
Halo 3 Scoops Edge Award for Interactive Innovation

At the Edinburgh Interactive Festival today, Bungie beat competitors such as Nintendo and Rockstar to win the Edge Award For Interactive Innovation for Halo 3.

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PistolPumptMonk5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )


I mean I'm not saying Halo 3 is a bad game because I know how much people hate those types of statements... but seriously?

Halo: Combat Evolved could POSSIBLY argue to be innovative, Halo 3, not a chance.

Some people just really like their bubble shields I guess... ;)

TheHater5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

The "Bubble" shield was in Resistance Fall of man. And that game came out a year before Halo 3.

@ Number 9
Could be. But I can't read the full article, because the Access is Denied :(

Number 95828d ago

Maybe the theater and forge mode?

PistolPumptMonk5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

Yeah I guess theater and forge were kind of cool... still not anything to win an award over though.

I was not aware of the bubble shield in resistance although I did just pick it up as a greatest hit and am about halfway through. Thanks for the SPOILER!! haha just kiddin'

But honestly I don't feel like Halo 3 did enough different from Halo 2, which I still feel is the superior online game due to better maps. Just my opinion.

Personally I would take COD4 over either though... :p

TheHater5828d ago

yeah, you are going to pick it up on the last level of the game :) It pretty bad ass dude.

Polluted5828d ago

@Hater: You mean the backlash grenade?

elitewh0re5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

you doubt halo3 for innovation but argue "Personally I would take COD4 over either though..." jesus, that's hilarious.. examples if you'd be so kind?

NO_PUDding5828d ago

As much as the game itself is totally uninspiring, don't you all think the community efforts are what did this? The Resiatcen communtiy is great also, but the reason halo is so revered, is because it was released on a consoel, originally, that boasted easy online and great graphics.

That sold it, so in terms of multiplayer, Halo 3 has had time to mature and evolve it's community. And Despite thinkign so many games even online are so much better, they deserve that for the pioneering of it.

LittleBigPlanet does a lot of things, but I think they are evolving upon Halo 3's formulae. Infact I'd love to speak to them about that.

FreeMonk5828d ago

is that Halo won the Interactive Innovation award for the Forge and Theatre options.

Forge, if you know how to use it and have a creative mind, is an excellent tool for a FPS.

Yes, you've been able to this on PC FPS for a while, but this is the first game on a Console to utilise these options (I think).

It won't be long before other titles steal the same ideas from Bungie. Rumors going around is that Killzone 2 will have a theatre mode that mimics the Halo 3 theatre.

Rofflecopter5828d ago

portal was the only one to actually innovate. everything available in halo3 was available in some other game at some point long before.

Bnet3435828d ago

forge, theatre, and matchmaking. and all the community features and stat tracking etc.

etownone5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

have to completely agree....

everytime I see my kid playing it, he is on some newly designed level.... it's always something different thanks to forge.
And then he is always using theater and sending me video clip messages to my xbox 360 of cool and/or funny gameplays that he did.

and just recently, he found out about Bungie.net... now he is always on seeing his stats, and being part of that community.

seriously... what other game offers so much innovation for a console game? and thats besides the point that it has a great/fun 4 player co-op campaign and is the #1 multi-player game on Xbox live.

Bnet3435828d ago

In case anyone (probably all of you) didn't read thr article this is why Halo 3 won:

"Ultimately it is the integration and coherence of Halo 3’s online content that makes the game stand apart. From its Theater mode to Forge, and the way a party playing through Live can seamlessly manoeuvre between them, here is an experience that demonstrates an unparalleled understanding of the potential for console online play. Outside of the game, Bungie.net has been engineered to become a remarkable resource for Halo 3 stats and communities, providing life for the game even when your Xbox 360 is switched off. Halo 3, just as Halo 2 did before it, presents a roadmap for the way online will be integrated in videogames in the coming years."

Seems fair.

etownone5828d ago

pretty much the same reasons that I stated above and have witnessed for myself.

5828d ago
5828d ago
thor5828d ago

Crash Team Racing had a bubble shield.
Yes, resistance 1 had a grenade which threw a bubble out which would repel enemy bullets and let your own pass through. It's slightly different to your usual bubble shield but it's used in the same way.

ZombieNinjaPanda5828d ago

WHere was this?

I really don't remember a bubble shield in resistance, is it in the second play through?

MCHammer5828d ago

Resistance 1 did have a bubble shield. It was called the backlash grenade and it would reflect enemy fire and would hurt any enemies inside it. If you don't believe me look at the video.

etownone5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

Well.. you proved your point.

Even i thought Halo 3 was the first with the bubble shield.

oh well.

EDIT: who the hell can disagree with a video as proof??!

Stubacca5828d ago

Is this the same Halo 3 I played???

What about MGS4?
Or even Assassin's Creed?
Hell, Army of Two was more 'innovative' than Bungie's last outing.

I hear fanboys a-calling...

PistolPumptMonk5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

WHOA WHOA there buddy you're putting words in my mouth. I never said COD4 was more INNOVATIVE than anything, I just think its a flat out better game than Halo 3, in all aspects of what a game should be.

COD4 and Halo 3 are not really that innovative, but I don't expect that much innovation with fps games. Which is why I NEVER SAID HALO 3 WAS A BAD GAME. Its just not that innovative. I mean honestly, if you think Halo 3 when you think innovation, you have not played enough good games.

oh yeah and @thehater:
Can you tell which system's fans are running rampant on this thread? You got 3 disagrees for telling me that something in Resistance was cool. LOL get a life people!

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5828d ago
Lord Shuhei Yoshida5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )


LMAO all the way to the bank

Interactive Innovation? Its Halo 2.5 for the kids

Eiffel5828d ago

Jealous much, Hating with your punk ass yes?

theKiller5828d ago

do they still think its 2007???
halo was not bad game when it came in summer 2007 but now its 2008!!!
wake up people!!

Zerodin5828d ago

So which award did Sony get from Edge?
Oh...that's right, they didn't.
It burns up droids SO bad that the critics love Halo 3!

KBDuB5827d ago

Yep, it's Halo 2.5. Yet, it outsells erything on the PS3! =)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5827d ago
toughNAME5828d ago

But you have to appreciate the innovation this game brings. It will be a long time before Halo 3 didn't "do it first".

Fishy Fingers5828d ago

? Apart from theater mode, what did they do first? Not bashing, just asking.

Perhaps if your referring to consoles only?

NO_PUDding5828d ago

It never innovated, but it had the freedom to introduce the first communtiy dirven game on the Xbox, becuase it was the first console, that had released with online as a primary feature.

In this way, Halo 3 has had the community, and has nurtured it, from earlier executions of the game, and the community is what is innovative.

LittleBigPlanet will expand upon it, liek I said above. Halo 3 was basically Halo 2.5. They didn't do much for the community. I hope LBP takes the community aspect, where Halo 3 couldn't.

Bnet3435828d ago

matchmaking, like the one that COD4 uses

KingME5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

Well if halo3 doesn't win any other award, it should definitely win the "MAKE PS3 FANBOYS B!TCH AND WHINE AWARD" because anytime the world halo is mentioned on this site, it's like feeding time at the zoo.

Edit: and for the guy recalling all the features on the PC and other things and say they were done before halo3. Well, using your theory, there will never be anymore innovation in the industry, because ANY thing that can be done has already been done to a certain extent in the past. Kinda like saying resistance is copying doom3 with aliens and guns. Plus doom had concrete on the ground also so the concrete on the ground in resistance is copying doom. come on now.. give it a rest.

clintos595828d ago

That is not the point here. Alot of other games brang way more then Halo 3 to the table that is way more innovative. Mario Galaxy Anyone? Also G4TV gave Halo 3 GOTY? Come on man as much as I got love for the Halo series, anyone who isnt a blind fanboy knows that this game is winning awards it shouldnt be winning. If u are truelly going to pick Halo 3 over GTA4 and MGS4 or even Call of Duty 4, or Mario Galaxy in these 2 catagory's it truelly shows how much of a fanboy some of these game sites are.

Also a note for anyone who disagrees with me. If there is anything halo 3 would have a reason winning an award, it would have to be sales, that is it because in every catagory that halo 3 had to offer there is a game out there that has done it better.

1. Halo 3 campaign & story, as mediocre as it was, MGS4, GTA4, and even Call of Duty had a better campaign and story then halo 3.

2. Halo 3 Gameplay was its strongest point in the game but at the same time, MGS4, GTA4, Call of Duty 4, and Mario Galaxy were on the same level if not better.

3. Halo 3 Graphics was a dissappointment and even though it did look pretty good, MGS4, Call of Duty 4 and yes even GTA4 looked better. The reason I give GTA4 better graphics then halo 3, is because even for such an open world sandbox game GTA4 is, the graphics were still gorgeous for a GTA game.

4. Halo 3 Multiplayer Online. This is prolly the only area Halo 3 has over games like GTA4, and MGS4 but it still wasnt the best multiplayer online for a console game and Call of Duty 4 took this crown from Halo 3.

5. Halo 3 Most Innovative game? Just no, ill give them credit for adding that video thing but that has nothing to do with innovative gameplay in a game. It is just a innovative feature. Where as Mario Galaxy has brought something Innovative period which is different then any game ive seen made ever period which adds to the expirience and is why it got such great scores and is prolly the best game of its kind period.

I can go on and on man about how overrated Halo 3 is. Note I said Halo 3, not the series. And to finish off my point, Halo 3 didnt even live up to its hype. This game truelly is a game so many other titles that have came out this next gen are way better in every way. I just cant believe how some of these game site can overlook these games I was comparing to Halo 3 and say Halo 3 was a better game or halo 3 had the most innovation, lol yeah ok. Anyways im done.

elitewh0re5827d ago (Edited 5827d ago )

If you read the article, its not based on wether the game was good or not, it was how it's innovated the interactive medium... so whilst its subjective to what you believe is a more 'innovative' game you can't deny it's added things that in the future games will/should have as standard.

1. Halo 3 campaign & story, as mediocre as it was, MGS4, GTA4, and even Call of Duty had a better campaign and story then halo 3.

it had 4 player split screen, offline/online and throughout was being saved for theater automatically.

2. Halo 3 Gameplay was its strongest point in the game but at the same time, MGS4, GTA4, Call of Duty 4, and Mario Galaxy were on the same level if not better.

this is too subjective to debate, it depends on how you enjoy games, for me I liked the pacing of Halo, the controls are refined and you're never really stuck as to 'where to go next'

3. Halo 3 Graphics was a disappointment and even though it did look pretty good, MGS4, Call of Duty 4 and yes even GTA4 looked better. The reason I give GTA4 better graphics then halo 3, is because even for such an open world sandbox game GTA4 is, the graphics were still gorgeous for a GTA game.

you have to take into account of time frame, sure all 3 games you mentioned were released after halo3 on engine's built for the next gen consoles, correct me if i'm wrong, but halo3's engine is built upon the existing halo2 engine. i'll admit it isn't the best looking game on the 360 but for what it does it does well.

4. Halo 3 Multiplayer Online. This is prolly the only area Halo 3 has over games like GTA4, and MGS4 but it still wasnt the best multiplayer online for a console game and Call of Duty 4 took this crown from Halo 3.

call of duty took what crown? the fact it's most played, this proves how you're basing this game not on the award its receiving. what does call of duty 4 do to innovate? The party system in halo is what innovates, seamless intergration with the campaign/multiplayer/forge and theater, yes games have done this before (saved films, level editors) but so seamlessly? being able to play online with 4 player split screen locally. Also not to forget the stat tracker at bungie.net, which is sorely missed from cod4.

5. Halo 3 Most Innovative game? Just no, ill give them credit for adding that video thing but that has nothing to do with innovative gameplay in a game. It is just a innovative feature. Where as Mario Galaxy has brought something Innovative period which is different then any game ive seen made ever period which adds to the experience and is why it got such great scores and is prolly the best game of its kind period.

well this is your opinion and i'll respect it, personally i think besides the use of a motion controller mario's still a straight up platformer just set in space.

- I just think a lot of you are missing the point of what this award is about, I'll admit the game was overhyped and for me wasn't as fun as when playing the first halo, but as a package, you can't beat what it has to offer. And what it does offer, i hope from now on all games include the multitude of features some of us halo3 players have become accustomed too.

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pp5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

Makes me proud to be a xbox360 owner I'll think i will go and play Halo 3

Shane Kim5828d ago

Okay dear, just don't forget to put the box in the refrigerator.

theKiller5828d ago

that was a good one!! and it was not far from the truth

GOTY 20075828d ago

Shane Kim AND The Killer are NASIM.

Add it to the list. XD

Desperate Nasim.

Mr PS35828d ago

All they got to play is Halo 3
How Depressing !!!!!

theKiller5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

pp = GOTY 2007 = PS3rd the Turd = power of the green = Icewake = theMART = bladstar = Bloodmask and much more that we dont know of!! they keep making multiple accounts with very weird names that shows their brain disorientation!

i know for sure that PS3rd the Turd have at least 2 other accounts!

and for the new bot"GOTY 2007", well he is not new just made the account this month this is the proof
i mean who would put a cartoon master chief avatar?? only a kid will do that!!

u bots r desperate!! seeing u all acting like this saddens me of how MS made u slaves, brainless, blinded, means, and retards

Wasim5828d ago

Isn't it great PP!!!

I've come to realize how amazing the Xbox 360 really is also!

Best games. Best features.

Doesn't it feel good getting all the GOTY's awards for innovation and not being in last place!!!

It sure does, my friend pp.

Enjoy Halo 3.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5828d ago
CViper5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

1. Bubble Shields were in resistance 1.

2. Map Editors were already in PC games, and even in Tony Hawk console games.

3. Replay's were already in PC shooters Bf2 Battle Cam anyone? ...


I'm sorry, thats just complete 1000% Bull. Halo3 robbing "aaa" awards is one thing, its another to take credit for work developers have already done. halo3 hasn't innovated jack. Gaming journalism is beyond retarded. Hell, Halo3 could get away with "inventing" the FPS with these morons reporting this generation.

elitewh0re5828d ago

i assume you also believe LBP isn't innovative since many PC games have had level editors too...

IaMs125828d ago

wasnt it also the first game to utilize the matchmaking? i think i have played a game that had it before but i cant remember if so let me know

AllroundGamer5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

i just wanted to write a comment, that BF2 had the battle cam feature long before Halo3. Bubble for stating the facts and being the fanboy disagree shield before me :D you just can't fight the hype, if MS puts their millions in something, the sheep will jump in and believe in anything, and as you can see, even the facts will be ignored...

DaKid5828d ago

While I agree this has been on PC for awhile, you have to look at it from a console point of view. To be able to record entire matches everytime you play, without telling it to do so is pretty cool. And the map editor has allowed many more game types to come out from the community. IMO those were the coolest things about Halo 3.

@FreeMonk I hope that rumor is true that will be cool to have in KZ2.

TheMART5828d ago

So whats up with LBP? A 2D sidescroller with a level editor?

Really. The Forge and video playback alone is a good achievement on any console.

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Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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HellspawnPR1981199d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii199d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies198d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.


The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer236d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog236d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned236d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c236d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb236d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72235d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman236d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows235d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72247d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai247d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ247d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil247d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces