
Starlit Adventures - Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Starlit Adventures is a new platformer for those who loved Dig Dug as a kid. Your goal is to dig and hunt for treasure while finding ways to defeat enemies using various power-ups and uniforms. You can hunt for treasure and jewels, as well as stars, rack up points and even find new things in old stages.

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Playing Some | Starlit Adventures (Xbox One)

Aaron plays some Starlit Adventures for the Xbox One and doesn't realize, while playing, that it is a free-to-play game. Ooops.

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Starlit Adventures (PS4) - Review (Free to Play) | SquareXO

Rob Pitt writes: I don’t play many free to play titles on my PS4 as they are usually plagued by MicroTransactions or they are multiplayer focused whereas I prefer single player games. However, when I saw Starlit Adventures I had to try it out as it looks so darn cute! I’ve played quite a lot of the game over the last few weeks, thanks to the early access given to me from Rockhead Games, and I think this is one of my favourite casual go-to games that’s currently installed on my PS4. With it’s bright, colourful cheery gameplay, it’s both fun solo or with friends and I’ve not had to spend a penny yet.

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Jimboms2357d ago

Looks pretty decent, not too much of a souless cash grab, although the free to play element still makes me a bit uneasy.

rob-GP2357d ago

Yeah, I'm always wary about F2P titles. The developer gave me the game early, a bunch of the green coins (MicroTransactions) and one of the gold suits, the unicorn one. But because I'm based in the UK, I can only play the game and not use the DLC as they are locked to me US account only. So I've just been playing it vanilla and I'm really enjoying it.

You will get to points where you can't get all three of the stars from the levels without a certain suit, but the game doesn't stop you progressing to the next level - so you can carry on and then unlock the suit when you have enough and come back to claim the ones you missed.

It's really fun when you play the local co-op as well, which is something you don't really see in the free games. We are just waiting for it to come to EU - the dev said it's with Sony and should have been on the 10th, the same as the US, but it should be up within the next few weeks over here.