
It’s time to take girl games seriously

For generations of women, Judy Blume’s novels are a potent symbol. To the women that read her books in the ‘70s and ‘80s they were symbols of rebellion, offering knowledge that was forbidden by adults. “I knew reading it would be an act of revolt, but I wasn’t sure who I was revolting against,” said my friend Dayna Von Thaer, a young adult novelist, remembering the time that a sympathetic librarian sneaked her a copy of Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret in her early teenage years. For younger women like myself, Blume’s novels were conflated with becoming a woman after the stories had spent more than two decades of defining American puberty. We were handed Deenie and Forever by those women who had read them in secret, blushing and hiding the books at the back of our shelves. Their pastel covers were conspicuously dated, and we knew they were those “period books.” Although we did not have to deal with Blume’s widespread censorship, as previous generations of readers had, we still read her in secret—we didn’t want to broadcast the life changes that had become synonymous with reading Blume, but were hungry for the information within.

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MrBrofist3216d ago

What's the deal with "girl games"?

My sister plays games like Zelda, Street Fighter and Tekken.

Cut the gender stereo types already

3216d ago Replies(3)
iceman063216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

That's great. I got my niece playing MK, Street Fighter, and she became a beast at NBA 2K. She wasn't really interested in "girl" games. I think most girls (actually young people in general) play whatever they are given or have seen played. But, there is a glut of really shallow, vapid software that is aimed at girls that often reinforce asinine gender stereotypes. (think of the Barbie games composed of mostly make-up, shopping, dressing/modeling simulators, cooking, etc. or the litany of cellphone games with the female celebs) They sell very well. The article was a bit SJW, but the overall point isn't so bad. If you are going to target, which we KNOW is going to happen, at least TRY to do it with more substance and less of the stereotypical content.

Crazee-gamer3216d ago

not gonna start taking anything seriously if you insist on still using the term "girl gamers". Gamers are gamers, how about outlets and even woman of many entertainment industries stop corraling their gender under a term..and start just calling everyone a gamer.. Yo man that guy gamer is so cool he plays CoD. No we just say man I know someone who plays CoD.
Always looking for some justification and clarifying no matter what it's tied to. Shut up and play games or do what you do.. The freedom and no judging n shit the women are looking for they're doing to themselves by stll looking at it that they are called "girl gamers".

Omnisonne3216d ago

''not gonna start taking anything seriously if you insist on still using the term "girl gamers".''

This, any article using "Girl gamers" or "straight white males" or any of that dribble should be ignored by default


Kickstarter Launched To Bring Back Chop Suey, Theresa Duncan Games On Browsers

An arts collective wants to bring back these auteur Mac girl games from the '90s in a uniquely curated way.

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bluerocker3596d ago

I actually remember this game. Very cool someone is deciding to bring it back. Best of luck with the campaign!

plsburydoughboy3596d ago

You know, I asked them on Kickstarter about making the game a digital download actually. I should have asked about Steam and app stores too, but let's just see how it turns out!

I forgot to add this in the description but this project has the blessing of Theresa's mom, family and friends.


Suicide of girl-gaming pioneer receives film treatment

Gus Van Sant is penning a film about the lives and suicides of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake. Theresa Duncan was something of a pioneer for girl-gaming, and is regarded as one of the first videogame designers for girls. Her games "had been hailed as breakthrough games for girls"...

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NeoCloud5454d ago

I hope they make the movie.Will it be like a horror movie?

EpsilonTeam5454d ago (Edited 5454d ago )

Never heard of them till now. So they're special for um what reason? They wrote a couple of games WOW...i mean WOW lets a make a movie about them..f hollywood.

Baka-akaB5454d ago

Never heard of them too , and highly doubt they are highly relevant in the gaming field .

I found suspicious that Van Sant would make a gratuitous movie because of the game connection , and it turns out that they were apparently having issues by scientology , and were basically harassed .

That's probably more the subject and cause of death than videogames .

Candlestickmaker5454d ago

Nobody's claiming the movie is about death due to videogames.

It's just a movie being made about a popular art couple who, as the article says, became increasingly paranoid and killed themselves. But of interest is that Theresa Duncan is an early figure in girl-gaming. Which is neat.

Kurylo3d5454d ago

They dont deserve any kind of honor. Espeacially since they were selfish enough to kill themselves. Suicide is the most selfish act one can do. If you dont feel you have a reason to live anymore. THen GET ONE!!! Live for other poeple if you cant live for yourself. I think these 2 are pathetic. Its kinda sad

kingme715454d ago

Interesting if you dig around a little more on them. Duncan killed herself by overdosing on Tylenol PM chased with Bourbon. Blake killed himself a week later by taking a one way swim into the Atlantic Ocean. Apparently, both of them were a little on the paranoid side fearing Scientologists were coming to get them.

Altourus5454d ago

Wouldn't jump to conclusions about scientologists, they have a long standing history of actually coming to get people, and usually succeeding.

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