
Ace Games Review: Geometry Wars - Retro Evolved 2

From the review: "Visually and aurally, Retro Evolved 2 is a significant step up from the original. It runs in full HD and the extra resolution is well spent on sharper ships and still-more extravagant particle effects that distort the arena nearly beyond recognition. At times it can be a little difficult to see everything that's going on, but when the going gets tough, Bizarre has built in unique sound cues to clue you in on the particulars. The soundtrack, too, is excellent, a clever concoction of pulse-pounding anthem and electronic ambience whose only real failing is that you'll have to be hella good to hear it all. Retro Evolved 2 more than matches up to the original - go back to it after a few rounds and you'll find the graphics muddy and the audio lacking by comparison.

In fact, in just about every respect, Bizarre has done a bang-up job of making Geometry Wars relevant again. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 looks, sounds and plays better than such a simple shooter should, by all rights; it's breathless, frenetic and addictive in all the right ways - and definitely not for the faint of heart. If the Xbox 360 is in any danger of flagging then Bizarre, at least, have got Microsoft's back, because what they're created in Retro Evolved 2 is singularly the best game on XBLA to date. Evidently, there's potential left to wring out of the old twin-stick shooter yet."

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6 more titles drop in with Xbox One Backwards Compatibility – Are they worth the return?

Carlos "April proved to be a fantastic month for backwards compatible arrivals, with some of the most requested Xbox 360 games finally being made playable on Xbox One, all through the power of emulation. A new month means more titles and this week sees the first of May's BC titles bringing a double whammy for one popular series amongst the masses this week. Are they worth taking a look at?"

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neil3632606d ago

Ah how I love Geo Wars. This reminds me to go play it!

Notellin2605d ago

Loved these games! It's nice having these just added to my Xbox one library over time. Always have something to do even during game launch droughts.

4Sh0w2605d ago (Edited 2605d ago )

Daayum, they are killing it with X1 BC support. Now just show me some nice exclusives at E3 and I'll have no complaints.


I,bought some side scrolling Ninja game back in the day on XBL on 360 but I can't remember the name of it. It was fun as Hell! It was cell shaded and pretty violent. I wish they would bring that to BC. Anyone remember the name of that game?

Auron2605d ago

Was it N+ or mark of the ninja?

DaFeelz2605d ago

Two good guesses. I'm leaning towards Mark of the Ninja. N+ was only a single room you had to solve and MotN was a true side scroller. Both were violent as shit though.

DaFeelz2605d ago

*sigh* Dragons Dogma... where for art thou?


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