
Wii U Exclusive Genei Ibun Roku #FE’s Screenshots and Trailer Feature Tiki and Bloom Palace

Nintendo just released a new trailer and a new batch of screenshots of Genei Ibun Roku #FE, releasing on Wii U on December 26th.

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indyman77773126d ago (Edited 3126d ago )

what what what! A turn based RPG on the WiiU! DAY ONE purchase for me....scratch that I will pre-purchase that one because it will be hard to come by. And our company will be shutdown until after new years! Whew huh! Bestbuy here I come!

PygmelionHunter3126d ago

Lol @ the Persona 4 soda commercial reference.

But why is Tiki a child now? This game is so weird, but still, I'll most likely check it out at some point next year.

Eiyuuou3126d ago

Because that's how she looked like in the first FE and its remake.

PygmelionHunter3125d ago

I see. I've only played Awakening, which is why I found it so weird.


Wii U Exclusive JRPG Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Gets Western Release Date, Will Keep Japanese Voices

During the latest Nintendo Direct, the house of Mario and Zelda announced that Genei Ibun Roku #FE will be released in the west on June 24th.

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3022d ago Replies(2)
TheColbertinator3022d ago

Kudos on keeping the Japanese dubs

LAWSON723022d ago (Edited 3022d ago )

Yeah I want english, and not offering an option is a cheap move. It is a joke that all these devs/pubs have to make cheap products. I have very high doubts for this and that Lost Reavers (?).

It is like these games are only being made so they can say they were not canned. I want to be wrong and I hope the only negative is JP only because Atlus is awesome.

At this point I just want the NX to be shown, and push for a great new generation with decent market share so budget costs like this and mediocre products like Devil's Turd (that lost Reavers looks atrocious and I think it will be of the same caliber) quit happening.

As far as I am concerned Atlus/Nintendo are putting zero effort into the marketing for this at least outside of JP. Kudos for skimping your product, good work

Ck1x3021d ago

I agree, even when I watch anime I prefer the Japanese voices over an English dub any day...

DarXyde3022d ago

Best part of the Nintendo Direct in my opinion.

Totally captures the Persona vibe. Well done, Atlus. Two games that will eat my life this year.

ErogeMaster3021d ago

But no SMT vibe Persona isnt the only game made by SMT ya know.

DarXyde3021d ago

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

DivineAssault 3022d ago

Great news.. I was losing faith it would get localized

3021d ago Replies(1)
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Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem Wins Dengeki Online Award 2015

While Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem failed to set the Media Create charts on fire in Japan, the game has been awarded the coveted Dengeki Online Award 2015 and has been dubbed an RPG masterpiece. You have yet to find out when the game will be launching over here in the west, but with such glowing praise it certainly can’t come soon enough.

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Yoshino Nanjo Performs "Genei Ibun Roku ♯FE" Character Song as Kiria

Avex has posted a 90-second anime music video for "Reincarnation," a character song from Atlus and Intelligent Systems' collaboration RPG for Wii U, Genei Ibun Roku ♯FE, featuring Kiria Kurono voiced by Yoshino Nanjo (pictured).

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