
Microsoft: 2015 Was “The Best Year” for Xbox; Promises “Best Lineup” for Xbox One in 2016 as Well

Yesterday Microsoft Corporate Vice President for Windows and Devices Marketing Yusuf Mehdi spoke at the Credit Suisse Technology Broker Conference, and talked about the performance of Xbox this year, next year’s lineup, and the outlook for Xbox Live across consoles and Windows 10.

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DarkOcelet3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Didn't MS say '2015 has the greatest lineup in Xbox history'?

Are we gonna ride with those words every year now?

And no, 2015 wasn't the greatest lineup in Xbox History.

JackTheRipper1013218d ago

It was a great line up and 2016 looks even better.

Gazondaily3218d ago

Heck 2016 looks even better. It has the variety, the titles are spaced out throughout the year for those that care for it. I mean who can rip into titles such as:

Sea of Thieves
Quantum Break

Pretty damn beastly and superior to even this year's showing which relied a lot on the usual MS staple which were still great in their own right.

The best shooters and racers this year and then that variety next year.

mark_parch3218d ago

don't forget below and halo wars 2

Gazondaily3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Ah yeah wow.

So we get third person shooters, a FPS MMO, an adventure game, a 2d platformer (of sorts), a unique indie title and a RTS.

Now that is some sick variety and big name titles to boot. Pretty beastly!

NewMonday3218d ago


they will be nice for those who already got an X1, but as a draw to the platform they will have an impossible job with games on other platforms dominating the hype like Zelda, Horizon, NMS, Uncharted4..etc and 2 big hardware launches for gamers to consider with the NX and PSVR.

2015 was Microsoft's big shot and it's gone

uptownsoul3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Xbox's 2015 "greatest lineup in Xbox history" consisted of only 2 NEW AAA exclusives.

Everything else was remake/port, timed, Free2Play & small budget/indie (Nothing wrong with these types of games...But I seem to remember a certain community bashing those exact type of games)

Gazondaily3218d ago


"2015 was Microsoft's big shot and it's gone"

What a load of rubbish. Where did you get this expiration date from? Why should MS commit sepuku in 2016?

"They will be nice for those who already got an X1, but as a draw to the platform they will have an impossible job with games on other platforms dominating the hype like Zelda, Horizon, NMS, Uncharted4."

'Impossible to draw to the platform'? We're talking about great games lineups. What are you on about? Sales? Believe it or not, some people actually play consoles to play videogames and what we're talking about here is a variety of promising looking titles.

Spare me the badly drafted doom and gloom posts please.

3218d ago
3218d ago
bouzebbal3218d ago

according to my tastes and my expectations i don't think it's that hard to top 2015 in terms of releases. tbh i have no idea if an exclusive game came out to X1 this year between January and September.
2016 seems indeed to be the year of the variety on all platforms, and certainly a massive year for gaming.
Zelda Wii U
GT Sports
Star Ocean

X1 owners will for sure have a blast in 2016, but the question is: Is any of these games a system seller? not sure though.

DiRtY3218d ago

Great Lineup already. Nobody can argue against it.

nX3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Wow what a poor attempt at good PR from one of the most annoying guys at MS.
If 2015 was the best year in Xbox history I'm glad to have spent my money elsewhere but yes, 2016 looks more interesting in terms of variety.

freshslicepizza3218d ago

"they will be nice for those who already got an X1, but as a draw to the platform they will have an impossible job with games on other platforms dominating the hype like Zelda, Horizon, NMS, Uncharted4..etc and 2 big hardware launches for gamers to consider with the NX and PSVR."

this is about how the xbox one looks in 2016, why is it impossible for you to see that instead of always trying to downplay what the xbox one offers? nothing in that article talks about dominating in sales but you can't resist the need to counter any positive article about the xbox one can you?

"2015 was Microsoft's big shot and it's gone"

then why are you here?

ThePope3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

The question I keep seeing is "are the games coming out for the X1 in 2016 system sellers". I guess I would reverse the question and ask "what PS4 games outside of UC4 are system sellers?" Because the games you list are games that are in the same class as what the X1 has coming out. Unknown quantities. The difference and only,difference is that if it's coming out on PS4 it's an instant system seller.

Let's use Horizon as an example it's a game we know little about by a studio who makes good but not amazing (which is what I'm guessing you guys think a game has to be to be a system seller) games. Yet here newmonday and others are sitting talking about how it and other unknown games will make it impossible to buy an X1.

On top of that Many of the games listed as X1 killers in 2016 have no release date! Come on guys. Both systems have what may shape up to be the best year in gaming.

P.s. Psvr is not going to sell well. My prediction because who in there right mind wants to cover your face for hours? I could be wrong but that's my opinion.

P.p.s now I'm off to play Tomb Raider because unlike newmonday and his mob I play games not systems or sales

P.p.p.s I don't care about any exclusives because when Mass Effect comes out I don't plan on leaving my house.

r2oB3217d ago

Both 2015 and 2016 are great years for Xbox (actually Xbox gamers). But neither are the best in their history in my opinion. That is reserved for 2007 when Halo 3, Forza 2, Lost Oddysey, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect, and BioShock were exclsuives on the Xbox 360.

christocolus3217d ago


Couldnt agree more.

BDSE3217d ago

2015 is the best 2015 for XBOX One in XBOX One history in 2015 for sales that we don't report because they don't matter except when we do report them when they do matter.

Sevir3217d ago

Well, I can certainly entertain that MS bolstered a major complaint about not having anything for the beginning of the year.

Recore, and Quantum Break as big titles are great.. they've got stuff for summer and fall as well so the XBO community has stuff to play all year.

However, the known quanties and the strongest of the entire line up is Quantum Break, we have no idea what Record is, it hasn't even gotten a gameplay trailer and it's pressumably 5 months out from launch spring being March-May.

Sea of Thieves is Rare's return to AAA since Nuts and Bolts, Gears 4 looked underwhelming, Crackdown looks promising but the beta is Summer, and could probably launch in early 2017 to nail the mechanics, Scalebound looks really promising, but the gamescon demo was rough, and last we heard, that game is a 2017 title.

As for Halo Wars, I've got nothing as I don't care for RTS...

I'm not gonna bother listing and comparing, but Just gonna say, What MS has lined up is ok! I'm intrigued in Record, and Quantum Break... Everything else

Docknoss3217d ago

This year looks to best last year in my opinion, with all these new fresh IP's. Glad MS is doing more than the Halo, Gears, Forza rotation from the 360 gen. This will pay off tremendously for MS, just like this same Business strategy as Sony did with the PS3.

Rayven3217d ago


Pretty much all third party games are system sellers for the ps4 simply because they are all better with it, excluding a few poorly optimized ones.

_-EDMIX-_3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

@Septic- Sea Of Thieves, Gears, Cuphead etc and likely the rest of that line up will be released on PC, its hard to say how great an XONE line up is when I can play most of those titles on a PC....

I mean...I don't need to own a XONE to play lots of that line up so I question who much reasons to do I really need to own a XONE if I can on PC. I don't know how "beastly" that is for XONE, I mean...MS is getting bank, but I'm not seeing much incentive to actually buy an XONE vs buy a MS published title.

Also forgot about Halo Wars. I'm sorry but with MS push for PC as well, I'm not too sure how many will jump on XONE next year when many of its key titles are coming to PC or likely yet to be announced to be coming to PC as Phil stated they still have more games coming to PC, who knows what else they will release.

Multiplats play better on PS4 and I don't see that stopping and lots of MS titles are coming to PC...I again don't know how well that makes anyone want to buy a XONE next year any more then this year. Halo didn't move units but Gears will? Even though its lessor to Halo?

OH Forza will, even though it has no history of moving such units?

OH those new titles will even though XB has a history of not selling much units in regards to Japanese titles? I mean...I don't see much that will really help MS next year, its just as bad as this year.

Mr Pumblechook3217d ago

You know what happened to the boy who cried wolf?!

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3217d ago
Fro_xoxo3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

It's just a marketing SLOGAN, don't make a big deal of it.

just like, "Greatness awaits" <-- Do I agree with this? Nope as I'm still waiting for greatness on that platform.

The game companies can advertise, or use whatever slogans they choose to use... They are trying to sell you consoles after all.... Since most of you are obsessed with sales figures, advertising is a part of it in case you haven't figured that out.



Oh and, marketing or not. 2015 was indeed great on XO. In this part of the world, there's something for everyone on it. The Chief, Lara, Marcus Fenix Rare Replay Ori and all sorts.... basically games.

Gazondaily3218d ago

Well said + bu....wait is there any point now?

Its true though but marketing or not, 2015 was good, albeit relatively quiet for the first half of the year but next year is mad. The PS4's lineup looks insane too. Bye bye money

Eonjay3218d ago

Except they aren't saying it was great, they are saying it's the best in history... which can't be proven because it's entirely subjective. Kinda like Sony'so best place to play slogan.

The problem with Microsoft slogan is what do you call next year's lineup... is it better than the best in history...

Microsoft is very self-congratulatory lineup is all hype (except for Halo). It's just a PR tagline. So, next year they will have a new tagline.

3218d ago
jb2273218d ago

"just like, "Greatness awaits" <-- Do I agree with this? Nope as I'm still waiting for greatness on that platform."

The thing is, you don't even own that platform, so how can you accurately judge its content? Sure you can twitch stream most of the games and get a feel for how they look, but I've personally passed on plenty of games only to go back and actually try them later & absolutely fall in love w/ new titles & genres. You can't pass judgment on a lineup you haven't played. I'm sure there are plenty of games on your XBO that you wouldn't typically enjoy only to actually try them and love them. Same goes for PS4. You can't judge what "greatness" is or isn't there because you haven't actually tried it out. Same goes for me & the XBO...right now the only 2 exclusives that really get me going are SSOD & QB, but when I finally do get one, I'm pretty sure I will try out many others and potentially dig them a lot...I wouldn't discount a system I don't own...perceptions are one thing but reality is another.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3218d ago
HaydenJameSmith3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Shouldnt those be words every console manufacter/publisher should live by ? To make their next year better than their last...

Fro_xoxo3218d ago

Hey, it is the norm around here to call Microsoft out for absolutely every little thing.

all the way down to their Slogan of choice.

So Ocelet is just following tradition.

RiseofScorpio3218d ago

He's pro Sony he's not gonna care whatever MS says. Geez its just a slogan why does MS get bashed in when every other company does the same?

gamer78043218d ago

technically if every year is better than the last, then you could have it the "Best" lineup in xbox history every year. Just remember this is subjective, they could pick a different MS employee every year when they showcase their favorite games. So it doesn't have to be YOUR version of "Best"

DarkOcelet3218d ago

But 2015 wasn't the greatest lineup in Xbox's History. X360 had much better years.

3218d ago Replies(2)
Paytaa3218d ago

I still think 2007-2008 were some of Xbox's strongest years. Between the two you had Halo 3, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Crackdown, Gears of War 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Too Human, Lost Odyssey, Forza 2, and PGR4.

2015 to me wasn't THE best but one of the best in a while. 2016 looks to be even better given the variety within the year and finally there seems to be exclusives from start to end in 2016.

Sevir3217d ago

Besides Too Human, that year was MS's strongest line up of games in their history of gaming.

Besides, they haven't been able to replicate that

3218d ago
Vasto3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

All consoles should have a better lineup the next year. 2016 does look like the best ever.

DarkOcelet3218d ago

Yeah, 2016 looks so amazing.

quaneylfc3218d ago

nothing but sequels, this year or generation hasn't been good for anyone.

DarkOcelet3218d ago

Until Dawn and Bloodborne were amazing and they werent sequels.

quaneylfc3218d ago

Yeah but they (for their lack of originality e.g. Bloodborne was a Dark Souls game with a different name for sould) aren't the big tentpole games that are made for everyone.

Minato-Namikaze3218d ago

Bloodborne is bloodborne, not dark souls. Or is dark souls just demons souls by a different name?

ThanatosDMC3217d ago

LOL! Bloodborne is a completely different beast than Dark Souls.

Dark Souls 3 is copying a lot or everything from Bloodborne though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3217d ago
uth113218d ago

MS is a broken record in this regard. Just like every release of Windows is the "Best Ever", even ones like ME, Vista and Win 8

DarkOcelet3218d ago

Windows 10 is amazing though. Gotta give credit to them on that one.

user99502793218d ago

and 2016 gets the best games ever! and 2017 gets the best games ever! and you get a car! everybody wins! wooooo

Its official, Xbox is top tits. Scalebound, Crackdown, Quantum Break, Sea of Thieves, Recore, Halo Wars, Gears, Forza. Probably some unnanounced stuff and times exclusive junk like ARK and ED. That's how we do it in the hood.


spicelicka3218d ago

They never said '2015 has the greatest lineup in Xbox history'?

As far as I know they said the holiday is Xbox's greatest lineup, and they touted their announcements as greatest in Xbox history. This includes 2015 holiday to 2016 holiday.

If you look at what they released and plan to release it really is the greatest lineup in Xbox history.

Gears Ultimate
Rare replay
Forza 6
Halo 5
Tomb Raider
Fable legends
Quantum Break
Crackdown 3
Gears of war 4
Halo wars
Sea of Thieves

I've been playing Xbox for a long time and it's never had such a diverse AAA lineup within a span of a year and a half.

DarkOcelet3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )


They said that many times. Look at the end of the trailer.

spicelicka3218d ago

^But that's also referring to the holidays, not all of 2015. They didn't even come up with this campaign until E3.

I really think people are taking it out of context, they're referring to 2015 holidays and beyond. This is why they advertised Gamescom with the same "greatest lineup" thing, when it was all about 2016.

It's only a marketing campaign about their investment in exclusives, which has never been better.

ThanatosDMC3217d ago

2 months of plety out of the year and 10 months of drought.

Lennoxb633218d ago

What's wrong with that? Both Sony and MS strive to have the best line up every year.

danny8183218d ago

it really was. Stop being s sour you fanboy

Yetter3217d ago

um, it was pretty damn close

3217d ago
Export3217d ago

It was the best year for xbox , I believe that . Tomb Raider , Halo 5 , screamride , ori and the blind forest and forza .

S2Killinit3217d ago

They should just say best line up every year and be done with it.

Gameplay9993217d ago

Basically, each year will be special. Don't overthink it my fellow gamers.

lxeasy3217d ago

2016 line up looks better than 2015 in my opinion

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3217d ago
Dario_DC3218d ago

So they're thinking about pushing the Live subscription model on Windows? Good luck with that

Magnes3218d ago

Yeah I'm looking to get out of paying to play online not add more platforms to the list.

3218d ago Replies(8)
ninsigma3218d ago

I would agree 2015 was the best year for xbox one. It had a lot more and better exclusive games than it did the previous years that should keep fans of various genres happy. My one gripe is that we had to wait until the end of the year to get them. Either way I thoroughly enjoyed ori and the blind forrest, gears of war remastered and rise of the tomb raider on my xbox this year.

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Microsoft VP: 'No one' touches what HoloLens is, no other system going after it

Among them are the potential that lies within their HoloLens technology

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Captain_Wormy3217d ago

No one wants to touch it. Everyone else is going for something greater and better.

Kalebninja3217d ago

Lmao I was thinking this when coming into the topic. Honestly I think the tech is cool but as its own thing separate from video games.

nX3217d ago

Pretty much, I don't see myself gaming with it... could be useful in other areas though. VR is the thing I want to game with, especially immersive games like Elder Scrolls or Fallout.

donthate3217d ago

I can see HoloLens one day merging AR and VR into one device simply by completely covering the field of view with AR.

Once we get the device small enough, HoloLens can go with you to everywhere you go. It can replace your mobile phone and be much more convenient too especially with Cortana!

The next 10-years in computing is going to be very exciting.

Peace_Love_and_FPS3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

Donthate has a point, the combination would be spectacular. Hololens is too expensive in its current form, but throw that and VR together? Done, bought, first day. That said, any other VR companies could do that with the use of 3 cameras or 2 lighthouses, something multiple companies have products made for. Wouldn't be a patent breach and is just software that that point. Hopefully developers figure it out first and keep it open to everyone ;)

bleedsoe9mm3217d ago

i'd say the same thing applies to VR

kitsune4513217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

The Hololens is simply augmented reality attached to your face. Almost every console from PS3 to 3DS has tried to implement a gaming experience into augmented reality and failed. If Nintendo, of all people, could not succeed, Microsoft likely won't either.

Retroman3217d ago

MS gotta lie to pump sales. dont see anyone but diehard x1's gamers buying this.

RiseofScorpio3217d ago


You don't see yourself gaming with it because you can't judging by all your anti Xbox One MS comment history.

D-riders3217d ago

NX you just gave a woody, saying Fallout and Elder scolls with VR OMG

3217d ago
TheBrit3217d ago

The fact that for a single person, or even someone that is not single, the ability to not having to or wanting to upgrade your t.v every couple of years this is a winner right there.

100 inch t.v screen on any wall you like - priceless. No cables no drilling no brackets - nothing.

hololens could indeed have an incredible future.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3217d ago
Thatguy-3103217d ago

Hololens will excel in the fact that it will do more than gaming. When putting it up against Vr for gaming purposes it falls short. When broadening it's use to every day life applications then you can easily see the potential for this thing. I'm more excited for the non-gaming things I'll be able to do. Gaming on this will be pretty casual so when it comes to that aspect of it I'm not so thrilled

BlackTar1873217d ago

Hololens will be awesome for stuff outside of gaming. I mean it's awesome tech and hopefully someday i'll find something can personally use it for.

donthate3217d ago

I don't think gaming on HoloLens will necessarily be casual, because it depends on what you are making and if you can receive the inputs of a controller.

Overall it is just too soon to tell, but it is possible that HoloLens in the future will be both an AR and VR device when the field of view can be completely covered with AR.

hoju693217d ago

Gaming is, and has been for quite some time, about immersion. Immersion IS about taking you out of reality and putting you in the game world. Immersion IS NOT taking the game world out of the TV and putting it on your coffee table. Microsoft isn't pushing Hololens as a gaming device because even they know its applications in that field are limited at best. In the commerical and industrial worlds, it can be a game changer though.

JMyers3217d ago


Or the opposite because it will not have much to do with gaming. Like Kinect had many applications outside of gaming, and ultimately failed to do anything as a result.

D-riders3217d ago

IT reminds me of Google Glass in the ways it could be effective

Raiden3217d ago

Indie games will fly to this device, how many indie games are on pc's tablet's and mobile phones, but I too am looking forward to the non-gaming options, movies for one.

TheCommentator3216d ago

Why couldn't Hololens also be VR? All it would take is an extra peice of plastic to block out the environment around you.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3216d ago
Dabigkahuna763217d ago

What if Sony did this just asking

Bathyj3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

I still wouldnt want to play a game where the level was my living room, and the whole game was as big as my house, even if Sony did it.

GamingIVfun3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

It probably would not do well, just like the move controllers and kinect.

BitbyDeath3217d ago

They already kinda did with Vita. The main difference being Vita doesn't strap to your face.

But otherwise it got quite a few uses in the AR world.

IIFloodyII3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

It still wouldn't really be a gaming peripherals, so nothing would change for me, I think the tech is really cool, but I'd have no use for it, I'm sure companies will though, and others.

Saying that I also don't really care for VR either, besides that multiplayer Mech game, non have really interested me.

Salooh3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

Speak for your self fanboy. I would react the same way but the way you fanboys act like everything is against you and then act innocent is stupid and obvious, same goes for sony fanboys. These topics have an opinion aspect , not every sony fan will act the same.

I didn't like how sony supported the vita and i did talk against sony in the same year they released the vita and i got tons of disagrees, those that saw reality agreed with me but fanboys really proved themselfs at that point now the ones that disagreed are doing what i did. Many people who like sony products do the same as me. I don't care about sony , i care about what i will get.

I am still doubting VR which is focused on games let alone something that is not related to games. All i care about is a better but reasonable experience for gaming. VR sounds promising yet needs to prove it self before i support it or claim anything. As for AR , i am sure a billion% that if anyone bought it for gaming will be disappointed just like what happened to kinect. This is not a feature , this is an expensive device, gaming so far use it as an extra feature because it's hard to come up with something creative and practical in the same time.

3217d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3217d ago
Lennoxb633217d ago

What do you mean by greater and better? There's no other tech out there that's producing holographic images through nothing but glass. So what's competing with it?

Vasto3217d ago

No one wants to touch it? The top 3 companies in the world.


All are working on AR.

Peace_Love_and_FPS3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

I'm going to get one of them when the price drops after they're all released, definitely won't be buying Apple, but AR could change business, laptops and and education if they mass market and produce it to them. This thing + AutoCAD O_O

RiseofScorpio3217d ago

Sony fans on N4G trying to twist reality in their favor is sad.

3217d ago
lelo2play3217d ago

Honestly... HoloLens is looking more interesting then VR.

joeorc3217d ago

Well when you can combine both, its pretty darn Awesome


Bathyj3217d ago

I think everyone agrees that it is very impressive technology (much like Kinect), really future is now stuff (much like Kinect), with many implications to real world industry, but not really useful for gaming (much like Kinect).

donthate3217d ago

Kinect never got a chance to be explored in gaming. For instance, Xbox Fitness gamified fitness at home and is a huge leap forward.

Other games that have come that are great include Fantasia, Dance Central, Fruit Ninja Kinect, D4 and so on.

There is still a lot of potential there, but the naysayers killed Kinect!

Bathyj3217d ago

Naysayers? If the product was good then the haters wouldnt really have a leg to stand on. Two iterations of Kinect and the best part of a decade since it came out and still no one has proved how it came better real core gaming experiences in any meaningful way. Thats not naysayers, thats just reality.

Devs had plenty of time to produce a real game on it, it never happened. All they showed is that its good for dance games or punching balls away, not real games that real gamers want to play. You cant blame naysayers for that and its a long way from the bold promises of changing gaming that MS went on and on about.

Im yet to be convinced Hololens can be used well in gaming. Like I said its impressive tech with possibly a million uses. It could very well change society the way smart phones have. But gaming? Some one tell me how, please. I dont want a level that is my house. It sounds very limiting.

Even the on stage demo of that guy shooting aliens looked cool, but really the way he was ducking slowly away from even slower fire and plodding around the stage, after that initial shock value of an alien in your living room wears off, will that sort of simple gameplay be enough for todays MP centric twitch shooters gamers?

I think VR definitely has a lot to add to gaming as it can immerse you right in the game and block out the world. I dont think AR with its bringing the game into the world approach has much to offer gaming. Buy hey, if a game comes out that proves me wrong I will happily admit it and buy one.

s45gr323217d ago

Kinect will really shine once vr takes off. Think about it, the real world gets blocked off and now you are inside the gameworld. The gamepad/keyboard and mouse will become useless. Kinect works in vr due to body movement. So be able to move in a gameworld using your body will truly change the way we play games. I can't wait till vr reaches sword art online status

GamingIVfun3217d ago

Cool technology, but I don't think gamer's want something that equates to something like a secondary experience, so far I have not seen any real control type game play done with it. It's just a more elaborate secondary screen type of thing, not literally but similar in what it can offer to games. The price for it will probably be more than most would want to pay for that experience.

It's more suited to educational purposes.

s45gr323217d ago

RTS, basically able to have full view of the map and order troops to go forward. Be able to spot the enemy from miles away. Have a virtual chat with your rival or the nation leaders you want to conquer. It could also bring the star wars: a new hope chess game to life. I do want to emphasize that its real strength comes outside of gaming.

2cents3217d ago

Speak for yourself.
I'm going Hololens, day one my friend.

BallsEye3217d ago

Care to elaborate? Comparing VR tech to Hololens is like comparing a calculator to a PC.

Raiden3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

Wrong wrong, wrong, and wrong. @Captain wormy

Good luck with greater and better

Firstly this technology is not for gaming, it was not created for gaming, it was created to do whatever the application is on the device, app's run everything and if a game is made for it so be it, this device is created to be a multitasking unit, I for one can't wait to be sitting on one of my long journey to work or home and just watch a movie on the go full surround sound, also since most of you haters of MS, saying games this and games that, just imagine a Bluetooth connection between your mobile phone or mini tablet to this device, your phone or tablet being the controller, you can adjust the size of the screen to suit yourself, I play Dungeon Hunter(V) on my tablet everywhere, now this is just app, so why can't it be possible on this device that was never intended to focus on games. Can you take VR on the road, are you free to move about with VR, NO you can't, don't get me wrong I can't wait to see what the gaming industry do with VR, but HOLOLENS, I don't see them pushing it, but I do see indie games making a big bang with, on the move big screen gaming, this device is a multitasker like your PC/MAC,and TABLETS, If pushed and marketed correctly you would see this more common place, it may look silly to ware out on the streets, but when people start to ware, depending on the price, who knows what possible and I can tell you, there will be two types, the one sold to the general public and the one sold to businesses and universities training hospitals and schools, I don't see any other devices offering this flexibility apart from your laptop, tablet and mobile phone all on a small screen.

Game on

Taero3217d ago

Well, if you're talking about being on a journey and watching movies/projecting game screens then actually I'd like VR instead of AR. Why would I want my game overlaid on top of random surroundings (which looking at the Hololens might not work so well as the 'windows' seem to snap to flat surfaces which aren't in ready supply on the move).

Wouldn't it be better to effectively sit in a dark cinema with surround sound and watch your movie, or project your games video feed up onto the massive screen?

Plus the Holo lens FoV is pretty tiny which annoys me as all the promo bullshots have shown it effectively taking up the whole area wherever you look as opposed to the center.

elarcadia3217d ago

While HoloLens is going to be very cool for gaming, I know that Microsoft is making it to use in numerous industries. Gaming, architecture, design, science, etc. etc. I like that they are trying to make something that can be used in all facets of your everyday life; it is an interesting little device, and I am excited to see where the project goes.

DiRtY3217d ago

HoloLens is not a gaming device by nature. The everyday use will be awesome and the gaming aspect is just icing on the cake.

Imagine all the possibilities with it... This device is perfect for watching sports, gaming and of course porn. Every TV station tries to sell you the second screen stuff, here the second is just there when you want it.

Brazz3217d ago

on the video game front... yeah, hololens isn't that big deal for games, there are much better things...

on other fronts...

damn, this thing is amazing, i can see this becoming a must have product. it's still early, and there are lot's of problems, but there is lot's of potenttial on lens.

UncleJerry3217d ago

@ captain wormy...I think that remains to be seen. But yes, VR is more relevant right now and certainly closer to consumers hands. But hololens does seem like it has cool potential. Maybe it will wow us, who knows. Unless they repeat the whole "project natal will change earth and cure cancer and peter molynuex talking to wierd virtual kids" thing.

zarbor3216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

Back in the days, 3D was suppose to be the future. It did get resurrected only to die a horrific death. Sony went all in on 3D and it was an epic fail.

Back in the days, Nintendo try to do VR saying it was going to be the future. It failed and has shown up again. Sony has gone all in and guess what will happen? Just a matter of time.

Augmented Reality was done with Sony Eye back in the days. Like all the other tech, it was cool but died. Now years later MS is making it look even cooler but outside of Minecraft no real gaming advantage. It too will fail like Google glasses.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3216d ago
SCW19823217d ago

Cool tech but if the view from inside is really that confined I don't know how well it will do.

YinYangGaming3217d ago

Haven't we all dreamed of experiencing holograms? Think the tech is still in early days so to most consumers/users on this site it might not look as appealing right now but in a few iterations or given some time, this tech could be revolutionary

kenwonobi3216d ago

I completely agree. Like you said in future iterations. I believe it's decades away similar to VR was in the early 90's.

ScorpiusX3217d ago

Great how about getting it ready for the public , growing tired of waiting .

mkis0073217d ago

Was with them until I found out it doesn't cover the whole display. Not fully immersing.

Show all comments (96)

Yusuf Mehdi: Original Xbox One vision was right, digital is the future

Microsoft's Chief of Marketing probably turned a lot of fans against him with recent comments about how he thinks the company's original vision for an always online, no used game console was the "right vision".

Read Full Story >>
XiSasukeUchiha3757d ago

No, no it wasn't my friend, not even close maybe in 20 years but not now.

XiNarutoUzumaki3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Not even in 20 years. People like physical disk more.

Digital games aren't ours. We just own the license until they shut down the servers. No thanks

NatureOfLogic_3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Just when I thought MS PR would turn a new leaf. They're back to saying we didn't understand. I'm sure everyone understood you clearly MS. MS should look at what their "original vision" did to their rapidly declining market share. Phil is doing a great job, but Yusuf is really not helping.

Summons753757d ago

Yup, good example of this is look at how many games (arcade or full) you downloaded on your 360 or ps3, now look at how many of those you could redownload on your xbone or ps4? Besides the very very very few that were ported the answer is NONE.

Digital only is not the future .

darthv723757d ago

Oh but wait...it isnt just MS pr. Sony and nintendo promote digital games as well. At some point there will have to be a transition from physical to digital. We all know this and no matter what anyone thinks....it is the future.

Maybe not tomorrow or 10 years (or 20) but it is happening. The push for any kind of adoption of a new trend starts with the right key ingredient.

Be that a new digital only version of a high profile game or the inclusion of content only made available to digital versions of a game...it will happen. Perhaps sooner than expected.

And when it does, then all these people who are saying it wont happen or people like physical will all be on that digital roller coaster with their hands up wondering why they didnt get on sooner.

if you think that its only MS saying this...you are sadly mistaken. There is an underline method to this madness and it isnt just MS that is behind it. Its any physical medium producer looking for a way out to save $$ but still deliver their product.

Eonjay3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

I think thats the point. Yes digital sales are becoming more prevalent, but Microsoft should take a page out of Sony's playbook. See, both companies want the same thing, but Sony is doing it correctly. PSNow is the first step and is more ambitious than anything to come out of Microsoft PR. Sony seems to understand though,that you can't pull the rug from up under people. If digital is really superior, we, the consumers, will eventually chose it for its speed and convenience. All the while we will still have physical copies.

Every successful technological step forward superseded its predecessors because it was better, not because the old tech was pulled from the market. Sony has introduced a service that is a threat to the preowned market, but they are smart enough to allow preowned sales to continue with the expectations that we will see streaming as a faster and more convenient method.

Microsoft learned the hard way that the old American philosophy is correct; the market itself decides. To say that their vision was correct is insane. Consumers are correct because we ARE the market. This is not open for negotiation.

theshonen88993757d ago

Correct my if I'm wrong but I believe this is the very first comment in which XiSasukeUchiha actual says something sensible.

N83757d ago

Yup and that's all I can think about. I could never go full digital.

Malphite3757d ago

I disagree. I think in about 10 years most of the music, movies, and games will be digital only. Maybe they'll produce a limited amount of physical copies but I guess the lion's share will be bought digitally.

But still MS was way too early with most their policies and flat out stupid with some and I'm glad they changed them.

Multiplatguy3757d ago

PC gamers tend to like Digital.

The problem with Microsoft/console is that Digital will never be the future with the way they are treating it. Watchdogs was £39.99 on Steam yet £60 on Xbox Live.

johndoe112113757d ago

And this my good people is the reason I will NOT support microsoft this gen. They are just snakes waiting to strike.

ShinMaster3757d ago

On consoles, more people are buying games in physical form still.

Games are getting bigger. 20 to 40GBs in size. And with ISPs limiting bandwidth and throttling speeds, it's not as easy as it should be.

It may be the future, but we're not there yet.


3756d ago
rainslacker3756d ago


OK. So lets say that in 10 to 20 years digital is where it's at. Does that mean that we have to accept it as the only thing today? 3D displays are probably going to be commonplace in 20 years, but is it something we should be saying is the future now, and is it something that an entire ecosystem should be focused around?

MS problem was never their DD policies, it was their policies on retail games.

Here's my prediction. In 20 years, both retail and physical will co-exist, and we'll still be having this same argument.

Seriously. In ten years internet providers will probably start upgrading their infrastructure. By then, games will probably be 4x bigger than they are now...conservatively speaking, and the net will still be too slow.

therealmarauder3756d ago

@Multiplatguy A hundred times this. If we go all digital, there should be atleast the subsidy of the cost of production of physical hardware passed on to the consumers, ala steam. You cant be seriously selling 4 year old games at 60$ and expect gamers to cough up.

RAAMzilla3756d ago

Physical games aren't ours either, they're another version of a license.

Volkama3756d ago

Yusuf shouldn't be allowed to talk. Whether he is technically right or wrong, he just constantly says the wrong things from a PR persective.

He is like the anti-Phil Spencer. One has a silver tongue and says everything gamers want to hear, the other has a regular tongue that he uses to clean the foot he keeps in his mouth.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3756d ago
phantomxll3757d ago

Yea I was against the whole digital thing. But the last few games ive purchased gave been digital. InfamousSs, Watchdogs(ps4), Wolfenstein (XB1). Its so dam annoying having to get up and change the disc of a game that i still have to install anyway. Id rather just download and be done with it. Way more convenient. And im not a "trader". I buy games and keep them. The discs are just annoying now.

Copen3756d ago

Your problem is laziness and that extends well beyond gaming.

IrishSt0ner3756d ago

So was I until I bought a few digital games. Don't get me wrong some of the DRM stuff was bad, but the always online was also to allow reselling/lending of digital titles.

So now as a result, if I want digital, I have to pay full RRP for a game that can never be lent out or sold. We all asking for these services now, and guess what, we can't have it as always online was the pirate protection. Great job internet, thanks /s

phantomxll3756d ago

Copen if youre using your remote instead of getting up to change the channel then youre as lazy as me. Douche.

beerzombie3756d ago

I have also gone all digital since X-1 and will not go back.Plus I like saying go to a game and start to play.

Volkama3756d ago

It bugs me having to find discs just to switch games. It bugs me having to find places to store discs (specially places that are out of the reach of my children). It bugs me when I cannot find a game I want to play.

I have no desire to sell or trade games. The box and disc hold no value to me what-so-ever.

Digital games are just a better choice for me, and for the poster you replied to. Being lazy has nothing to do with it.

You prefer discs. There are several reasons someone might prefer discs. That's fine. It doesn't make you better than him.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3756d ago
DLConspiracy3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Then explain to me why people steal movies, games and music on the internet? How about explain to me why Netflix is so popular as a service? Let's take it a step further. Why is it that we like the PS+ service so much. We don't get to keep those unless we pay for the service.

EDIT *when I say the above. I am referring to the trend of DIGITAL, and how people use media*

Digital Age is here and the dip in physical discs sales are starting to show that. In a lot of ways we use digital all the time. Buy a CD, dump it on your computer or IPOD, never touch the CD again.

EDIT *I can guarantee that 90% of people then go to a store SELL that CD once it's digital on their computer IF they bought a physical copy. How would that be any different with Games? That's why there was a Digital Daily Check in. They had to protect the developers or they would be in trouble and owe. Just how business works. Step have to be in place for people making money on stuff. *

Just to be clear. I didn't like the Daily Check in idea. That was the one thing that needed work on. Otherwise the rest of it felt OK in my book. Obvious changes and restrictions needed to be made. You will start to see more digital sales happen in time. Both Sony and MS will make that happen, because they make more money off it. They will both show you the advantages by offering better prices and giving you more for your money. It's just a matter of time.

xHeavYx3757d ago

People steal movies because they are free. People use Netflix because it's $8 a month instead of $200. People like PS+ because you get a ton of games for just $50

DLConspiracy3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )


I am not talking about that. Ownership is the word I base that off of when it comes to the PS+ and G4G service. Is all I am saying. It's ALL Digital still is it not?

ThePope3757d ago

Your 100% right. It is not right in 20 years its right now. Movie, game, music, book sales are all down by a large amount all because of digital. I have only bought 2 of 5 games on disc this gen, and truly don't plan on doing it again.

On top of that, as I've said several times, digital downloads protect developers and put the money in their hands, and not in the hands of Gamestop who benefit the industry not one bit.

kayoss3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Let me answer this for you.
The reason why is the data size. Music takes up very little space and it usually comes in a portable device like an iPod or phone. In order for you to listen to music on the go with ease is to go digital. No one carries a CD player around any more.
Netflix, is cheap and can be access anywhere as long as you have Internet access. It takes up no space at all. People who have Netflix do not care for ownership.
Movies, most hardcore movie viewers who like quality will never buy digital. They will buy the bluray. But unfortunately the majority of viewers just want to watch the movie once it's released. Buying digital movies is a lot cheaper and it can be access anywhere as long as you have Internet. Not many people trade in physical disks.
Digital Games, take up lots of space and it seems that it will just get bigger as this new generation mature. Many people want to own their games so that they can replay it down the line. You have to admit, finding retro games to play is harder then finding older movies. Another factor is the trade in and sharing of the physical disc. You can not do this with digital.
Internet bandwidth and cap is another issue. Not all people have the bandwidth to download a 50gb game. It easier and faster to go buy the physical game.
The last point is portability, you do not want to lug your console to different location just to play a game do you? Physical discs allow you to take just the game with you to play on other consoles.

ShinMaster3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Because you DON'T own movies streamed through Netflix or the music you steal.

Major game titles are 20-40GBs in size.

ISPs like to limit bandwidth and throttle speeds in many cases.
And people don't often download 20-40GBs of music or movies at a time.

Physical copies look better in collections and they're not limited to an online account.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3757d ago
lelo3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )


Ever heard of Steam? Digital is the future, and closer then you guys think. PC games have reached it. Consoles won't take long. Even Sony is launching a digital service, PS Now.

Now if people said that Microsoft's digital service (that was planed for the X1) wouldn't have prices and promotions that Steam has, that I would believe. Microsoft are quite stingy when it comes to discounts or promotions.

DLConspiracy3757d ago

I agree. MS was looking at the Steam example for their own. I don't disagree with you. I am apart of steam.

truefan13757d ago

Man you people hate change don't you. Either that or you are thinking narrow sighted as usual.
1) Digital eliminates constraints, we get full games without the limitation of disk space.
2) lower prices as there is no costs for shipping, disks, storage...
3) External hard drive is more reliable than disk, especially backed up in the cloud. A broken disk is useless.
4) You can download overnight if your Internet is that slow.

I think you people just prefer to kill the industry by reselling and renting games. You want AAA games, but don't support them. Also it seems like gamers are stuck in mud, we went from cartridges, to disks, and in the future digital. When is the last time you seen a portable cd player, digital I pods and phones took over.

ziggurcat3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

people accept change, they just don't appreciate draconian policies being shoved down their throats.

the problem with their "vision" was that *if* I chose to purchase a physical copy of a game, they were going to revoke any right I had to be able to lend the game to a friend or sell the game in order to make my next game purchase a little less expensive.

and just so you know, music on vinyl is back (and has been back for some time now). people still want to have physical copies of things, so I don't think that forcing people into an all-digital distribution model is the way to go.

that being said, I buy digital all the time - I have been doing it for quite some time - whether it's a PSN/XBLA title or digital version of a full retail game. I enjoy the convenience of not having to travel to a store to purchase a game I want. Does that mean I'm going to stop buying physical copies? nope... because there are certain franchises that I will only buy the physical copy for.

SamPao3757d ago

Go home your drunk

It the arrogance that killed xbone (original)
They wanted a piece of something that is not up to them. You can go digital and nobody cares as it transitions into it either way, but what MS did is downright insulting to customers!

Bathyj3757d ago

Its funny how you care so much about disk space now. 50GB is enough, and if not 200 would be.

2. Are digital games cheaper? Really? Cos 90% of the time I see them more expensive than at JBHiFi. Of course I'm looking at the PSN prices, but please, tell me if XBL is different. Unless theyre selling new games cheaper on XBL than on PSN I doubt it, but digital prices are nearly always more, for some baffling reason. How would it be if that was the only place you could buy them?

Really? I've had Harddrives fail before. Not very often. But I dont think I've ever had a disc fail that wasnt mistreated. Yes you can redownload a digital game. I supposed thats the price you pay to have it in your hand.

So go make a sandwich huh?

Basically, i like owning the physical copy, I like having the cover on my shelf and I see no advantage at the moment to changing to digital. If they were cheaper than maybe I'll revisit.

MCTJim3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

I did appreciate the original xbox one vision. The problem was in the way it was explained. So I agree with Mendi. People never stopped to listen to the real story.(I understood it perfectly) And why was that? because it was poorly explained. You could trade your games like usual, you could lend/share your games to friends. But before they could explain it correctly the damage was done and they reversed said policy. At E3 this year, I was hoping they would have announced Digital downloads could be shared like originally they had announced, but alas, it did not make the show. I was also hoping for a price cut for digital only games too, cutting out the middleman would indeed make it cheaper and more realistic for people to adopt it. So a $60 game would be $45. I would definitely like to save money just like the next person. As for the people hate change comments I see below and above, yes, people do not like change, but if you make them want to change..with incentives like cheaper costs to purchase game, then they will adopt it quicker.

Edit: also the article and title were taken out of context...its definitely out for clicks/flaming.

rainslacker3756d ago

1. Digital is limited by constraints. Constraints on hard drive space. Constraints on bandwidth. Constraints on what you can do with your purchases.

2. Not my overall experience. On consoles, on release day they're the same price. Down the road, retail games are much cheaper. More often than not, the retail versions are often $10-20 cheaper than the still full priced digital version after less than a month.

3. Take care of your stuff and you won't have broken discs. I haven't broken a single disc in my entire life. What about when the games are taken down from the servers. It's rare but it happens. What about when that server decides to shut down completely...such as Games for Windows?

External hard drive? By your argument, save money on games(already disproven) but spend it on storage mediums. Dunno about you, but what has more value? A game you can sell, or a hard drive that will be worthless in a couple years?

4. I can drive to the store and be back in 15 minutes max. Don't have to wait overnight.

The industry isn't dying from buying a reselling games. It's making more money now than it ever has.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3756d ago
Magicite3757d ago

everyone in xbox camp, except spencer, act like idiots.

Pogmathoin3757d ago

Oh I see the usual suspects are here...... MS vision will come to fruition eventually, maybe under the guise of Apple, Google, Samsung or even Sony.....we are almost there already..... Video games are the only real medium that had a used market, and that will die eventually.... Caused by gamers who trade in for nothing, to see game sold for $5 less than new retail price...... Our own greed and stupidity is causing it..... Nothing can stop Drm right now, it is inevitable....... Gamers think the big guys listen..... They do listen..... To the till....... Thats what matters....... Bring on the hate....

soandsoz3756d ago (Edited 3756d ago )

"Caused by gamers who trade in for nothing, to see game sold for $5 less than new retail price...... Our own greed and stupidity is causing it....."

Greed is positively what this all boils down to. Though, in my opinion it's stemming from the opposite corner you steer attention towards.
I believe the industry will significantly contract or worse if they proceed in pushing digital exclusively.

I truly believe the industry will be feasting on humble pie if they take too stern a position on digital and always online/DRM.

Microsoft should foresee this. I hope they aren't blinded by the green light again/still

JBSleek3757d ago

Here's the thing. Steam does that already and people love Steam yet that is indeed DRM.

People just choose what DRM they like which is weird if you are going to complain about it.

If you don't think digital is the future then you are very wrong. It may not be now and even in five years yet digital is indeed the future.

Also actually read the article before posting it was taken out of context.

PS4isTHEkneesOFbees3757d ago

20 years, huh? So what about those millions upon millions of PC gamers with huge Steam collections? Those are all digital. I don't see them complaining about buying games super cheap and not owning a physical disc. 20 years, sure, if you prefer to be stuck in the past while the world moves on..

Mystogan3756d ago

Yes it was, whether you like it or not. All mu friends are buying games digitally. Everyone is connected. Maybe it was a bit too soon but it definitely was the right vision. It is the future. Just like how the original Xbox required Broadband when everyone was on dial-up, Xbox should have pioneered this vision. I hope the Xbox 4 will do what they tried to do with the X1.

ovnipc3756d ago

This guy should shut up and let phill do the talking. This guy will set back all the bs phill has been fixing. Shut up dude and go sleep.

rainslacker3756d ago

From what I can tell he just says that digital is the future, but where MS screwed up was trying to force it on retail. Said they didn't give the choice, which is why people were so against it.

Don't think this was really an epiphany...as it's what's most gamers have already said. Don't screw around with retail. They can do whatever they want to improve DD, but when they tried to apply it to retail, people were upset.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3756d ago
XiNarutoUzumaki3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Negative. Physical Disks are!

jackanderson19853757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

i'd say within 5 years it'll move to a primarily digital service across the board... publishers will love it as it'll cut out a cost on the retailers cut, physical disc/packaging/distribution costs and warranties (they do actually exist on games I've been informed)

if they cut the costs of digital by 10-15 it'll drive people towards it

BananasGoldsteinberg3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Physical isn't going anywhere as long as there are still ISP mandated bandwidth caps and the US is still lagging behind in bandwidth speeds. And that likely isn't going to change anytime soon with these new threats to net neutrality hovering above our heads.

And an all-digital future definitely won't mean lower prices. Not by a long shot. The only reason we see discounts on digital versions of games now is because they use the discounts as a way to push digital sales. If digital is the only format, they'll have no need to try and the format to us and thus will just charge the same prices as they would physical copies. Even now, discounts on digital media is both rare and largely insignificant compared to the physical price.

pwnsause_returns3757d ago

Aaron Greenburn and Yusuf Mehdi, what do they have in common?


everything seems to be going MS' way right now with Phil Spencer as head. Dont let these guys tarnish the brand even more so...

GamersHeaven3757d ago

Of course it was that's why you guys dumped it in a heart beat when PS4 was slaughtering you in pre-order sales.Clearly you don't stick with your visions Kinect is another prime example of all talk no walk from M$.

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Xbox One boss talks price drop, says E3 will be all about games

Gamespot: Microsoft previously promised that May would be a big month for Xbox news, and they certainly were not joking around. In case you missed it, Microsoft announced today that a new version of the Xbox One will launch June 9 for $399--the same price of Sony's industry-leading PlayStation 4. It was a surprise announcement, and it wasn't the only news Microsoft revealed today. We also learned that Games with Gold is coming to Xbox One in June and that entertainment apps like Netflix and HBO Go will no longer require an Xbox Live Gold subscription. In short, it was a big day for Microsoft.

We caught up with Microsoft chief marketing & strategy officer Yusuf Mehdi and chatted about all the major news Microsoft had to share today regarding the future of the Xbox platform. Before I could start asking questions, Mehdi told me that Microsoft decided to make these announcements today, ahead of E3 2014, so that Microsoft's showing there could be all about games. "We are really excited about bringing what we hope will be a display of games that will tee up an incredible second holiday for Xbox One," he said.

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LGM3133784d ago

No more "tv, tv, tv, tv, tv, tv and tv"? After making the diskinect Xbox, will they drop the power of the cloud also?

Sorry but all those changer ware not made to sell what gamer want, they did because they need to sell more systems.

GundalfDeGrej3784d ago

And how do they sell systems? By making improvements and making sure the consumers are happy. So yes, of course they did it to sell systems. That is in no way a bad thing for us.

gaffyh3784d ago

I don't get why they say it will all be about games like its a new thing. Its E3 IT SHOULD BE about games!!

mikeslemonade3784d ago

Lol for the last time it's not a price drop. Kinect 2 would probably be a standalone $99.99 atleast since Kinect 1 launched at $149.99. So therefore a system only sku at $399.99 is not a price drop.

RiPPn3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Like mikeslemonade said, the standalone Kinect is going to cost more than $100, this new bundle is essentially a price increase, certainly not a price drop. And the reason Microsoft has to keep saying E3 is about games is because before last year they brought nothing but nonsense to E3, especially during the Kinect days. *shiver*

guitarded773784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

The $450 Titanfall Bundle was a better "value".

This is gonna hurt Kinect, if not kill it. If MS believes in Kinect so much, they probably should have bit the bullet and offered a legit price drop to $399 with Kinect. Sucks to be the guy who bought the system because they were told Kinect will be mandatory, but it also sucks to be the guy who bought the system wanting to see where development would go with Kinect. Not as many devs are going to be willing to invest in Kinect software if the install base dramatically drops.

Either way... just another example of early adopters paying the price of admission. I said this would happen by E3 2014 last year and got called just about every idiom of retard. But my username doesn't help :D

AliTheSnake13784d ago

Stating the obvious. I'm pretty sure E3 is SUPPOSED to be about games.

GundalfDeGrej3784d ago

I never said it's a price drop. It's an option. An option a lot of people want. Yes, the people who got the Xbox One for the Kinect might get disappointed in case Microsoft decides to change their focus away from it. But hey, they paid for a Kinect and they got it.

Personally, if I ever decide to get an Xbox One I'll probably get the Kinect-less version because I still don't see any reason to have one. I'm not excusing the fact that the option should have been there to begin with but it's better late than never.

tbone5673784d ago

Can't wait til MS releases the beasts on Xbox One. Sunset Overdrive. Quantum Break. Halo 5.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3784d ago
Clown_Syndr0me3784d ago

Well obviously, that's how business works.
But if it means theyre selling more systems it means theyre pleasing gamers. So we both win..

Software_Lover3784d ago

Last E3 was all about games. People still complained

I_am_Batman3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Because they didn't adress the elephant in the room. Nobody cared about the games as long as they had those restrictions. And they had a fairly high price point.

If they came out and announced: No DRM, no always on/online, and a Kinect-less version back then they would've probably won E3 cause Sony already showed a lot at the reveal in february and therefore didn't have as much left for E3.

This time around it's all evened out. Both consoles are at the same price and the X1 restrictions are gone. So whoever brings the better games wins.

Magicite3784d ago

E3 is always all about the games.

LAWSON723784d ago

Such a fail of a comment
Last year they said the same thing and the whole conference was literally just games with no BS. This idea that the cloud is a gimmick and just talk is just flat out wrong. It is already being used by games like TF and Forza 5. The cloud maybe overstated by MS but the fact is over the years it will be bigger and bigger. It is not going anywhere.

Patrick_pk443784d ago

And it still sells like shit.

LAWSON723784d ago

The system is selling well just not as well as PS4

Volkama3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Yusuf is really determined to push this "input 1" term. Unfortunately for him it is not catching on at all, not even his fellow execs are on board. Which is no surprise, because it sounds stupid.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3784d ago
ZodTheRipper3784d ago

This is NOT a price drop ...for 399 the console itself is even more expensive than in the Kinect bundle at 499. Also of course E3 is all about games, it's the biggest gaming event in the world... the bigger question is about which games. It would be quite ironic if they would announce a bunch of Kinect games now.


I will have to respectfully disagree, MS is making another mistake in thinking that E3 is just "all about the games". It is clearly not, judging by last years E3. What I mean by that is that MS had the better games presentation last year, games were literally about 95 percent of their presentation. That wasn't the case for sony but still, people believe that Sony won E3, why you ask? Because of their policies and price point. IMO MS should have saved that info about the Kinect until the end of their E3 presentation.

No way MS shows a E3 filled with kinect games (they may show 2 or 3 if that). I am more inclined to believe that Sony will show a lot of indies as opposed to big AAA titles.

dasbeer883784d ago

Yes please let MS show a bunch of apps and services so that they may be placed 3rd for this year's E3 event. In fact, I won't be surprised if MS show copious multiplatform games during their presentation.

04STIBluByU3784d ago

I somewhat agree with the top part of your comment. But MS was all like Kinect and TV more than they were about the games. At least 60 to 40. Sony did win with price, policies, and games.

Your second comment is a little flawed IMO. MS will have to be more about games than TV and Kinect because they dropped unbundled the kinect which does TV well. So of course MS will be more about the games, they kinda set themselves up that way. Sony will not just show 2-3 AAA titles. Sony will show Driveclub, Uncharted, TLOU, The Order of 1886, and some hidden gems. So I already named 4 so your theory is debunked. MS will show Halo, Gears, Forza, D4, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Fable, and a few more gems. They both will be awesome shows! The difference is Sony will have most of the games they show at this E3 available to buy this year whereas I don't think MS will have as many AAA titles this year, but more so next year.

blackout3784d ago Show
-Foxtrot3784d ago

"E3 will be all about games"

The amount of times I've heard this line from MS over the past few months has been unreal.

It's like they all go to a PR class and are forced to memorize the line over and over and over again.

CYCLEGAMER3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Please stop dude...If Sony was saying this line, you would be so hype.

Isn't that what you want to hear as a gamer, or do you want to hear sales numbers or how one consoles policies or apps are better than the other?

Give it a rest man!

Edit: "Sony was saying this then maybe I would because of their track record with games"

Exactly what I thought.

Sonys E3 wasn't just about the games last year. They "won" because of their policies and price point. They basically showed the same games from the reveal earlier that year.

They are saying it to get xbox fans excited and to let them know what to expect. Also they are essentially calling out Sony. Saying "ok now we are on an even playing field lets see who can provide the better games". Its exciting!

-Foxtrot3784d ago

If Sony was saying this then maybe I would because of their track record with games.

However when you need to keep saying how E3, a GAMING event, is going to be about games then it seems silly to me.

So please, don't twist this and make it into something it isn't.

They've said the same thing for months and to me it seems like they are saying it so when E3 passes they can go "See guys told you are conference was about games" so they will get praise even though E3 is supposed to be about games anyway.

Dewitt3784d ago

Sony showed multiplats and exclusive content for games, they actually showed very little at E3. Just their big announcement on DR and price, so far I have been highly disappointed in Sony's exclusive library this gen.

DOMination-3784d ago

Last year MS also pretty much just showed games whilst the only new non-indie game Sony showed was the Order.

So MS actually have a good track record of showing GAMES in recent history.

HyperBear3784d ago


Did you even watch Microsoft's E3 conference last year? They kept saying the same thing after their Xbox One reveal..."And at E3, it's all about the games" and look what they did...They showed games for the full 1hr30min conference.

And now that Phil Spencer is in charge, how can you not expect E3 this year to again be all about the games?

-Foxtrot3784d ago


"And now that Phil Spencer is in charge, how can you not expect E3 this year to again be all about the games?"

When did I say this E3 from them wouldn't be about games, of course it will I've said this before because they need to fix the mess they created last year to lure us back in. Oh here we go super duper Phil Spencer to the rescue.

04STIBluByU3784d ago

@ Foxtrot: You sound like a person who pays attention because Sony has the track record with proven games. These other people must have started gaming on Xbox. Anyone who thinks MS has better track records over Sony when it comes to games is delusional to the max! For you XB guys did MS support the OG XB? No, they abandon ship very quickly. Did MS have AAA for the last 2-3 years for the 360? Again, NO! Look at PS history, if you're too young look it up on google. Sony has always supported their consoles. MS...not so much!

christocolus3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Ignore the trotting fox.he obviously hates phil, ms and the xbox one.. it should be obvious by now .

No matter what MS says he and a few others always find reasons to complain.they never support anything Phil says. Always downplaying every positive xbox news. Just ignore them. they are a pessimistic bunch.

OT: its great to see their focus is going to be 100% games just like last year but this time im certain its going to be 100 times bigger. xbox fans will have so much to talk about after the show. its going to be great guys. really great.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3784d ago
MightyNoX3784d ago

Reptition is key. It's basic psychology 101.

XiSasukeUchiha3784d ago


Well that crap has to stop we are not stupid gamers that blindly follows

Charybdis3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Not many people believe that Microsoft show will be about games , especially since last time they talked allot about media features etc.

Gamers aren't stupid so Microsoft need to repeat their message, in order to convince and show that they are serious and that their focus really will be on games. This however does mean they will need to deliver at e3 .

IVanSpinal3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

@-foxtrot Just like your comments
@xiSasukeUchiha "we" no, "you and the fanboys" yes

-Foxtrot3784d ago

My comments lol

You mean like a lot of peoples comments on here, the ones who state the same things about Phil Spencer over and over about how he's a "gamer".

It works both ways pal.

HyperBear3784d ago

Yeah...Phil Spencer is totally not a "gamer" at all, even though for most of his 19yr career at Microsoft, he's worked with Microsoft Studios on creating games for Xbox platforms. :/

And sorry for being excited about Phil taking over. I forgot that I wasn't supposed to be excited about anything related to Microsoft and Xbox. /s

DoubleM703784d ago

Yes and how many times have I herd 'GREATNESS AWAITS". Phil gets he the point it's all about games the hell with the rest of the stuff. It will find it's place in the echo system.

ArbitorChief3784d ago

Hahahahaha this dude again, it never stops XD

-Foxtrot3784d ago

It never stops? Yeah you, truefan, georgenoob etc never stop do you?

AngelicIceDiamond3784d ago

@Fox Well what will MS E3 2014 be about then? I'm dying to know.

-Foxtrot3784d ago

Urm when did I say it wasn't going to be about anything. I just said I'm sick of hearing it as they seem to be trying to make a point when E3 is about games anyway....it's expected, thats what you should be showing in the first place.

AngelicIceDiamond3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

@Fox Well have you seen MS E3 press conference 2010, 2011 and 2012?

They were horrendous MS thought their audience were a bunch of 9 year olds. I swore I saw some audience members leaving their conference they were so out of touch.

I'm not sure if you noticed but but there are certain journalists, outlets, as well as fans who still think MS isn't "truly" games focused.

Every time he says its about games I can't help but smile. Sorry but every time he says that it never gets old to me. You have to understand if you were a 360 gamer you felt abandoned.

Xbox in general has allot of catching up to do games wise(especially compared to Sony).

If Phil is as serious and as aggressive about games that he says he is then its 2005 through 2009 all over again if not possibly better.

maniacmayhem3784d ago

Or maybe because they keep being asked the same question and YOU keep reading the SAME answer.

I love how as a gamer you are sick of hearing MS say E3 is all about the games...that makes about as much sense as a hooker in sunday school.

But then again you are the same guy who thinks Sony's Shu is down to Earth and Phil is just a corporate puppet. Your absolute bend over attitude towards Sony is hilarious compared to your desperate "not buying it" stance against MS and the their fans.

"They've said the same thing for months and to me it seems like they are saying it..."

And yet if MS said nothing I'm sure we would get some other form of cynicism from you. I bet if MS stayed quiet you would be worried that MS would have nothing to show at E3, or it would be all Kinect or they would show nothing but TV,TV,TV.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3784d ago
wynams3784d ago

A year late and a hundred dollars short

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