
Fallout 4 Getting Polarizing User Reviews On Metacritc

The critics seem to all agree that Fallout 4 is a very good game. However, users on Metacritic haven’t been too kind to Bethesda’s biggest game of 2015.

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jon_snow3235d ago ShowReplies(6)
Germany73235d ago

That's how it works user scores, there are only 0 and 10 scores.
Some people just give a 0 because the game it's not for their platform or they are fanboys of another series.

jon_snow3235d ago

Well that's true but Fallout is Multiplat so no fanboy hate in this one but mutual disappointment from gamers.

Liqu1d3235d ago Show
3234d ago
Kribwalker3234d ago

Liquid you make no sense. Xbox fanboys wouldn't be the ones giving it low reviews as Xbox had the marketing deals, exclusive bundles ect ect for this game. Don't go trying to play it like that. On topic though, if people are reviewing it with crappy scores just to be idiots then it's pretty stupid. And childish

3234d ago
jznrpg3234d ago (Edited 3234d ago )

Fanboys. Fanboys never change .

Dont doubt that they rate the ps4 version poorly if they like xbox or vice versa.

3234d ago
Corpser3234d ago

You know some fanboys are giving it 0 because it's a Goty candidate and they only want their exclusive to win

frostypants3234d ago (Edited 3234d ago )

@Chameleon77, Metacritic historically has had a consistent habit of "just happening" to have a higher meta score for the Xbox edition of games, sometimes even disregarding a poor multi-platform review for the Xbox but incorporating it for other platforms.

StrawberryDiesel4203234d ago

Since this is allegedly a disappointment overall as was MGS5 for a majority of the gaming community, I guess that makes Bloodborne an inevitable GOTY winner. Not that it wasn't my GOTY already, though I could see some make a claim for The new Tomb Raider or Black Ops 3. I personally haven't played Fallout 4 yet but I will be soon enough. Then I will judge.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3234d ago
Kalebninja3234d ago

The game deserves neither a 0 nor 10 its not a horrible game but its not so amazing it deserves a 10 especially with all the issues people are having.

jznrpg3234d ago

Games are personal taste. It may be a 10 to me and lower to others but 0 is E.T or Superman 64 and maybe they were even a 1 or 2.

garrettbobbyferguson3234d ago


Yes, they are personal taste. However, you would have to be extremely inexperienced to the point that this is your first ever video game to think something like this could be worthy of a perfect score.

frostypants3234d ago (Edited 3234d ago )

People aren't having all that many issues...they just keep complaining about the same few. In any event, I'd give it a 9.0 at this point. Some little things could be better. But it's still the most fun I've had in a game this year and the best RPG I've played in several.

Polarizing user reviews on Metacritic are also a total non-story and I can't believe someone tried to make an article out of it. Half the reviewers on either side probably haven't even played it yet. Amazon is a much better source for game reviews, since you can see verified purchases.

Whymii3234d ago


You're right about ET to a point, however I think Superman deserved negative numbers.

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jerethdagryphon3234d ago

Fallout 4 suffers from the same. Problem as elder scrolls does its also drawing parrellels to dead space 2 3.

Morrowind was the first decent fidelity es game oblivion improved and skrim was lovely to look at but the core gameplay is similar yes tweaks were made and crafting added.

But like dead space 2 wasnt as scary fallout 4
Is the 3rd 3d fallout fallout 3 took it from top down isometric to fpa. (first person action) newvegas improved and while improvmentd will be in fallout 4 is more of the same.

thekhurg3234d ago

So why is the witcher 3 at 8.9 user review?

Onig3234d ago Show
Spenok3234d ago

I wouldn't say all, as I've seen fair user reviews before. However it does happen very frequently, which is very annoying.

showtimefolks3234d ago

This game is neither a 10 nor a zero

This at its current situation is a 7.7.5 to 7.8

When will we stop saying well its Bethesda games. Didn't cs project red release an amazing huge open world game?

I am a huge fallout fan but I tired of fallout or Bethesda fanboys. Bethesda have a history of releasing broken games

Games with major frame rate issues

Game freezing bugs and glitches

How is fallout world smaller than past fallout games? All it takes is 11 minutes to travel from one end to.the other end

It's time we stop treating Bethesda like they are R*, ND or cd project red

Here is another thing

Bethesda have a history of releasing patches slowly so don't expect Bethesda to fix fallout 4 anytime soon. Mote like 4 to 6 months

It's time for them to start using a brand new engine for next Gen consoles. Also how about hiring some talent who can optimize the fame better

assdan3234d ago

That is so true. That's why I don't like user reviews. Most of the negative reviews are a 0 out of ten because of one stupid thing that should maybe subtract half a point.

wsoutlaw873234d ago

why the hell are they writing about the metacritic user reviews? I can go read them my self, and they are the most useless things out there.

Baba19063234d ago

well im loving it so far. i dont understand why the scores are an issue. just enjoy it and lets be honest games this big allways have some bugs. they will get fixed and there is allways a way to get past them. =D

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sullynathan3235d ago

Metacritic user scores are useless (heh get it)
The Metacritic score of Fallout 4 is the lowest for a main Bethesda game. I wonder if Bethesda is going to look at this and actually pay attention to the criticism lobbed at them about dumbing down, simplifying, bugs, glitches and subpar graphics? or will all the money and sales make them ignore this?

Yui_Suzumiya3235d ago

I will agree that the perk system isn't as good as Fallout 3 but at least you can infinitely level up until everything is maxed.

sullynathan3234d ago

That is very very poor as an rpg. Infinite leveling that is unchecked that allows you to max out every single skill or perk or whatever is bad rpg design.

jznrpg3234d ago

I am playing on Survival so it isnt simple .

Masterchief_thegoat3235d ago

n4g why post this crap .you don't have to own the game, and you can the game a 0.

letsgopal3235d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Had this collection installed for a while, easy to use via vortex from nexusmods, but recommended to get a month premium for installing the list. After this one's done I'll be checking Fallout London.


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anast29d ago

This would be awesome if it were a mod of a better game.