-Foxtrot3158d ago (Edited 3158d ago )

Phew....least it wasn't MGSV

Shame Bloodborne didn't get much love

Rimeskeem3158d ago (Edited 3158d ago )

Bloodborne deserved more.

Not saying it deserved GOTY but maybe it should have gotten something

-Foxtrot3158d ago

Unfortunately I think it's because it was an exclusive...while with something like the Witcher 3 it's multiplatform so more people get to experience it and those same people get to cast their vote.

Not saying how it's going to be 100% but it probably has some influence.

For me it stood out this year and provided me with a challenge, a good expansion and replay value.

Fatdrinkofwater3158d ago

Bloodborne is so good it got nominated for goty and lots of people cheered for it.

It got recognized for its greatness but the witcher 3 has so much more to it and deserved goty over bloodborne.

xPhearR3dx3158d ago

Not really. It's an amazing game, but they didn't really do much different from the Souls series or really take anything to the next level. The Witcher 2 to the Witcher 3 was a massive jump. They kept everything that was amazing about The Witcher 2 and put it in an open world format and made it work beautifully and then some. Bloodborne played it safe by sticking to what they knew was good and enhancing a few things to make it overall better.

From Software has a great formula, I just wish they expanded on it much more instead of small little changes.

-Foxtrot3158d ago

"Not really. It's an amazing game, but they didn't really do much different from the Souls series or really take anything to the next level"

I have to disagree I think they did, it didn't feel like the Souls games...in spirit sure but I never once felt I was just playing Dark Souls 2.5.

NovaCorps3158d ago

yea it should easily get the art design seriously

TripleCs3158d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

I knew Bloodborne wasn't going to win. It's an exclusive so it was already at a disadvantage in terms of votes. Not saying it would've won if it wasn't exclusive but it would've had a better chance at winning if it was on multiple platforms.

Anyway, congrats to CD Projekt Red. I haven't even played my copy of The Witcher 3 yet and I was never interested in it.. Based on what I've seen of the game the dialouge and characters seem very bland and boring, especially Geralt and he's the main character.. Only got The Witcher 3 because of all the hype it gets and I got it for only $25.. It's still factory sealed especially since I'm still playing the masterpiece known as Bloodborne now that The Old Hunters DLC was released but I'm going to pop this bad boy in tomorrow so I can see what all the fuss is about.

xPhearR3dx3158d ago


I wouldn't say it like Dark Souls 2.5, but it just felt all too familiar. I personally like the faster pace of Bloodborne and hope Dark Souls 3 goes down that path. But the combat, leveling system, items, weapons, progression, level design etc where all ripped straight from the Souls series. Which, mind you isn't a bad thing at all. But they really did play it safe by not straying too far away from what people loved about the Souls series.

I just wish they took more risk with Bloodborne. Especially since it was a new IP, they literally had that freedom that most developers don't have since so many sequels are made these days. They could have done whatever they wanted without having to worry about people crying they ruined Dark Souls.

sullynathan3158d ago

I don't remember the last time an exclusive won for The VGA's. They usually give whatever huge AAA game an award.

starchild3157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

The Witcher 3 is way better as a total experience, in my opinion. Bloodborne is pretty mediocre in most areas other than its combat. If you don't love the combat there's not much else in it for most people.

higgins783157d ago

Never stood a chance. Being both a niche(ish) product and/or an exclusive put it miles away from the vote. A Game of the Year generally is a title which appeals to the plebs, the chavs and adolescents. MGSV or Xenoblade imho should have been tied winners.

nix3157d ago

i've seen days when Gears of Wars won GOTY instead of Okami. After witnessing that these GOTY means nothing. Just like the reviews.

bouzebbal3157d ago

Bloodborne is the shyyt this year! Amazing game amazing atmosphere. Sucked into it until Platinum trophy unlocked.

freshslicepizza3157d ago

uncharted 2 won game of the year award back in 2009 so exclusives do win.

we basically had 3 major contenders this year. bloodborne, witcher 3 and fallout 4. the problem with the souls games and bloodborne is they do not cater to the mainstream public as much as the other two. it's not because it's exclusive. lots of people actually hate the souls games because of their unforgiveness and i imagine some reviewers don't even finish the games. it's hard to recommend games that have such a love/hate relationship so i can see why they didn't award it.

ctmaudi3157d ago

The majority of the awards, including game of the year were not fan voted. They were voted by a panel of journalists and what not that Geoff picked. So being an exclusive or not wouldn't matter.

Lightning Mr Bubbles3157d ago

My vote was for Metal Gear Solid 5. Not sure why it's getting so much hate.

It wasn't perfect but the gameplay was amazing, the story was not that great I admit, but in my opinion Metal Gear has never had a great story, yeah the franchise usually has a lot of cutscenes but it's mostly just convoluted and unrealstic nonsense in my opinion.

Still I guess I can understand why some are disappointed and feel like the story was really lacking this time. I'm the type that likes an Epic Story like Final Fantasy X, Silent Hill 2, or most recently The Last of Us but games like that are hard to come by. Metal Gear Solid V's story didn't really do anything for me, except with a few bits with Quiet but it really wasn't till her ending part and her song that got me a little emotional. Other than that, the game didn't have much story to care about.

Corpser3157d ago

Lol at people saying exclusives don't win Goty, is it that long ago TLOU won all these goty's?

Tito083157d ago

@SullyNathan Based on your username, you should have no excuse in knowing Uncharted 2 won GOTY in 2009, when there was Modern Warfare 2, Arkham City & Halo ODST.

BLizardXD3157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

Interesting that a game of PC heritage walks home with the award. that says a lot about PC developers.

Bathyj3157d ago

Im saying it should have got GotY

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3157d ago
Grap3158d ago (Edited 3158d ago )

The Witcher 3 is goty no doubt.
Congrast CDPR

ZombieGamerMan3158d ago

The Phantom Pain deserved to win

-Foxtrot3158d ago

lol no

If there was an award for

"Biggest Franchise to Take a Step Back"

Then yeah sure, I could see it taking it this year

Gameplay it exceeded, everything else took a step back

ZombieGamerMan3158d ago

Well your opinions tend to be wrong so it don't matter

sullynathan3158d ago

@Foxtrot if there was an award for biggest step back, Fallout would have gotten it since Bethesda bought the franchise.

There's a difference from stepping back from a franchise and completely being oblivious to what the franchise is about.

slappy5083158d ago

No it didn't. Hence why it didn't win.

mocaak3157d ago

It's impossible for an opinion to be wrong though. ;)

alvgamin4lif3157d ago

Why though? The only step back imo was that phantom pain contained far less cutscenes than the previous games. I mean metal gear was all about those crazy and amazing cutscenes along with the gameplay. Anyways the story was quite good. It was just hidden between those cassette tapes and those small cutscenes.

Lightning Mr Bubbles3157d ago

ZombieGamerMan, you're one of the few people with taste on here. I agree, Metal Gear Solid V should of been the one.

madmonkey013157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

not a chance, the franchise took a huge leap back with the bland world, was trying to be an open world, but it was just empty and devoid of character, no real story, and repetitive combat with the stupidest AI i have seen in modern games.

thekhurg3157d ago


Opinions can absolutely be wrong.

Bimkoblerutso3157d ago

An opinion can categorically never be wrong. They are purely subjective, which, coincidentally, is another term that people need to learn the actual definition for.

Opinions can certainly be stupid and misinformed, though...in my opinion.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3157d ago
Hereiamhereibe23157d ago

Doesnt surprise me considering the VGAs were hosted at MICROSOFT theater.

Npugz73157d ago

I agree! I bought metal gear and was so disappointed.

Bahamut3157d ago

The gameplay was really good though.

3157d ago Replies(3)
quaneylfc3157d ago

So the goty is Bloodborne then?

Or, yours is?

N4GGuy243157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

Well deserved. No doubt of the sheer amount of content and hard work they put into it. For those hurt over their favourite game did not win let it be bloodborne or game from xbox or nintendo. Get over it.

DLConspiracy3157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

Bloodborne did get love. It was nominated. I love bloodborne with its unyielding challenge and beautiful set pieces. But compare the leap from Witcher 2 to Witcher 3. They recreated the game altogether. Not to mention the story in W3 is vast. While Bloodborne is fun and somewhat different than Dark Souls visually. It's not too much of a stretch from the 2. The story isn't as vast either.

One thing is for sure. If W3 is this good. Then Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be their crown jewel.

Clumpy3157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

I'm not suprised. Witcher 3 is excellent, and mainstream, a predictable GOTY. I'm glad it won over MGSV and Fallout 4, it deserved it way more. As most of the people who played it, my personal GOTY is easily Bloodborne though:). Witcher 3 just didn't have enough variety in its world and in it's combat, and the gameplay mechanics felt clunky in comparison. (Now if more quests were like "Trough Space And Time" the story would've been different, that quest was fking amazing.)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3157d ago
PistolsAtDawn3158d ago

Not my choice, but it was a great game.

frostypants3157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

Are people disagreeing with you that it's not your choice? Or do they disagree with you that it was a great game? They really should require a typed response to go with disagrees.

crazychris41243158d ago

Wish Cities Skylines got at least 1 nomination but when you look at the categories there really isnt a spot for them other than maybe Dev of the Year.

uth113158d ago

feels like there should be more categories and less filler.

crazychris41243158d ago

True, I would split up Racing and Sports, add Best exclusive for each platform (PS4, X1, PC, Wii U), best FPS, best DLC, and best innovation.

_-EDMIX-_3157d ago

Agreed. Legit, half of the show was paid marketing of other titles.

The credibility of the whole show might have just gotten flushed down the toilet.

They skipped and out right didn't even have many categories in favor of having those paid ads. A time and a place..

alvgamin4lif3157d ago

They should also separate handheld and mobile games.

TXIDarkAvenger3158d ago (Edited 3158d ago )

Definitely well deserved.

On another note, E-Sports Team of the Year: Optic Gaming? Glad it happened early on so I didn't have to watch the rest of this garbage.

vikingland13157d ago

You should've seen Shaq standing on stage with Optic Gaming he was bigger than the whole team it was hilarious to see that.

frostypants3157d ago (Edited 3157d ago )

"e-sports" will never cease sounding ridiculous to me.

Show all comments (166)

CDPR Dev Says Half Of Cyberpunk Sequel's Quest Team Is Made Up Of Modders

CDPR developer Pawel Sasko has praised modders, claiming that many of them are working with the studio to develop the Cyberpunk sequel.

Terry_B9d ago

Thats an interesting choice for the talent. Lets see how it works out for them

Andrew3369d ago

Those same modders worked on 2077 and the expansion. Worked out well in the long run.

Terry_B8d ago

Heh, I see....

still have to play that game actually ^^

Michiel19899d ago

I really like that a lot, valve did it a lot in the past and it worked out great for them, however that will not stop the execs from still demanding overtime, cutting corners or whatever else that plagued cyberpunk. I feel like this is just virtue signaling. and until I see their next release come out in a much, MUCH better state I don't really care what they say. They lied before to their audience and investors so any word coming out of their mouths must be taken with the biggest grain of salt.


The Witcher 4 Dev Is Working Closely With Epic Games To Bring Structural Improvements To UE5

The Witcher 4 developer CD Projekt Red is working closely with Epic Games in order to bring structural improvements to Unreal Engine 5.

Read Full Story >>
cloganart10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

As a dev, I can tell you that with 5, Epic made quite a leap. It perhaps may have done *too much* of a fidelity leap that most of its target hardware (Both PC and Consoles) struggles to hit 60FPS with all the new cutting edge features they added.

It may have had some issues with this generation to find a good home, but by PS6 the engine will have matured and found a good matching partner 🙏

rlow110d ago

Now that Sweet Baby is involved in this game. I’m really concerned it’s going to turn into a woke agenda poster child. I hope not but after what happened to the tv show, I won’t be holding my breath on this one.

Demetrius10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Folks are so mf afraid to tell the sweet baby inc weirdos NO we don't want your involvement lol

jznrpg10d ago

Hard to say. Maybe they are welcoming them?
I know I wouldn’t hire anyone from the outside to give me advice on how to do my job but we don’t know that they feel scared and they could be positive toward them. People have different beliefs and ideals and that’s ok there is 7 billion people you are going to have ideals that run the gamut.
If it was me I’d tell them to F off because I wouldn’t want to pay people to advise what I’m doing regardless of who it is unless I sought them out myself and that could be the case here who knows.

raWfodog10d ago

Give Bethesda some tips on how to work with new, better game engines.

10d ago

The Witcher 3 Dev Reveals the 'Secret Sauce' of CD Projekt Red Quests

In an interview at Gamescom Latam, Game Rant speaks with developer Paweł Sasko about the construction of CDPR quests and what makes them special.

Read Full Story >>
victorMaje17d ago

A long time ago I remember reading in a game design book how books were all about telling, then movies came along & it became more about showing & then with games it became more about playing.

This is why ever since I keep saying gameplay is king. Not just because of the fun it can be but because of the emotion it can convey.

Pawel Sasko I salute you.