
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones Review | NLife

Bimmy. If there's one thing people know about Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones, it's Bimmy – a typo during the game's (multiplayer) intro that humorously renames the main protagonist. There's more to this third NES entry in the Double Dragon series than a small chuckle however. There's a challenging globetrotting adventure to be found with some cool-looking moves. There have been some changes compared to the previous games, but it still boils down to smacking a lot of people in the face.

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Neonridr3215d ago (Edited 3215d ago )

Bimmy and Jimmy. ;)

Such a disappointment after the masterpiece that was Double Dragon 2.

Cyb3r3215d ago

I agree Double Dragon 2 was awesome I remember back In the day it cost me £65 which was an insane amount of money for a NES game especially in the late 80s. The main problem I had with Double Dragon 3 was that you only had one life for both Bimmy! and Jimmy which was a big disappointment even though you had two extra characters to choose from Chin and Ranzou it still didn't help the games difficulty.

Neonridr3215d ago

agree, game was way too difficult. And some of the extra characters were useless and had horrible special moves.

3-4-53214d ago

I liked DD3, after beating the Boss's you acquired their special move to use. Was a nice mechanic, but yea DD2 is amazing.

3215d ago

Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones Review | TheXboxHub

Jahanzeb writes: "Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones on Xbox One isn’t a beacon of beat em’ up games in 2020, but hindsight is a little kinder to its well-intentioned ideas that were unfortunately rather flimsy in execution. This game was part of the swansong for NES, and decades later it’s now a case of a historical curiosity which may be enjoyable to those genre enthusiasts with an acquired taste."

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7 NES classics headlined by Double Dragon hit Xbox One

Neil writes: "Harking back to the glory days? No not of 2019 but years before that. Well, you're in luck if you are as today we see a smattering of old, new, titles arrive on Xbox One with ARC SYSTEM WORKS porting over some NES classics for the modern day gamer to enjoy. And yep, it's Double Dragon that steals the show."

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P_Bomb1620d ago

Double Dragon 1-3, River City Ransom, Renegade, Super Dodge Ball? Omg I played the living daylights outta these! Shoot, nice adds!

Knightofelemia1620d ago

Hopefully there will be an option to turn off those stupid side borders. Great line up never played the NES version of Double Dragon I only own the SMS version.

Neonridr1620d ago

hard to do when playing on a 16:9 monitor with a game that was designed for 4:3

whitbyfox1620d ago

Thought this was going to be Nintendo returning the favour to Microsoft for their exclusives.

autobotdan1620d ago

Why is the final boss of Double Dragon the only character in the game with a gun? There is an entire gang running the streets with baseball bats, dynamite, giant rocks etc. But none of them carry guns. They will kill you throwing giant rocks at you

Knushwood Butt1619d ago

Giant rocks are cheaper than guns.

Also, whips were in plentiful supply.

Auron1620d ago

Nice. Will definately get RCR.

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VideoChums1990d ago

You can vote for your favourite of the 2 beat 'em up franchises at the bottom of the article! 🎮😄