
'The Witcher 3' And 'Fallout 4' Show Us That Single-Player Games Should Live Forever

Forbes: It’s likely that many GOTY lists will include Fallout 4 or The Witcher 3 somewhere near the top. And I think that’s a significant achievement, given that we now exist in an age where those type of games are practically an endangered species. But their success shows that they shouldn’t be.

Aloy-Boyfriend3223d ago

These games offer freedom and choices to play however the player want,and that is what you call replay value

Kingthrash3603223d ago

I think it's weird to even question single player games...they still are more important than mp as far as experience in gameing. Sp is the time for story telling and creating an connection with characters like master cheif Nathan drake or link. ..these things can't be don't in mp. People become more passionate fans of games with characters they are connected with....smash bros. Is a great example of this. Most of its characters are well known characters from single player games...each with their own personality that reflects their fighting style. We love smash because we love the characters.
That and there is nothing like a horror game in sp...mp horror is just fun, sp horror is what pt was...horrifying. in a way that only a sp game can pull off.

UltraNova3222d ago

From the article:

"The trend doesn’t need to play out this way. The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 show that games can find huge success free from the trapping of multiplayer. Not that I resent multiplayer games in general, or will never play them myself, but I just can’t bear the idea that someday everything is going to need multiplayer injected into it because of this new trend toward “social.” It doesn’t have to be that way, and these games prove it more than any other."

Truer words have never been spoken.

Isn't facebook, Intstagram, twitter, youtube etc etc etc enough socializing for some people? Why do they have to infect gaming with this 'social trend'?

Skyrim marked the start of the end for SP games (imo)as I have yet to experience a more magical, absorbing gaming solitude with out some kind of social interruption.

The only game that even came close was Dark Souls but only because I could play it in offline mode.

If they kill SP in favor of MP that's it gaming will be dead to me.

Thanks to devs like CD Project REd and Bethesda who still keep SP gaming alive. I hope they never give into this "social trend".

Kidmyst3222d ago

If SW Battlefront had Single Player I'd have picked it up, but given the fact it's MP only, I passed. SP for me has always been where the work is, story telling and with characters to unfold.

TwoForce3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

And BloodBorne, too. I know BloodBorne has online mode, but mostly it single player. That's why SP games are always a strong point.

TwoForce3223d ago

Disargree ? I said BloodBorne had online mode, but the game is SP itself. It's let you explore the world, lore and weapon. Fallout 4 is my favorite game, and my favorite sp game for a long time. BloodBorne is also my favorite game.

Thunder_G0d_Bane3223d ago

People just don't agree that Bloodborne is one of those games anywhere near the upper echelon that Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 is at. And I agree with them.

Sorry but it's simply no where close.

nitus103223d ago

Getting disagrees? It seems that some people have to hate or have never played the game.

I have not played BloodBorne yet since I don't have a PS4 (yet) but I have played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and while they do have an on-line component they are effectively single player.

BloodBorne like the Souls series is single player game with an optional on-line component that allows other players to either coop or PvP and only in certain places.

Those disagreeing with that are either haters or just don't get it.

Adrian_v013222d ago


And as bane has said, people disagree because they find that Bloodborne can't be compared to Witcher 3 or Fallout in terms of experience. If you disagree you're either a hater or you don't get it.

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frostypants3223d ago

Nah. JC3 is an example of a game that should have had MP but doesn't.

crazychris41243223d ago

It does on PC when we get the multiplayer mod which is even more over the top.

formanbradley3223d ago

Yeah... only problem is that is hasn't come out yet.

crazychris41243223d ago

Game isn't even out yet so be patient.

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-Foxtrot3223d ago

This is why online in any form should NEVER come to these games

zeuanimals3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

I really don't see how just being allowed to join someone else's game of Fallout 4 and help them out like a regular companion wouldn't work. You can do your story stuff that the other player doesn't see or hear and doesn't play a part of. The only part where they do actually have any impact in your world is the fact that you both get to kill hostile NPCs. If they do something that aggros normal NPCs like those in a settlement, then all you'll see is them shooting at nothing, running around like crazy, and the NPCs just going about their days because their actions beyond killing raiders and such don't affect your game. You can join in the killing if you want, but if you don't, it doesn't affect you.

It might seem weird that your buddy is running around shooting nothing and could possibly end up dying to what seems to be nothing on your end, but stranger things have twerked their way into the game.


-Foxtrot3223d ago

Do you think they just spend a few weeks here and there working on online features such as co-op...god no, it takes months of planning and then they actually have to get it to work.

All that time spent on just getting a friend to join your game could be easily spent on other features you want to do within the game or the polish you might want to do before it goes gold.

It's just not worth it...at all.

These games are single player adventure games, we get so little and I think people should enjoy them the way they were made to be.

Want a RPG co-op experience, find a new IP which offers that. Everyone wins then.

Yui_Suzumiya3222d ago

Bethesda and CD Project are smart enough to not shoe horn it in.

Kalebninja3223d ago

"former champions of single-player like Grand Theft Auto seem like they’re almost completely forsaking it to chase after multiplayer microtransaction cash."

With all the single player content in GTA V it took me over 80 hours to beat it, just because they decide to do both online and single player doesnt mean they are forsaking it. The same could be said for metal gear, A really long single player campaign with an integrated, but option, multiplayer mode.

DarkOcelet3223d ago

GTAV concentrated so much on MP and Microtransactions. Imagine if it was purely SP, we could have had over 200 hours of content.

And the main story in GTAV was pretty short.

-Foxtrot3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

That ending man...so quickly rushed and tied together

When they said tie up loose ends I thought it meant one epic mission for each character.

Instead you arrived the scene of the person you need to take out and can easily C4 the car or rocket launcher it to bits. The drive to the location is longer then killing the person.

Next game they really need to focus back on one person again. GTAV could have been 10 times better if it focused on Trevor and the online came out early the following year as a separate game made by another studio

_-EDMIX-_3223d ago

? You don't actually know that as the team that worked on the MP was never going to work on the SP, their job was solely MP.

I have no clue why anyone keeps on this stupid, childish, baseless theory of it has MP, thus the SP must have been hurt.

Do you guys not understand how games are created? If I hire you to write the game's story, a MP mode has nothing to do with your job description. I legit don't know why in this day and age anyone really STILL thinks this. GTAV had a LONG single player, its LONGER then the pervious GTAIV in terms of missions and length to beat, having a MP has nothing to do with any of its single player.

Have you not factored that GTASA, GTAIV both had multiplayer? smh.

You keep on with this "could have" what damn evidence even supports GTAV was EVER in any damn situation EVER going to be that long? Where did you get this 200 hour BS from?

Do Rockstar have ANY single player that ranks into 200 hours to complete? EVER? Yet your living in this pie in the sky dream as if, the MP is why the SP isn't that.

When was the SP EVER THAT to say that was even slightly ever going to be a thing?

Like your post Dark, but legit....come with something really, really substantial to support your theories, it can't just be wild assumptions, guess with no real evidence from past developments to really support such claims.

GTAV is longer then GTAIV, its BIGGER then GTAIV, there is no reason to assume its MP is why its SP is um "short" as nothing really even supports any of that, GTAV is regarded as being longer with more content then GTAIV. The team makes MP modes, doesn't work with SP, they where never suddenly going to write 100 hours of content as I'm pretty sure that was never going to happen.

Perjoss3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

yeah, where are the damn single player DLCs like The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony?


3223d ago

2 prime examples! also don't forget alien isolation,shadow of mordor,dying light.

USMC_POLICE3223d ago

Agreed as I get older I'm less into multiplayer but every game should have coop like dying light I'd love to have a friend in witcher and fallout

JsonHenry3223d ago

Dying Light had great co-op. And I feel its proof that Fallout 4 could have had easily have had co-op without detracting from the game in the slightest.

xPhearR3dx3223d ago

I would love Co-op is Fallout, but I think it would be very tricky. There's enough variables as is in single player, adding another would make things a lot more complicated. No to mention, there would need to be a way for your co-op player to not be able to just kill random NPCs or destroy your settlements causing issues for when you play by yourself. Plus if a player chooses to steal, but the other player isn't involved.

There's many things that would take a lot of time to work out so it's enjoyable and not frustrating with random people. But in theory, it would be awesome.

JsonHenry3223d ago

^^ Everything you mentioned would be a problem but has also been addressed and fixed in just about every co-op game for over a decade running.

In the end if it had been made for co-op from the start none of these things would be an issue. I mean even minecraft has fixed the issues that you mentioned.

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anast35d ago

This would be awesome if it were a mod of a better game.