
New YIIK Clip Shows Off Voice Acting

Hardcore Gamer: Characters in YIIK all have completely voiced dialogue and this clip features Alex and Michael receiving a scolding from Vella for being perverts.

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The post-modern adventure/RPG "YIIK I.V" is coming to PC, PS4, and the Nintendo Switch in 2022

""YIIK I.V", the definitive version of surreal adventure "YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG" from Ysbryd Games and Ackk Studios, enters our reality in 2022 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Steam and GOG for PC." - Ysbryd Games and Ackk Studios.

FinalAeonX1734d ago

Modern Warfare is overrated mediocre trash. If it didn't have the MW name everyone would be shitting on it.

FreakyFox1734d ago

Anthem was not that bad, but killing the same enemies and loading times , i could see why folks would rage at that. I did'nt pay full price for the game i played it through Origin Access, if i did i would be spitting nails.

william_cade1734d ago

I almost bit on CoD:MW. So, glad I didn't.

1733d ago

YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG Will Receive Updates in 2020

Hardcore Gamer: Almost an entire year ago, YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG released to some moderate praise and reviews. But along with those came lots of criticism both about the game and its creators. Hopefully, news of updates will help YIIK in many ways.

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Rangerman12081745d ago

Hopefully this means the combat will no longer be so monotonous.