
The Darth Vader DualShock 4 controller is now for sale at Walmart

Walmart is the exclusive seller of the awesome Darth Vader DualShock 4 controller, and now it’s officialy available for purchase.

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IanTH3227d ago

Yikes, that is an aesthetic travesty to my eyes lol. Also not so sure what about this evokes Darth. With the Red/Blue L1/R1 buttons, this seems a bit more like a 4th of July controller.

3227d ago
ThatArtGuy3226d ago

It replicates his chest piece.

Chevalier3226d ago


It's to match his chest console. Do you guys even know anything about Star Wars?! It honestly took a whopping 2 whole seconds to figure it out with Google.

Also the dualshock has a special touchpad that is embossed with the words Star Wars repeating too.

Nice detailing if you actually looked.

IanTH3226d ago

Well...I did actually look. Tough to form an opinion on aesthetics without looking. Though I didn't see the special detailing on the touchpad since that's quite a bit harder to see. I'm not saying that there aren't reasons for the coloring, just that this doesn't evoke Vader at all to me. And flipping between the pic of his chest console & this controller doesn't make me go "ahhh, there it is!"

I actually think the standard DS4 is more reminiscent of Darth than this is. But I also see this as a missed opportunity because when I look at my DS4 head on, it looks a lot more like his helmet than chest piece. Feel like they could have done something cooler having tried to mimic that a bit (though tougher since it's just different finishes of black).

I'm actually glad to see more people like it than I do. I'd rather SW fans get something they like, rather than what appeared - to me - to be an odd looking "homage" that doesn't manage to evoke anything.

Muzikguy3226d ago

Call me crazy, but I don't think this controller looks anything like the chest piece. I surely don't think of Vader's chest when I see this thing. I think the controller is ugly. The touchpad saying "Star Wars" is the only thing that seems to make it unique.

Not exactly sure why they'd want to emulate a chest piece for a controller. I feel like there's a missed opportunity here

OB1Biker3226d ago

'not so sure what about this evokes Darth.'
Beautiful glossy black. I really like the colour.

Chevalier3225d ago

" I actually think the standard DS4 is more reminiscent of Darth than this is. But I also see this as a missed opportunity because when I look at my DS4 head on, it looks a lot more like his helmet than chest piece"


Darth Vaders Helmet/Head is already on the PS4 limited edition system nice and prominently like it should be. The chest console design controller idea is that the force is in your hands. It wouldn't make sense to have Darth Vaders head on both the system and the controller. Also the Vader on the system is laser etched and would make a dualshock equivalent look cheap in comparison,

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3225d ago
JustGamin853226d ago (Edited 3226d ago )

I like it, but i think Sony could take a que from XBOX and put a little more time and effort into exclusive theme DS4. Not a fan of the BO3 DS4, the 20th anniversary DS4 was dope only because it brought back memories. The DS4 camo wasnt bad but i think they could of kept the pattern and added different color schemes. All in all there need's to be someone who can creatively make something better than what's been release.. Hell if Sony doesnt want to do it why not hold a contest and let us create what we would like to see and let us vote for the best one and then Sony can manufacture the fan made design.

Muzikguy3226d ago

I agree. Just like the colored consoles. Sony sees the demand is there. But really, I don't understand why they haven't made a better attempt with these. I like the camo one too, and more colors would be awesome. When companies don't seize the opportunity I usually say they must not like money lol

JustGamin853226d ago

Agree, i can under stand where Sony may not want to mass produce a bunch of color that may not sell, but there are some many options Sony can do to avoid this. Just like pre-orders why not do the same for a controller that way they have an idea of how many people want that color scheme before release or as i mentioned above like the users create one and we can vote on which one we like.

Muzikguy3226d ago

As long as the end product doesn't mean more money than the already high priced controllers. The idea is to sell more, not articlficially jack up the rates. If they sold the ones people wanted, they'd already be making more money. That should be good enough IMO

Skate-AK3226d ago

Guess I am the only one that likes it. I would buy this over any DS4 on the market right now.

jkuli63226d ago

I like it a lot, too.
Glad I picked one up last week.

level 3603226d ago

May carry Star Wars/Darth Vader symbolism themes but honestly the end result really looks cheap and tacked-on.

S2Killinit3226d ago (Edited 3226d ago )

You call it cheap abd tacked on, i call it vintage darth vador. Tomatoes tomàtoes.

Destiny10803226d ago

the first thing I added to my controller was googly eyes


Uglyday3226d ago

As he happily gobbles up your battery!

Muzikguy3226d ago

Sony needs to sell those! :P

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The Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster Proves You Don't Need A PS5 Pro

Why do you need a better PS5 when there aren’t any games that will utilise its power?

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derek6h ago

You technically don't "need" the ps5, ps4 or the ps3, lol. You don't need any videogame console, it isn't a necessity of life. If you want the best playstation console money can by, that would be the ps5 pro.

CS72h ago

While the article is pessimistic and negative, can we agree that typically playstation hardware allowed experiences that no previous generation was able to deliver?

With the PS5 and Pro that's changed and its because its first party are having trouble making exclusives that harnesses the PS5 power. And with so few using the base PS5 to the max, the Pro just seems pointless in a way that no other major Playstation ever has.

Idk, you guys keep defending Sony, first it was covid, then chip shortages, then live service won't hold back single player games. Now here we are with barely any good first party games in sight and the defense continues.

Sony needs to get their head out of their arrogant rear and get back in touch with what gamers want. And it's not live service games and it's not a $700 PS5 pro to see more detailed bleachers in Ratchet and Clank.

And just to rest my case, when you are showing your most powerful system (PS5 Pro) using a last generation game (TLOU2) something is very very wrong.

dalportodeev35m ago

wrong Derek, we don't need the PS5 pro

andy855h ago

Why does a random remaster do that? There's going to be plenty of games that utilise it over the next 4 years. And plenty already released that will benefit from it. If you don't want one fine, but what's with all the nonsense bashing of it

jambola3h ago

it's like saying "upcoming indie game on steam proves high spec pc's are useless"

Grilla54m ago

Gotta get those clicks. Later they’ll write a “I was wrong..” for more

ClutchManeuvers5h ago

Uhhh. I was going to write something but it's so tedious knowing that everybody will just rip me.

Einhander19724h ago

There are over 8500 games that use dynamic resolution scaling and struggle to hold fps that out of the box will utilize its power.

Games are already lined up for patches and more games that haven't been announced yet will use it.

But of course talking about what it actually does won't get as many clicks.

jambola3h ago

it adds to your opinion
it's doesn't prove anything

and even besides that, one game wouldn't prove that anyway
that's silly

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The Karate Kid: Street Rumble review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Despite the popularity of The Karate Kid trilogy in the ‘80s, it didn’t gain anywhere near as many gaming adaptations as the likes of Back to the Future, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. The first film saw a considerably rough entry on the NES, published by the notorious JLN, while the Amiga and Atari ST were blessed with a reasonably well received tie-in for the sequel. It seems that by the time the third film rolled around in 1989, attention had turned to the likes of Rambo, Terminator and Predator, with many early tie-ins for the Mega Drive being more violent and gung ho. It probably didn’t help that Part III was panned by movie goers either."

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Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii Features, Pre-Order Bonus and Different Editions Revealed

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii releases on Feb. 28 on consoles and PC. Features, pre-order bonuses & different editions revealed.

FinalFantasyFanatic17h ago

At least they didn't paywall New Game Plus again, lol.

-Foxtrot8h ago

The only Steelbook for the game is locked behind the PC version which most likely is just a steam code...


Einhander19726h ago

Ever since they put the series on xbox it's been nothing but a clown show.

It's sad to see these developers who used to brag and have pride that they made games about Yakuza that actual Yakuza members would want to play now just make crap for American kids...

I am so over it...