
Here Is Why Darksiders 2 Does Not Run At 60fps On PS4/Xbox One, Would Have Caused Drop In Resolution

Design director John Pearl talks about some of the major engine changes that would have been required.

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moegooner883139d ago

*would have required more optimisation.

DarkOcelet3139d ago

Agreed. The PS4/Xone are capable of running this game at 1080/60fps. Its not that demanding.

donthate3139d ago

Yet the developers are saying otherwise. I think the developers would if the optimization would have taken reasonable time. Let's not trust armchair devs here.

On the other hand, the developer focused on resolution instead of frame rate. I hope it is at least stable frame rate.

I hate this trend of focus on resolution, when stable frame rate matters far more to the user experience, but resolution wins every time in marketing!

Eonjay3139d ago


"I hate this trend of focus on resolution"

stop hating.

3139d ago
InTheLab3139d ago

Yup. The whole point of remasters is shoving out a product with minimal effort for a quick buck. Game is last gen and 3 years old and there's no way anything but a small team worked on porting it...

Unspoken3137d ago


Can you go into detail about the game engine and how you, as a developer, could get this game running at 1080p 60fps?

Or are you just spouting BS?

And I take "optimization" that moegooner is referring to is by lowering settings until it looks like a last gen game?

It's OK guys, these consoles won't reach PC level of hardware and performance... Not until next cycle when they catch up again to low end PCs.

I'd much rather they focus on an entertaining experience through game play than throw their entire development team at a specific resolution and frame rate.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3137d ago
tgunzz3139d ago

Both xb1/ps4 have excellent upscalers. 1080p doesn't have to be native in order to fully enjoy it's visual effect. Developers should let the decoders help (it's apart of the architecture), and get after that 60fps where necessary...

Neonridr3139d ago

Here's why we couldn't get a last gen game to run at 1080p/60fps...

we are lazy and we really just want your money.

Ezz20133139d ago (Edited 3139d ago )

I just put their comment on Google translation (*English* to *BS*)
Yep, That's what they means.

Timesplitter143139d ago (Edited 3139d ago )

At some point, if reaching 60fps/1080p demands insane amounts of work that you wouldn't need to do on other platforms (PC), it kinda starts being the platform's fault.

The overwhelming majority of major console releases this gen have failed to reach that coveted 60fps/1080p. This tells me console games are trying to bite off more than they can chew in terms of visual quality

Neonridr3139d ago

for new games I can totally understand that reasoning. I mean Battlefront looks gorgeous. And if it can only be 900p on PS4, then so be it. I can handle that because of how good the game looks.

But when we take a 360/PS3 game and we are having trouble with 1080p/60fps then I start to wonder why are we releasing a "definitive version" if all we are doing is increasing the resolution a bit.

slinky1234563139d ago

Your comment tells me you don't even know how low PC hardware can run this game at 1080p 60fps.

Timesplitter143139d ago

Well that just means ps4/x1 are below "low PC hardware"

3139d ago
Freeball3139d ago

No kidding. My old PC with a 560 ran this game at 1080/60. This stinks of laziness, no talent, or both.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3139d ago
megamanX23139d ago

"Here Is Why Darksiders 2 Does Not Run At 60fps On PS4/Xbox One, Would Have Caused Drop In Resolution"

Lol wow these consoles are complete garbage if they cant even run a last gen game.

Spotie3139d ago

Uh, what? Both consoles can, obviously, run the game. And there are more demanding titles out there. Not sure how you manage to take the title of this article and come to that conclusion.

slinky1234563139d ago

MGS5 a current gen game looks way better, bigger scope of a game and runs at 1080p 60fps on PS4. Shows you know nothing of true hardware.

yewles13139d ago

"MGS5, a cross-gen game looks barely any better, baren wasteland of an open world game and runs at 1080p 60fps on PS4 and 900p on XBOX ONE (720p if you count Ground Zeroes)."


3138d ago
TomRL3139d ago

It shouldn't have a sub-1080p resolution if it's a remaster, but framerate is surely more important. Who purchases a remaster for a resolution bump?

3139d ago Replies(3)
MilkMan3139d ago

as well as for the others reasons they worked on the game.

darksky3139d ago (Edited 3139d ago )

Lazy devs. To increase resolution doesn't take any work at all. The PS4/Xboxone are essentially PC's and all the devs would have done is 'port' the PC version over that ran at 60fps on my old AMD 5870 which is slower than the PS4 gpu.

No idea why they couldn't get the game running at 60 fps when all they did was set the resolution option to 1080P...

UlyssesFeral3138d ago

They replaced quite a few textures and tweaked the lighting a bit. While I agree that they could have easily gotten to 60fps if they spent more time with it, they did more than just set it to output at a higher resolution.

megamanX23137d ago

"The PS4/Xboxone are essentially PC's"

yeah inferior severely outdated pcs.

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King_Noctis1527d ago

Surprised that Xenoblade is not in the list.

lockedongamer11526d ago

It's not out yet so it was against the idea of it being a current alternative.

King_Noctis1526d ago

Xenoblade 2 is already out though.

lockedongamer11525d ago

Right! I think I didn't include it because most people who would be interested in FFVII Remake likely have played it already. Fair point though.

lucian2291527d ago

There is no substitute for the amazingness that is Ff7 remake. Wallow in your pain single console owner, let the burrowing dark pit envelope your insides as you yearn for it.

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