
PlayStation VR Devs 'strongly advised' to Make Seated Games to 'maximise safety'

Standing-based virtual reality (VR) experiences have become viable much faster than many had anticipated thanks to the HTC Vive head-mounted display (HMD) and its Room Scale user tracking. This feature, provided by partner Valve and its SteamVR system, allows players to walk around the real world in a small area and have these movements replicated in-game. Despite these advances, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) is still ‘strongly advising’ developers to create seated titles for its PlayStation VR HMD for PlayStation 4 in the name of safety.

Kidmyst3118d ago

Not surprised Considering how many TV's were broken with the Wiimote being thrown, they don't want people walking or flailing about into objects.

nitus103117d ago

While I do think the PlayStation VR devs are quite correct other Devs will probably think otherwise.

With the PSVR headset you really are pretty much limited to the room the PS4 and it's camera are in , however there are some VR headsets that will be coming out for mobile phones. Now that is really worrying.

If people can get distracted by using a mobile phone then how much more would they be distracted by using a VR headset that can be attached to it.

I think YouTube will be an even more popular site once VR starts to take off.

kenwonobi3118d ago

Doesn't it stand to reason most gamers sit down playing games anyways? They just want conventional games in vr because they know we are lazy. Most AAA title we sit. They are basically saying don't make gimmick standing up games like Kinect had.

KwietStorm_BLM3118d ago

That's not what is being said, like at all. What does laziness even have to do with anything...

MazzingerZ3117d ago


Not sure if they will ever make it to the market but I guess that's not what gamers want...or?

Imagine playing online and running like that...for other not that fast-paced games it could be kind of cool, exploring without worrying about security...you don't need much space to be able to walk around in the game.

frostypants3117d ago

Nothing to do with laziness and everything to do with it being a liability issue, I am guessing. Some dummy will fall headfirst into a glass table or something and complain that Sony didn't include a helmet...

IamTylerDurden13117d ago

Ken is right, they want games to be games in VR and not just gimmicks. There will be the fun stand-up experience here and there but overall VR games will be just like PS4 games only more immersive.

They want this to be the new standard. This is NOT a gimmick and it's not being treated as such.

ShinMaster3117d ago (Edited 3117d ago )


Yes but people are moving in place and are strapped in with a Cyberith or Omni.

It's an entirely different scenario.

kingPoS3117d ago

Wait! People use to stand up when playing games? Does this mean I have to buy a nice cozy leather couch for VR. Maybe I should settle for a mussel instead.

Gateway MT6706 2008

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3117d ago
Yobo53118d ago (Edited 3118d ago )

Also found some concern to be concerned about next to your concern, looks like a really smelly situation to be in. Next stop on the VR train Smell-o-vision....


SaveMeJebus3118d ago (Edited 3118d ago )

Lol! If I took off my VR headset and saw that, I would put it back on and NEVER take it back off. Bub+ for Funny!

jujubee883118d ago

The TV scan-out and social experience is still being promoted -- I'm guessing since ppl will use VR alone (most of the time) and wont have a person in the room to hold a wire, warn them of the coffee table to their left, etc.

IamTylerDurden13117d ago

The TV out is a brilliant inclusion to PlayStation VR and will certainly make it a more social experience. Asymmetrical gaming with other ppl is a fantastic idea as well as the ability to share your experience with others in the room.

Eonjay3118d ago

Safety first! Also, what happens if they scare you so much that you run with the wire and stuff attached to you.

Shadowsteal3118d ago

The final product will be wireless.

Pandamobile3118d ago

No it won't. Untethered VR is a few years away (mobile solutions like GearVR not withstanding)

3118d ago
kaizokuspy3118d ago

At first I laughed because of what venomous wrote, but then I really laughed bc of @sweaty florida

3117d ago
Shadowsteal3117d ago

Damn, I stand corrected.

I could've sworn I read somewhere Sony mentioned that they're gonna try their damnedest to deliver a wireless final product.

But I guess I was wrong, or misread. But I apologize anyways.

Sorry folks!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3117d ago
DLConspiracy3117d ago

"Devs also insist that you DO NOT drive and VR"

djplonker3118d ago

Well there goes my plans to develop a running into walls simulator... It felt so real too.

pompombrum3118d ago

Not just for safety reasons but practicality too.. I don't want to be playing games where it's recommended I stand when I play.

Eonjay3118d ago

Honestly, most gamers don't.

Takwin3118d ago

Despite my love of Steam, I think their vision of moving in some huge space most of us don't have in our homes is wrong.

I WANT TO SIT DOWN WITH A NORMAL CONTROLLER AND PLAY WITH A VR HEADSET. That's all I want. Standing and walking games in some Holodeck-lite is many years in the future and not what I want to do to wind down and enjoy myself.

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Garethvk76d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta76d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts76d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos76d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts76d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa76d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.