there'll be a PS4 port later. I did like Dark Arisen on PS3 so i'd like to play it on PS4 and bring Dragon's Dogma Online to the west please.

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You Can Now Get The First Dragon's Dogma For Less Than $5 Before The Sequel Arrives

Ahead of Dragon's Dogma 2's global release, the first iteration in the series by Capcom has been discounted by 84% on Steam.

sushimama99d ago

If anyone is wondering the first one still holds up well to this day. It's fun

darthv72218d ago

Grandia, Klonoa, and Parappa... NICE!

MrBaskerville218d ago (Edited 218d ago )

Grandia is especially nice, as I don't think it's available on psn atm. Wonder if it's a psx port or the Switch version.

If they didn't despise ps2, they could have added Grandia 2-3 as well.

shinoff2183217d ago

It's not a despise. Far as I've read their working on better emulation. It'll come.

LG_Fox_Brazil218d ago


StormSnooper217d ago

Is it good? I never played that.

crazyCoconuts218d ago

Been thinking of getting Teardown on Steam for Steam Deck play. Heard a lot of great reviews for it.

MrBeatdown217d ago

Played the first half hour last night. All I did was wreck a building but what a blast.

Elda218d ago

Nothing of interest for me. My sub is up in 2 weeks & I'll go with Essentials only for cloud saves & online. Having Extra or Premium is a waste for me seeing most games that land on the service are old that I've played already or old games I never had any interest in playing.

crazyCoconuts218d ago

Respect your opinion, just pointing out that Teardown is a Day One Extra release for PS, not an old game in this case. Gotham Knights last month was a year old.

Elda218d ago

I have no interest in Teardown. I bought & played Gotham Knights when it was first released in October 2022. Every month I'm always buying the latest AAA or AA games when they first release to play on my PS5, the very reason why Extra & Premium is a waste of money for me.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 Alternatives – 7 Top Games Like Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate is a name synonymous with party-based fantasy RPG games. There’s still a stretch of time until the third instalment finally leaves early access. While you’re waiting for the gates to open and welcome you to Forgotten Realms, you might be looking for similar games to ease the wait.

anast343d ago

Some good games on that list.

FalcorMononoke343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

In my personal opinion, Divinity Original Sin 2 is better than any of the Baldur's Gate games.

Becuzisaid342d ago

Are you including BG3 in that comparison? Or just the first 2? The first 2 are tough to get into now, and I never liked the ad&d rules. The 5e rules are much easier to grasp. But BG3 seems to be just DOS2 but times 10. Haven't played it in early access at all, just going by what I see online.

Nittdarko343d ago

hilarious because the game that is most like BG3 and a game every DND fan should try is Solasta and its not even on this list