
Why I Switched To Xbox

A look at one writer's decision to make the Xbox brand his home for console gaming

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DonkeyDoner3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

"the Xbox is a great hub for a wide variety of games. From racers, shooters, action titles, JRPGS, adventure games, platformers, simulations, and sandbox"


its dead on xbox brand

Yi-Long3159d ago

Agreed that PS4 is easily winning in the JRPG-genre, and with Japanese games in general, obviously.

Microsoft does have (at least) 2 potentially interesting Japanese games lined up: ReCore, and Scalebound.

If those two games turn out very good, and (only) IF they have the original Japanese voices included, it could tempt me into buying an XBO. If they're dub-only, I honestly couldn't care less about them.

3159d ago
3159d ago
dirkdady3159d ago

U switched because you write for a site called Xbox enthusiast. No?

jb2273159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

What exactly about Recore makes it a JRPG? At this point it could be a pichenko machine, no one knows what that game is...just because an Asian man is attached to the franchise doesn't make it a JRPG though...pretty sure Armature Studios is involved as well & they don't have a JRPG pedigree. Xbox has some great games for sure, but that genre isn't one of them this gen. Scalebound is also more of a western RPG also considering it is mp & co op focused real time combat over the turn based gameplay typically indicative of a JRPG.

Honestly if MS created more first party studios & put out more games like QB, I'd be all about an XBO, but this article inadvertently pointed out that MS is all about the MP. Not a bad thing but it's definitely the bread & butter for the X box brand over sp experiences. I'm still getting more sp titles on my PS4 for now, regardless of genre.

rainslacker3159d ago

Scalebound looks more western than Japanese. I know the dev is Japanese, but the game has a very Insomniac vibe to it. Lollipop Chainsaw is a Japanese game, but has a very western vibe to it...so it's kind of like that.

Recore probably isn't going to be a RPG, but more likely an action/platformer type thing. It'll probably have some RPG elements though, but I could be wrong since so little has been shown of it.

3159d ago
3159d ago
3-4-53159d ago

Well to be fair, I'd say the 3DS has a better selection for JRPG's than PS4, but if your only talking consoles then yea.

The only thing really lacking that is significant on the XB1 is JRPG's.

They are obviously going to keep coming to the PS4, but I think the NX might get just as many when it's all said and done.

I'd love for Microsoft to make their own Dragon Quest type of game or something.

BG115793159d ago

Even the WiiU vas more jrpg than the Xbone!
What kind of argument is that!?

awi59513159d ago

To bad japan sucks for everything now they have been in a recession for 20 years now.

Dabigsiebowski3159d ago

I agree that most japanese games pick awful no name voice actors but to completely out a game because of it is a little much.

Ezz20133159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

"XBOXenthusiast.com: Why I Switched To Xbox"


pinkcrocodile753159d ago

I'm glad that Microsoft have opted to NOT cater for Japanese RPG's.

The market is small and Japan's gaming business is smaller than the UK.

It's time to let JRPG's fade into memory

indyman77773159d ago

@WiiUMasterRace every year JRPG's take up 36-52% of game sales in Japan.

How is it small? Every year it takes up the largest percent of all games in all of Asia, how is it small? You know Asia contains more than a third of the worlds population don't you? Just East Indian has 1.2 billion alone, and China has 1.4 Billion people.

Look past yourself.

UltraNova3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )



I cannot even begin describing how wrong that comment of yours is...Jesus...

"I'm glad that Microsoft have opted to NOT cater for Japanese RPG's. "

So MS was in the position to say no to Japanese devs on making games for the xbox 1 ?

Oh ok I'm sure the explosive Xbox one sales in Japan are the reason devs are so into developing for it!

"The market is small and Japan's gaming business is smaller than the UK."

Yeah because only huge markets are worthy of gracing us with their games!

From Software I think you should give up its pointless you don't deserve our attention since your are such a small insignificant market...

"It's time to let JRPG's fade into memory"

Of course its time the to let the genre that brought us some of the most memorable, fun, inventive and several gaming milestone games we ever had die, simply because, you know they do not bother with MS products!

You sir need to get off the MS coolaid, ASAP.


A guy who writes for xboxenthusiast.com decided to switch to xbox and let us know why?


Picture me severely confused.

AsGryffynn3159d ago

Needing the JP audio is rather petty, if I might say...

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

I can't believe the author put Xbox and Jrpg in the same sentence, let alone the same article.


"A guy who writes for xboxenthusiast.com decided to switch to xbox and let us know why?
Picture me severely confused."

This gif fits your situation perfectly.


AnubisG3159d ago

The writer of this "article" is full of it. Also, why do we need to have this on new 4 gamers? This isn't news why a single individual (who I'm pretty sure never owned a PS4) is switching to Xbox. This is a personal blog. No one cares.

freshslicepizza3159d ago

over 200 comments in less than a day, it just goes to show how active the system wars are and how much people voice there opinion of what they think of the xbox brand.

not sure what the purpose of this article is other than to stir up conflict between the playstation and xbox camps like we don't have enough of that already. there really isn't anything relevant about the xbox one, more about the history of the xbox and some key games it got like jet set radio and lost odyssey. microsoft tried to get unique japanese content but japan snubbed the xbox from day one and continued to do so even when they made a big push with getting exclusive content. they are quite xenophobic when it comes to the gaming culture over there.

the ps4 is clearly the choice of platform if you want japanese support however the wii u has some decent stuff too.

Death3159d ago

After reading your comments I was blown away at how insane this author must be to make the claims they did. Then I clicked the link and read the article. That's when it was clear to me that none of the people making comments read the story. For those interested this is an opinion piece where the author is talking about his switch in preference from Nintendo to Xbox more than a decade ago. He never states he only plays an Xbox. He actually still enjoys gaming on Nintendo and Sony consoles according to the article. The people in his gaming circle all own Xbox consoles so naturally that is where he spends much of his time when playing multiplayer games.

It's sad to see so many people think Playstation is the only platform that has something to offer to gamers. All platforms are worth owning and there is no "bad" choices out there. You don't need to own a competing platform to appreciate what they contribute to gaming, but it is nice to have first hand knowledge.

t-hall7853159d ago

I want everyone of these die hard jrpg fans to list what games they are playing. Don't just list jrpgs. List those that you actually play. This genre has fallen so far from grace since i was a kid. Seems like now you almost have to play with a blue eyed girl with an extremely high pitched voice, or a guy who dresses like the girl i just described. I MIGHT get ff15 but thats the only one that looks halfway appealing to me. But overall the genre isn't as important as it used to be. Remember when final fantasy was good? Chrono trigger? Secret of mana? Dragon quest? This new shit sucks. You can have jrpgs japan.

DarXyde3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )


You'd rather them NOT have that variety because you're apparently into genre eugenics?

And that is why Xbox cannot have the same support as PlayStation or Nintendo: they keep an open mind for the most niche tastes. Consider this: you have buddies who enjoy shooters, others who enjoy platforming games. Then there's one buddy (who's also cooler than the rest of you) who's into JRPGs. But he's also a free spirit and buys a PlayStation to have the all encompassing experience. Guess what? Now, to play with him, all of you need to invest in PlayStation 4s. After all, he's cooler than all of you.

Microsoft's lack of these games basically tells you right away that "these experiences are best found on competitor's platforms". It's basically admitting that if you're into these games, look elsewhere. That's very bad for sales.


Don't pretend to speak for everyone. There are GREAT JRPGs worth playing. Since you asked, I very regularly replay Persona 4 Golden, Persona 3, and Final Fantasy X. I ordered Disgaea 5 on black Friday (should be here this week) and I'll be getting Xenoblade Chronicles X when it releases.

Yeah, I still play the genre very avidly.

xXSilentXx3159d ago

wait till FF7 remake comes with a 1 year timed exclusive. the sales in japan with a bundle will skyrocket the PS4 sales like bread.

sonarus3159d ago

I consider the Xbox to be the shooter console. And while this generalization might not be 100% accurate it has quite a bit of truth to it. Xbox brand is about Halo and call of duty even though now sony gets first dlc call of duty is still heavily Xbox. Ppl buy Xbox to shoot other ppl. Which is cool and all but i like my games to do more than just point and shoot.

I have played more than enough shooters to last a life time and there is still no Xbox game that excites me even a little bit. Gears of war 4 maybe but that series already peaked as far as i'm concerned playing it a 4th time doesnt fill me with that much excitement. PS4 hasnt been hitting it with any major new ips either but at least i have No Man Sky to look forward to. Even though i dont really understand the game yet i will still rather buy that than any shooter.

Lot of people love the shooter thing though so they should get Xbox. Still best console for shooters just that i am tired of that stuff

ThanatosDMC3159d ago

Wtf and No. What a troll article. It'd make more sense if he wrote that article on a different website but Xboxenthusiast.com is just hilarious.

LackaJaKane3159d ago


Seems as if he switched to xbox in about the year 2003. looks like he started writing for this xbox site in 2014.

So mabe he writes for the site because he switched to xbox. No?

ChrisW3158d ago

I prefer Western RPGs by far more than JRPGs. So this argument for people like me is just a moot point.

UncleJerry3158d ago (Edited 3158d ago )

@yi-long...hmm, I am hoping just the opposite. I have zero interest in the jrpg and the like. Japanese culture, as with any, has many intriguing aspects. To each his own. But I just never saw the draw with the types of games someone like yourself is clearly interested in. To be fair, if that is your thing, than ps4 is your place to be. I have ps4 and x1 but still don't play those types of games.

Just my take on it tho. I'm not arguing against the genre or japanse games in general.

Realms3158d ago (Edited 3158d ago )

Really an article about his preference it is safe to assume that's the reason he writes for xboxenthusiast. Is this type of article really necessary? Nope just add gasoline to the fire and watch it burn kind of the way I feel when I see the comments on articles like this.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 3158d ago
gangsta_red3159d ago

Agreed, MS and XBO really lost a a specific market with this.

It is interesting that a lot of Japanese devs are porting their games to Steam. Is Steam popular in Japan?

With MS losing the Japan support with JRPG's it seems they are trying to make up for this with MOBA and MMO type games on their system.

tanukisuit3159d ago

It's mainly for the North American/European Steam users. Heck, even Visual Novels (both indie/AAA ones) are popular!

3159d ago Replies(2)
sammarshall1023159d ago

Scalebound looks really good so far so that will be my fix

3159d ago
Dewitt3159d ago

Explain how it looks like hot garbage? Have you even watched the extended videos or the concept talks?

Black0ut3159d ago

Hot garbage?? What a comment!

This article is a bit silly though, person writing for xbox enthusiast switches to xbox. Just like those sony sites writing the same thing about the PS - It holds not a great deal of legitimacy :|

rainslacker3159d ago

It looks good. But it also looks like the mutant unwanted offspring of a Disney and Insomniac art style. I haven't seen much in it that would make me think that it comes from a Japanese dev other than the Platinum logo at the beginning.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy platinum games, and they don't get enough credit for how consistently good their games are, but at the same time, I can't really say Scalebound would be a suitable "fix" for those who are into the JRPG scene, or Japanese games in general, because it just doesn't feel like one.

awi59513159d ago Show
Why o why3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

Unfair to label something as hot garbage dude.

Lol at the bias doesn't exist argument. . .

That enthusiasm lol

nitus103159d ago

One or two good games does not make me buy a console.

jebabcock3159d ago

Yeah, the source of the article kind of indicates there will be significant bias. This person switched to Xbox after the PS2 and has been a fan of the system ever since. His best argument made is only that despite Bad decisions made my microsoft, there are some good things there still. That can be said about almost anything. Ultimately this guy is just saying he is as the site indicates, An Xbox enthusiast. He has significant brand loyalty. I do like that he focuses on what Xbox provides vs getting too heavily into criticising other systems.

Death3159d ago

The author didn't switch after PS2. According to article he had multiple consoles prior to PS2 and multiple after. Contrary to popular belief console gaming was around before the Playstation.

BlackTar1873159d ago

@death not to about 60% of the people on this site :)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3159d ago
jznrpg3159d ago Show
DragonDDark3159d ago

Wide variety.. chooses Xbox.
Wut? Can you give me the games?

alabtrosMyster3159d ago

This must be satire... The machine has less games in all genres than the ps4 (less well recieved games too).. So unless you are looking for one of their 3 yealy holiday exclusives you are screwed as the console itself isn't very good at gaming :-/

sammarshall1023159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

It does really

Racing: Forza 6, Forza Horizon 2
Fighting: Killer Instinct
1st person shooter: Halo 5, Halo Master Chief Collection
3rd person shooter: Gears of War Ultimate edition
Puzzle: Pneuma
Platformer: Ori and the Blind Forest, Max and the Curse of the Brotherhood
Action/adventure: Ryse, Rise of the Tomb Raider (timed)
Open World: Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3
RPG: Fable Legends
Other: D4, Rare Replay, Xbox Fitness, Kinect sports, Project Spark, Crimson Dragon

Gwynbleidd3159d ago

Well said! I don't get how people can say Xbox has no variety. PS4 may have more variety in the Indy genre but overall Xbox is not lacking behind by much.

RpgSama3159d ago


Congrats sammarshall102, you just mentioned EVERY Xbox one game, having variety is not only having ONE game in every genre, variety is having a lot of games, big and small in every genre, which the Xbox objectively does not.

jaymacx3159d ago

Xbox brand is severely lacking in Jrpgs and platformers. Playstation is better in this regard.. Thats why if you love games from Japan (which most core gamers do) playstation and/or Nintendo is for you. MS needs an in house japan studio to help with this.

Automatic793159d ago

@Sammershall well said Xbox has improved with every genre moving forward.

ABizzel13159d ago


I get what you're saying and I completely agree the XBO is by far the most diverse MS console. But the problem I think they have is that while they're diverse, many of the games in those genres aren't best in class experiences and that's what the issue is. But more importantly there are proven experiences for generations on other platforms.

I'm not knocking any of the games, but let me use your list as an example of what I feel is the reason people say that.

Racing: PS > Xbox >>> Nintendo (Kart alone can't make up for 3rd party)

Fighting: PS > Xbox = Nintendo (Smash alone can't make up for 3rd party)

1st person shooter: Xbox > PS >>> Nintendo

3rd person shooter: Xbox > PS >>> Nintendo (Uncharted / Ratchet / TLoU in different genres)

Puzzle: PS = Xbox = Nintendo

Platformer: Nintendo >>> Sony >>> MS (Sony needs Jak, Sly, etc... to compete with Nintendo)

Action/adventure: PS > Xbox > Nintendo

Open World: PS = Xbox > Nintendo

WRPG: PS = Xbox >>>>>> Nintendo

JRPG: PS = Nintendo >>>>>> Xbox

Niche: PS >>>>>> Nintendo >/= Xbox

And I think many gamers on n4g would agree with that. All 3 consoles have good games, but there are serious quantity gaps in both Xbox and Nintendo's offerings. Xbox simply can't get JP support, and Nintendo simply can't get Western 3rd party support to fill the voids in their libraries.

PS simply has all areas covered, and while they obviously don't lead every market (FPS / TPS go to Xbox, and Platformers go to Nintendo), they offer enough compelling games whether first party or 3rd party to bring several games of various genres to their console for everyone's taste.

Xbox is great for shooters, Open-World games, WRPG, Racing, and great 3rd party support (pretty much anything western Xbox is good / great at). But it suffers in the Niche, Platforming, and the overall JRPG / JP markets (basically anything niche / JP / or RoW). The problem for MS is they don't like to take too many financial risk (which thankfully this gen is forcing them to, and we're getting Scalebound, Recore, and hopefully more). And also JP simply doesn't want an Xbox, and so they'll always struggle with JP support which still has a strong global presence.

Nintendo suffers from an overall lack of 3rd party support. They have a expansive library of games, but they simply don't have the time, the amount developers, or the risk to put their full support into making games form their huge catalog. Until Nintendo gets decent 3rd party support it will always be a primarily first party console and thus sales will always struggle, unless they triple down on first party exclusives and buy up a bunch of small good indie developers to start making new versions of their classic franchises.

Out of 100% of games including exclusives and 3rd party games for all consoles.

PS probably gets 85% - 89% of those games (again including all exclusives, and 3rd party exclusive deals).

I'd say Xbox gets about 75% because of the lack of JP support.

And finally Nintendo gets about 40% because of the lack of western support.

ThePope3159d ago


Interesting way to put a list together I like it.

Though I do disagree in a few areas:

Racing: MS has 2 amazing racers available and Sony has 1 great racer. MS is definitely in first place (excuse the pun) in the racing category.

Fighting: What fighting game does PS have exclusively that's better than KI? I'm honestly asking because I'm not into fighters so I just don't know.

Puzzle: From what I hear Ori is basically a AAA game on a budget and that's a puzzle game. Unless you are referring to a different type of puzzle game? What game on PS gives it the edge, again honestly asking.

ABizzel13159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

And shockingly I went to metacritic to see test my theory and percentage by finding averages based on the number of games reviewed.

PS4 has 380 games reviewed, XBO has 247, and Wii U has 162. Now this is excluding plenty of PSN / XBL / eShop games, and we know PS4 doesn't have every game on it, but we'll have to use PS4's 380 as the divisor (had to look that up again lol), and just scale those numbers.

PS4: We'll say 80% just to underbid the actual total.
XBO: 65%
Wii U: 42.63%

Using wikipedia things get worse as they try to track every singe game (PSN / XBL / eShop).

PS4 825, XBO 495, Wii U 287

PS4: Again we'll keep it at 80%
XBO: 60%
Wii U: 34.79%

Now I'll average out my assumptions with these 3.

PS4: Again we'll just keep it at 80%
XBO: 66.7%
Wii U: 39.14%

Sony having a world market and audience means it simply gets more games from every genre for every type of gamer.

Xbox has a great following due to it's western audience focus, but it misses out on a good deal of Asians specific and niche games for RoW local audiences.

Nintendo's lack of 3rd party support from the west pretty much dooms it to be a First party only console with JP support. Thus their consoles do well in JP, and while they're first party is absolutely great it simply doesn't make up for the complete lack of 3rd party support for the majority of core gamers.

ABizzel13159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

@The Pope

I had this paragraph response for each genre, but it was becoming way too long, and I didn't feel like typing all of that. But here's the reasons for the genres you listed.

Racing: I assume you mean Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon (or Project Gotham). Personally I really like Forza, but realistically Gran Turismo is a significantly bigger franchise, bigger than both Forza's combined. Also Sony does have other developers who make racing games like Evolution as well as IP's like DriveClub (which is a good game despite the bad launch), Motorstorm (if PG counts), and Wipeout.

Fighting: Again I really liked Killer Instinct, but for the most part 3rd party Fighting games almost always push PS as the primary platform by default because they're generally JP games and PS does well over there while Xbox doesn't. And as far as exclusives go PS4 has Street Fighter V, Guilty Gear, and King of Fighters exclusive, as well as "remasters" of PS360 games like Injustice (although on Wii U), and Street Fighter 4.

Puzzle: I didn't give any console the edge in the puzzle genre. I said it was a 3 way tie and they all have equal signs (=), because this genre is filled to the brim with indie games and they are just WAY too many on all 3 platforms meaning regardless of what console you get if Puzzle games are your favorite then you'll be happy.

But when it comes to sheer number of Puzzle games it's:

Wii U (thanks to classics from NES - GC) > PS4 > Xbox

Here are the game list wikis

Wii U



ThePope3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )


Racing: While I agree GT is bigger than Forza (though how much at this point is debatable) there isn't a GT game on the PS4. SO to say it has better racing than MS which has two studios that exclusively make racing games that have currently set the bar on next gen I don't believe is fair. So could the upcoming GT outshine Forza, for sure but at this point Forza is the next gen king of the hill.

Fighting: I cant knowledgeably talk about this genre so I'm going to have to defer to your judgment.

Puzzle: I misread your chart

I think the main point of our convo to this point is both consoles bring so much to the table that owning both is IMO a must. Or you will guaranteed miss out on great games.

ABizzel13159d ago


The percentages I used were based on available games.

The concept behind the which console had better support in each genre was done on a combination of game history (franchises only), games available, and upcoming 2016 games.

So the percentages are based off what we have to play up to this year.

While the ">" comparisons are based off proven franchises, what we have up to this year, and what was already announced for 2016 (which is why I included GT).

Also a single ">" meant that it was still fairly close, but the winning console has either more games in that genre or a key franchise that stands above the competition. Only ">>>" or ">>>>>> " meant that it was a drastic difference in quality & quantity.

Bahamut3159d ago


I fell asleep reading that list.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3159d ago
XanderZane3159d ago

Yeah, this gen JRPG are pretty dead on XB1, but last gen the XBox 360 had a ton of JRPG's. Hopefully with B/C many gamers will be able to replay some of those games on the XB1 as well. This is one of the reasons I own a PS4 as well. Cause I do enjoy a lot of JRPG games. Hopefully Scalebound is just the start of some new JRPG's on the XB1.

Youngindy213159d ago

It may be dead on Xbox brand, but there hasn't really been any GREAT JRPGs on PS4 either. Outside of Persona, Final Fantasy, and Tales the genre is pretty much dying altogether and it is not very popular in America. I wish PS4 fanboys would stop acting like there are so many highly rated JRPGs on PS4 when in reality there are hardly any this gen on either console.

rainslacker3159d ago

You think so? So Dragon's Quest, Kingdom Hearts, Any number of the niche NISA or Atlus titles, Omega Quintet, Disgaea, Star Ocean, Sword Arts, Toukiden, Ys, and some more I'm probably forgetting make a dying genre? What's the criteria for great? Reviews...sales?

Seems JRPG's are making a resurgence, and I haven't seen so much excitement for JRPG's in a very long time...mostly because they seem to be forgotten by publishers last gen.

Even when JRPG's were up there, there were still plenty of mediocre or niche ones to choose from. Most didn't sell gang busters, yet the genre was well liked, and there are enough people who want the genre to make it viable.

kfk3159d ago

Yeah, next year's going to be fantastic for JRPGs (and Japanese ARPGs), pretty much every major franchise has new entries coming out.

Final Fantasy 15 (and World of Final Fantasy)
Persona 5
Star Ocean 5
Dragon Quest 11 (and Builders)
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (and 3?)
Tales of Berseria
Atelier Sophie
Megadimension Neptunia VII
Nier: Automata
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Digimon Story
Exist Archive
Nights of Azure

indyman77773159d ago

There are more on PS4 on it's second year on the market, so far than there was on ps3 and xbox360 combined in third THIRD year on the market!

-Ikon-3159d ago

My guess is playstationenthusit.com was taken so he went with the poorer choice

SegaGamer3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

@EMZ99. You obviously haven't played many JRPG's of late then if you think they all suck.

forgetmenot3159d ago

This had me rolling.
and what variety are these people talking about The only games I hear about from the xbox community this gen is titanfall, ryse, killer instinct, halo , forza and gears.
and as you can see below in a trolling comment xbox gamers dont like jrpgs/ or anime theme.

ScaReCrow903159d ago

You forgot ori and dead rising and sunset.

XanderZane3159d ago

This is why I own both systems. If you really want a JRPG system, get a 3DS. I has probably 10x more JRPG's on it then the PS4. There are 100's of them in Japan.

AngelicIceDiamond3159d ago

X1 has JRPG deficiency. As for these articles they're stupid. You bought an X1 no need to announce it and start giving reasons and justifications. Have fun, enjoy it.

Major_Glitch3159d ago ShowReplies(1)
UKmilitia3159d ago

i got an xbox one for kid for xmas(well me aswell)
did all the update etc last nightand installed a few games so he wasnt hit with the xmas day updates when everyone else is updating theres.

the new dashboard is horrible,couldnt find my way round and seemed like i was going past adverts(xb1 games/apps) to get to the stuff i owned and to get to some of setting i had to look on internet.

couldnt even find how to enter a prepaid code ffs

3159d ago
Fatdrinkofwater3159d ago

What? Heres a hot tip. Use rb and lb to go left and right in the dash. Press the menu(start) button on anything for more options at hand. And you redeem a code from the store.

The dashboard is great if you just learn how to use it. It does need refining however and ms always do. Next big update due after xmas.

ScaReCrow903159d ago

It hasn't changed much. Things are still int the same place more or less. It seems like a new look turns peoples heads upside down.

TheSheEti3159d ago

You say the new dashboard is horrible but did you actually take your time in finding where everything is or did you just go running into everything. Much like when Windows 8 was released people didn't know where anything was, MS did have an intro video showing you where to access everything. They do the same with the xbox one dashboard. On the homepage there is an icon which says something like getting started with the new dashboard try using that.

I has the same problem when I first got a PS3, the settings seemed to be everywhere but once you actually got into them you understood where everything was and it was actually easy once you took 5 minutes to check over it all.

ThanatosDMC3159d ago

New UI is much better than the laggy PoS UI that the Xbone used to have. It's still not as straight forward as the WiiU and PS4 but they're getting there.

The fact that you have to watch a tutorial to know how to use a plug and play console is stupid. Poorly thought out UI.

Perjoss3158d ago

I really wanted to like the new dashboard, its a slight improvement but its still not good. They full well know how to make a good UI but they are hellbent on having this aero style thing with boxes/windows so they can mix ads in with the menu buttons.

Not many things about the UI make sense, took me ages to find where my screenshots are being saved, double tapping the home button (for taking screenshots) opens the in game menu, thanks, I don't want to take a pic of the game's menu, I want to take a pic of the game. Their solution is to speak to Kinect to take your screenshot, sorry but I don't want to buy that piece of redundant hardware.

On a more positive note, Rise of the Tomb Raider is freaking amazing, I may even double dip and get it on PC when it comes out next year.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3158d ago
Picnic3159d ago

Lucky I'm not in to Japanese role playing games. It's a pretty niche thing to be in to for a Westerner no matter how popular it might be.

Relientk773159d ago

Wait he said JRPGS? If u want JRPGs should have bought a PS4

Death3159d ago

You are replying to something not stated in the article. The author didn't single out JRPGS, he included the genre in the list of genres available across three generations of Xbox consoles. JRPG's do exist on the Xbox platform. If you primarily play JRPG's then you are correct, buying a Playstation would be a better option. If you are interested in all genres, the Xbox is a viable alternative.

Here's something else to consider, instead of thinking of this as an either/or kind of thing, perhaps you could open your mind and think about owning an Xbox and Playstation.

showtimefolks3159d ago

good for you, play the console you want and the one your friends are playing. by now both systems are at a price point where if you have the time and resources than buy both

i don't think stuff like this requires an article, so now what are we suppose to throw you a party because you switched to xbox one?

ever heard of personal preference.

Ashby_JC3159d ago

If you read the article the headline is misleading as he does have a PS4. So he really didnt switch to the XBOX one.

He was a nintendo and early PS gamer then got turned onto the OG XBOX and stuck with it.

Reading his article I was pretty much the same. I have owned just about every system. Would I say I switched to this or that...naw.

I may have a preference....but switching to me makes no sense. Ill just get both.

fulnattybrah3159d ago

jrpg games are dead on the ps4.... nobody even buys the jrpg games.. Check the sales of those games, they're miserable

twinspectre19903159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

Xbox one has 0 Jrpgs, so why this guy mentioned Jrpgs ?
Platformers? can someone explain me which platform game he's talking about?

danny8183159d ago

to be fair jrpgs are niche.

SmokingMonkey3159d ago


Fear, uncertainty and doubt
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (shortened to "FUD") is a tactic used in sales, marketing, public relations,[1][2] politics and propaganda.

FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information. An individual firm, for example, might use FUD to invite unfavorable opinions and speculation about a competitor's product; to increase the general estimation of switching costs among current customers; or to maintain leverage over a current business partner who could potentially become a rival.

The term originated to describe disinformation tactics in the computer hardware industry[dubious – discuss] but has since been used more broadly.[3] FUD is a manifestation of the appeal to fear.

Although originally associated with IBM, from the 1990s on the term became most often associated with software industry giant Microsoft. Roger Irwin said:[10]

“ Microsoft soon picked up the art of FUD from IBM, and throughout the '80s used FUD as a primary marketing tool, much as IBM had in the previous decade. They ended up out FUD-ding IBM themselves during the OS/2 vs Win3.1 years. ”
In 1996, Caldera, Inc. accused Microsoft of several anti-competitive practises, including issuing vaporware announcements, creating FUD, and excluding competitors from participating in beta-test programs in order to destroy competition in the DOS market.[11][12] One of the claims was related to having modified Windows 3.1 so that it would not run on DR DOS 6.0 although there were no technical reasons for it not to work.[11][13] This was caused by the so called AARD code, some encrypted piece of code, which had been found in a number of Microsoft programs. The code would fake nonsensical error messages if run on DR DOS, like:[14][15]

kenwonobi3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

@smoking monkey. I know exactly what you are saying. It seems Microsoft has mastered the art of FUD. It's used so often within their gaming history that its actually a turnoff to gamers who smell bs a mile away. It's done so often I frankly find it offensive and outputting. The reason it doesn't work as often on the gaming community as much is because by their nature they are a problem solving analytical crowd. So FUD is often figured out right away.

SmokingMonkey3159d ago


This is the biggest piece of FUD I have ever seen. Why would someone from "Xboxenthusiast" not already have a XB1? Why would they need to switch if you write for this site?

The answer; FUD

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3159d ago
3159d ago
MehmetAlperTR3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

do not need to switch... I have both, i like both.. I love Nintendo also.. Cause i m gamer.. not a worker at sony, MS or nintendo.. I like games..

kenshiro1003159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

Not sure why someone needs to write an article on why they switched, but okay.

Also, PS4 has more jrpgs.

SUCKxITxEZ3159d ago

Because they work at xboxenthusiast.com

peshkavusCA3159d ago

Once Lost Odyssey backward compatibility is released, then we will go back to this... LO is enough to quench your JRPG face.

Kidmyst3159d ago

The article makes it seem like he switched from PS4 to Xbone one, he's been on Xbox since the first one and tayed loyal to MS when the PS3 and 360 came out. I don't really call that switching more of a decision why he stuck with Xbox.

MrCrimson3159d ago

jrpg is a dead genre in western markets.

Docknoss3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

I loved JRPG's growing up, but that's all their was then. Then KOTOR came out and I haven't played a JRPG since July, 15 2003

0to1003159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

i only got a ps4 for black ops 3, ps4 has no good games, or features for that matter, unless you like trash?

otherZinc3159d ago

Without that super long story, you could've easily said the XBOX ONE has the best AAA Exclusives. Really, the PS4 doesn't have any AAA Exclusives for the 2nd consecutive holiday season.

Also, COD, Star Wars Battlefront, Assassin's Creed, Madden, NBA2K, NHL, GTA, MGS,etc...are all on the XBOX ONE.
INCLUDING, Halo 5, Tomb Raider, Forza Motorsport 6,Gears Ultimate, Backwards Compatability, Elite Controller, XBOX Live, that are Exclusive to XBOX ONE Console.

That's why.

3158d ago
saywat2473158d ago

he switched to xbox because he clearly prefers an inferior console more :)

illAmpThunder3158d ago (Edited 3158d ago )

I can tell you why some people would switch 2 xbox because the controller is ergonomics design is comfortable compared to a pos like ds4 . Seriously sony redesign this shit controller itsbeen the same controller 4 20years its outdated instead of adding touch pad bs redesign this pos build upon the dual analog controller design you originally invented instead of releasing the same controller every PlayStation. For gods sake save future generations from carpool tunnels syndrome because this controller is built for 4 year old hands the stick placement is way to close sony engineering should be ashamed at how bad this outdated controller really is but ps fanboys dont have peripherals so they dont know and adding touch pad bs wont fix this fuked up controller design . And here come the fanboys flags the stick placement on the ds is outdated get over it fanboys you know its true its been the same controller 4 20years if they dont use wider stick placement w/ ds5 and ps5 im going 2 ditch ps

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 3158d ago
3159d ago Replies(3)
lociefer3159d ago

well considering you write for xboxenthusiast it would be dumb not to have it as ur main console

alabtrosMyster3159d ago

He used to be only enthusiast, he wasn't an xbox owner yet! Mystery solved, no need to thank me!

crazychris41243159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

I asked for the 360 or the PS3 for Christmas, got the 360 since it was cheaper. Bought a PS3 years later but then had to sell couple years after that when money got tight, regret that decision since I missed The Last of Us.

mokkeyrg23159d ago

looool loads of re releases tbh so ps4 would be great for you if u wna play ps3 re releases @crazy

Ristul3159d ago

mokkeyrg2 TLoU looks better then most games in the 7th generation, It could even rival some of the 8th gen games to be honest. It sold 632 000 the first week on PS4, thats double the amount RoTR sold it's first week so a lot of people who missed it got a chanse to play it on PS4. Thats a positive, the same way it is a positive that people can play Gears of War and Halo remasters on Xbox One and Wind Waker on WiiU.

RiPPn3159d ago

Writer for Xbox Enthusiast chooses Xbox as his console of choice.. unbelievable.. someone call the local news outlets, this is incredible breaking news!!

3159d ago Replies(3)
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Games That Took An Absolutely Bizzare Turn In Their Narrative

Some titles out there focus on introducing a bizarre turn in their narrative. Check out this list for some solid recommendations for those.

Inverno25d ago

"INSIDE" was bloody amazing, and I miss Uncharted's sci-fi and paranormal aspects greatly.

TricksterArrow24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

TBH, 3 and 4 still have them, but they are heavily implied, which can be terrifying the more you think about it, but it is admittedly, much less scary and less interesting gameplay-wise than what 1 and 2 have done.

Inverno24d ago

U3 did show the Jinn's "bottle" in the end and the city was pretty f-ing dope. Just a little disappointing that they didn't lean just a bit more on the mythical parts of the series. Uncharted is a world rooted in reality and Drake knowing all these mythical stuff exists could've led into something cool.

porkChop25d ago

I remember being particularly confused by the twist in LA Noire where Cole Phelps is sort of "exposed". If you've played it you know what I'm talking about. It always felt weird and odd because the player is Cole Phelps. How can the player not know about these sorts of things happening with their own character? I felt like it came out of nowhere.

Yui_Suzumiya24d ago

Soma, Doki Doki Literature Club, Saya no Uta

UnbreakableAlex24d ago

Is Twelve Minutes on that list? Because IT HAS TO BE ON THAT LIST!
Don’t spoiler yourself with that humongous twist :D

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Report: Halo: Combat Evolved Remaster in Development, Being Considered for PS5

According to insider sources, a Halo Combat Evolved remaster is in development and being considered for launch on PS5.

Rynxie49d ago

So the better version will be on PS5 with VR, haptic feedback, 4k, HDR and so on? Can we ban Xbox owners from buying the PS5 version? Put a requirement to have a psn log in to play it.

andy8549d ago

Tbf considering the Pro will be out you're right. Console wise anyway

BlindMango49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Why do these news websites keep labeling RUMORS as "Report"? Why even have the word "Report" in the title at all? It's like they are faking an announcement to get more clicks

andy8549d ago

Imagine seeing that headline 2 years ago 😂😂


The Best Four-Player Original Xbox Games

Remember the days of four-player couch co-op? The Wealth of Geeks team certainly does. This list brings us back to the golden years of the original Xbox with the best four-player games that were available.

Read Full Story >>
Exvalos48d ago

If halo comes then nothing is off limits, whole slate is coming.