
With Backwards Compatibility and PS Now, The Need for "Definitive Editions" is Over

OnlySP: Nordic Games recently revealed the true intentions of re-releasing Darksiders 2 on current-gen consoles. To gauge interest in the franchise and use it as a starting point for Darksiders 3. Obviously, the company could use the extra cash as well.

3224d ago Replies(1)
uth113224d ago

The purpose of remasters is to fill out the lineup until the big new games are ready for release

kungfuian3224d ago

The purpose of remasters is more than that.

They also provide those who have never had a chance to play a game a new opportunity to experience it. This works in a few ways. For example new ps4 owners who had 360 last gen but not a ps3. Now they can finally try these games.

Or players who would have been too young when the original released. Just think, a ten year old game that gets remastered will have an entirely new population of gamers who get a chance to try it out.

Re-released platform exclusive games may also in some way entice players to finally switch platforms. Like if I had a 360 but always wanted to try Uncharted.

Remasters also help developers measure interest and help build/re-establish interest in a series. For example if sales are good on a remaster then a sequel is a good idea. Or maybe sales are lower, then they still make the sequel but invest less money and lower sales projections.

Timely re-released/remastered versions help promote awareness of the next game in a series too. They can act as a sort of brand awareness marketing ramp up of sorts.

They also provide justification for a cross platform releases between console generations, something which is specifically beneficial for software that comes toward the end of one console generation and at the beginning of another (like GTA5)

They can help offset costs of a future installments in a series with added revenue (for example gravity rush HD sales will likely help fund gravity rush 2)

And lastly they provide collectors and fans of a game/series an opportunity to experience better realized iterations than previous hardware would allow. I'm a total sucker when it comes to owning the best versions of my favorites!

For these reasons and more remasters aren't going anywhere. If anything, I think we can expect a steady flow of remasters, re-imaginings, and soon vr versions of our favorites for a long time. And augmented reality versions, 4k versions, and so on and so forth will be right behind them.

Fatdrinkofwater3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

PSnow is such a rip off youd be better off buying a ps3 and whatever games you want second hand they are so cheap and youd actually own the games and be able to play offline with no latency.

Masterchief_thegoat3224d ago

I'm no sucker as much I want to play ps3 on ps4 I don't want that. Good thing is is not being force like Xbox with Kinect 2013-2014

Fatdrinkofwater3224d ago

Wtf has xbox kinect got to do with psnow and backward compatability?

If your gonna troll atleast keep it related.

Bad form

3224d ago
dantesparda3223d ago

Then you stop trolling.

bobtheimpaler3224d ago

I have no idea why people still think that PS Now is Sony's answer for backwards compatibility.

It just never was. They never marketed the service that way.

It is a totally separate service that is also accessible on a number of non-playstation devices. If you think it is, then you're just a fool letting your emotions do your thinking for you.

I have a PS3 and I've sold all the games I have on it except the few I can see myself revisiting. Even if PS Now was available in my country, I just don't see myself using it as it isn't for people like me.

Personally, I welcome remasters like the uncharted collection and The Last of Us. As they look and perform significantly better having been coded/ recompiled for the PS4, than if they were being emulated on the system....which wouldn't be likely anyway given the complexity of the PS3 architecture.

If they look better and perform significantly better, I don't see the problem. Personally, I hope Ratchet & Clank Future Trilogy, Resistance Trilogy, Killzone 2 (Don't care for KZ3 - dumbed down for casuals) and MGS collection make it to the PS4. For me, these are games that made the PS3 stand out and I can see myself returning to them often.

Third party games, such as the Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, I bought on PC cheap. Other stuff like Assassins Creed and Call of Duty are very disposable games and I'm happy without.

Should a PS5 be made, it would likely be based on X86 architecture, and that would make maintaining backwards compatibility with PS4 simpler. Anything else would probably be similar to how PS2 games have been handled on PS3 over PSN.

Dee_Blessed3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Can't psnow be played from multiple devices outside of ps4? And it's in its early stages. So I'm sure things will become much more rewarding as time goes on.just imagine ps tv with all you favorite games on it for decades upon decades. Games that are extremely hard to find even. I mean whose to say in a few more years psnow won't evolve into something absolutely amazing. I remember some Sony executive saying that it will grow and evolve and its their first cracked at it so everyone won't be immediately pleased. People have the wrong interpretation that this is a money grab and that's it. Sony dumped major $ to buy gaikai they wouldn't just do that for a quick buck. I'm sure they're thinking long term with psnow.

OC_MurphysLaw3224d ago

The Need for "Definitive Editions" is Over.... No, not exactly. Done right with actual additions made to them beyond a resolution bump and inclusion of map packs like new content or additional modes I think Definitive Editions still have a place.

Fatdrinkofwater3224d ago

I agree. Im still hopeful of a resistance trilogy hd collection and a bioshock hd collection.

When done right its great and quite a few games last gen are really beautiful but scaled back with lower resolutions and frame rates to work. Brought to current gen with full hd and smooth frame rates they really shine.

2pacalypsenow3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

I would still rather buy an HD version with trophy support.

Kamikaze1353224d ago

That's what Sony is doing with their "backward compatibility";the Star Wars PS2 game bundled with Battlefront were running at 1080p, improved frame rate, and trophy support.

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King_Noctis1624d ago

Surprised that Xenoblade is not in the list.

lockedongamer11623d ago

It's not out yet so it was against the idea of it being a current alternative.

King_Noctis1623d ago

Xenoblade 2 is already out though.

lockedongamer11622d ago

Right! I think I didn't include it because most people who would be interested in FFVII Remake likely have played it already. Fair point though.

lucian2291624d ago

There is no substitute for the amazingness that is Ff7 remake. Wallow in your pain single console owner, let the burrowing dark pit envelope your insides as you yearn for it.

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