
eSports: Making it entertaining

Kingsley writes for Player Attack:
"Over the last two years I have watched a lot of eSports. Mostly the games you would expect – League of Legends, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and World of Tanks. What I have discovered is that there is a barrier – people just don’t find them entertaining enough. OK, if you are already a fan of the game, you will love it either way. However, as with all forms of entertainment, you need to be able to grab new viewers or eventually those you have at the beginning will eventually get bored and move on. This is most easily shown on reality TV shows such as Big Brother, and Jersey Shore – same formula year in year out but nothing that brings a new audience, so eventually the show dies a slow, painful death."

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Tankbusta403234d ago

Never got why people watch others play video games when they can play themselves...

I wonder why the author thinks Big Brother has died a slow death.. It's only been on 15 years and counting in the USA and going on its 4th season in Canada not to mention the tens of other countries that the game show appears on.

fattyuk3234d ago

as someone who got into pc gaming a year ago, started playing cs:go 6 months ago - ive started to enjoy "esports" - yes its not an amazing "sport" - but watching pro teams play is entertaining

i watched the cs:go tournmanet at egx this year and it was entertaining

i cant just watch twitch streams there boring, but major "tournamanet" are entertaing

but as for cod "esports" no thanks lol

pompombrum3234d ago

Honestly, I could say the same with Big Brother and other reality TV shows.. who wants to sit at home and watch other people live interesting lives when they could be actually be living a fun life instead? Doesn't stop them from being hugely popular lol.


Why The League Community Hates Attractive Champions

League fans often complain about Riot always releasing conventionally attractive champions. Here's why the complaints are often unjustified.

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MeteorPanda33d ago

It's cause the females all share the same model... or they're getting younger and younger to borderline strange.


League Of Legends Has An Identity Crisis

League of Legends is one of the first MOBAs, boasting many unique characters and mechanics, yet today struggles to produce anything original.


Here's Why Fans Should Boycott Ahri's $500 Faker Skin

A skin more expensive than the PC you'll play the game on.

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Knightofelemia86d ago

People can be pretty stupid when it comes to money. I mean there was an article on here about a moron who spent $1 million on a skin for a gun. And look how many suckers feed Star Citizen cash as well. So I would not be surprised if some dumbass was or is dumb enough to buy this skin. $500 for a skin nah I would rather use the money towards something tangible like food, rent, gas, bills.

Vits86d ago

I doesn't matter if we boycott or not. This Skin was never meant for the western market. Korea and China are the true targets and they will buy it like there is no tomorrow.

Chocoburger85d ago

You don't need to give us reasons why to boycott the skin / game / company. We already know to do so.