
Fallout 4: Pete Hines Defends His “Solid 30 FPS” Comment ,Talks About Frame Rate On PS4 And Xbox One

GearNuke: "Bethesda's VP of PR and Marketing, Pete Hines recently had to face some backlash over his earlier comments stating that Fallout 4 will run at solid 30 fps on the PS4 and Xbox One. As it turns out, the game actually has a fair share of frame rate drops on the PS4 and Xbox One, going as low as 20 fps on the PS4 and 0 fps (we aren't joking here) on the Xbox One."

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GarrusVakarian3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Wow, in denial much? Fix your game, you stubborn jackass. The evidence is there that it runs like crap on both consoles all too often.

Anthotis3181d ago

I don't understand why they still have this clown doing PR.

RpgSama3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Just read the article and some of the answers Pete Hines give to people, WOW, what a DOUCHEBAG, how does a person that responds like that to a community of customers and fans still has a job.

People are angry and rightly so, because as always, another Bethesda game is full of Bugs and Optimization issues, this game was not given out for free, people paid for this game.

I don't defend releasing broken games, but people knew what they were going into when buying this game at launch, what I really don't understand is how can Bethesda not aknolewdge the problems, that's a stupid attitude, specially when you belittle your community while doing so.

freshslicepizza3181d ago

so when they release a patch, which we all know will be one of many, what will be his explanation then?

Crimzon3181d ago

Honestly, his responses to people on Twitter are disgraceful, that's no way to treat your customers at all. On the other hand however, they only have this pig-headed attitude because everybody keeps buying their broken, bug-riddled games.

If you guys actually voted with your wallets rather than buying these broken games every time, they would actually have to stop and release a functional product for a change. I bet you'll all buy the next Elder Scrolls game as well, and be just as outraged when they runs poorly and is full of bugs, right? Then do it all over again for Fallout 5, and so on and so forth.

Every single problem in this industry from broken games to poor performance to ridiculous DLC and microtransactions is all attributable to one single thing that allows developers and publishers to keep getting away with it: Gamers can't help themselves. If everyone could show some self control and actually stand by your convictions, all of this stuff would go away fast but nope, gotta keep preordering and riding the hype train off a cliff.

Forn3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Indeed, what a POS. People keep buying their games though, so I don't think he cares. If only gamers had better self control. Vote with your wallets people!

thekhurg3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Guy is a complete tool. This will literally be the final Bethesda game I ever spend my money on for the foreseeable future. Their inability to tell the truth about their games, then inability to mature as a developer and their lack of decent story telling and dialog writing is basically enough for me to just have a "been there, done that" attitude with all of their games.

Outside of graphics and animations - their games have barely changed since Morrowind, and even in those two departments they've just been minor upgrades for each release. Bethesda games are basically the CoD of RPGs. Just recycled content with marginal improvement, despite them taking 6 years to development something.

Kind of embarassing when you compare them to other RPG focused studios like Bioware and CD Projekt Red. Exceptionally embarrassing when you compare this "six year project" to Witcher 3. I mean ... it's laughable.

But oh well, I'll continue to play Fallout 4 until I've completed it just because I love RPGs so much - will just be mindful in the future to not worry about this company anymore until they've proven they can actually change their ways.

Palitera3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

The reason is because he successfully fooled everyone on their marketing campaign (blatantly lying about the performance). Sales is what matters, nothing more, nothing less. And he is one of the heads of the most hyped marketing campaign of the year.

He probably already has his info that the game can't and won't be fixed (seriously, they never gave half a crap about it), so the denial seems to be a pretty good strategy considering their situation.

What would he say?
"Eeerrr... Sorry, we can't do better than this."
"Our technical team sucks!"
"Yeah, we released it on a 10 years-old engine, so there's not much we can do..."

Why wouldn't they keep this clown? The laugh ain't on him.

LostDjinn3181d ago

To those above...and below (sounds ominous I know but stay with me). You're not powerless as consumers. Mr Hines has outright lied. It's as simple as that. This much is fact. They (Bethesda/Hines) are banking on the fact that gamers will put up with it.

If gamers simply refer this (bethesda/hines) to the FTC (or whatever your country's equivalent may be) you'll see a change very quickly. What they've done here is illegal. Show them that.

BeefCurtains3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

I'm curious though, what percentage of time does the game run below 30fps? Or percentage of time it's "noticeably" below 30?

The occasional frame dip is inevitable with any game. If it runs 30fps or solid without any stuttering 95% of the time, then I think gamers are nitpicking and Peter has a point. But if we get real results showing its always noticeable, and stutters all the time, and constantly 20fps, then gamers have a point in their gripe.

His response to the "name" thing was a dick move. That guy wasn't requesting weird names, he asked for Pete and Todd... That shouldn't even be a request, I cant believe those names, along with countless other common names, were excluded. My name isn't on the list, and it's consistently top 10 popular name.

skwidd3181d ago

Hey guys,

I haven't played the game but from the video it looks like the game occasionally drops a few frames before story cut scenes and particular parts. My question is how often and how bad is it? Because for me it doesn't sound too bad. It just doesn't seem too frequent.

Having said that, his responses were stupid.

livininsin3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

I got the pc version and to be honest, this is the least buggy, best optimized game that Bethesda has ever delivered on the pc side that I can remember.

People keep on comparing fo4/bethesda to witcher 3/Cd projekt red but if I recall correctly, on console, witcher 3 launched running in the low 20s for entire sections not just intermittent drops and still isn't "solid 30fps" to this day, many months later so I really don't think it is fair.

I do agree however that the '1 second drop to 0fps when switching to a weapon that hadn't been used for a while' bug should have been caught in q&a so hopefully it will be resolved quickly for xbox one owners.

nix3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Hmmm.. That's why reviewers should use the final copy n not reviewers' copy. So that they can tell us how screwed up the game is.

Was this not evident in the Lets Play videos?

I kept hearing "it's Bethesda game it'll have issues.." even before the game came out but you guys went and bought it without waiting..? Wow.

3181d ago
Utalkin2me3181d ago

He is the sole reason i will not purchase a single game with Bethesda's name on it. Best way to get rid of clowns like this is to make your voice heard and speak with your wallet.

KiwiViper853181d ago

If the game had been delayed 2-3 months, it would've still sold the same amount of copies.

Instead they released a buggy mess next to a top class RotTR. I'm spending my money on TR first. Fallout4 can wait till next year.

Who would've thought it.

Lordani663181d ago

Let me comment on this: Before any PS4 fanboys go "xbox one does 0 fps" or pc mustard pleb go "consoles are so weak", let me show you how this game works on a i7, 16 GB RAM, 2x GTX 970:


It works like SHIT there too, stutters like hell, and it's on 1440p,but this guy says it's the same stuttering on 1080p too.

Another reason why it's a bad game overall, is that consoles play games like GTA V, Batman Arkham Knight, Watch Dogs, inFamous like a charm (which are also open world games and are muuuuuch better looking that Fallout 4 that is made on a 2004/2005 made engine). That's pathetic from bethesda, this company just produces turd after turd (Fallout 3 NV worked bad at release, Skyrim even worse, and don't even make me go to RAGE).

b_one3181d ago

ok thats it, i was gonna buy that game coz of dog... now i wont do it FU asshole! will wait for patches GOTY edition or smth.

fr0sty3180d ago

you know you are a lazy developer when your game's graphics get criticized upon its reveal for being too close to the previous game's visuals... then that already visually unimpressive game runs like shit on consoles that both have far more impressive looking games... even open world games. Then rather than address the issue, you hire a PR guy to make an ass of himself in front of the community by denying there's anything wrong.

SolidStoner3180d ago (Edited 3180d ago )


agree... somehow my artistic mind dosnt let me see flaws.. and my brain makes me smooth experience on PS4.. but at the start (after other modern games, I noticed frame rate drops) now after couple of days im used to it.. but still hope for performance update.. still game is kick ass, this will/is the best Fallout game.... cant wait to get back in!

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3180d ago
BG115793181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

0 fps on the Xbone's Digital Foundry's performance analysis...
Yep, solid performance!!! ^^

Gazondaily3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Could be worse...oh no wait it couldn't. #damagelimitationfail

Btw that pic reminds me of the video with that kid who says "Linda listen"

UltraNova3181d ago

Yes it could be worse than 0 fps (actually the 'FPS' term does not apply at 0 refresh rate, yeah its that bad)...

For example, the game wouldn't start at all or it could corrupt your save files after dozens of hrs of hard earned looting and exploring making you start all over again...

In that ^^ light, I'd take occasional 0 fps dips (?free falls without a parachute?)anytime, every-time.

sonarus3181d ago

its funny how the one article saying ps4 had frame rate issues came out only for DF to show the Xbox one as worse.
Its funny how people still want to wish the Xbox one can outperform the PS4. I thought we had passed that stage of the argument and were now in graphics don't matter phase.

UltraNova3181d ago

@ sonarus

Hmm..short/selective memories people have these days...

Crimzon3181d ago


You know what's really funny? Is that we have a Digital Foundry article that clearly demonstrates how both versions of the game have technical issues and yet here you are posting fanboy drivel in an article that's focused on Bethesda's marketing and PR blatantly deceiving consumers.

Do you not feel dumb for posting a comment like that? Oh yay, this game has technical problems on both platforms but haha, people who own a different console to you have it worse. Hilarious. Meanwhile if you could refrain from being a braindead troll for a moment, you might actually see the big picture here...

Imalwaysright3181d ago

What does that even mean? That the game freezes for a few seconds before starting running again?

Mehmeh3180d ago

"its funny how the one article saying ps4 had frame rate issues came out only for DF to show the Xbox one as worse.
Its funny how people still want to wish the Xbox one can outperform the PS4. I thought we had passed that stage of the argument and were now in graphics don't matter phase."

Your comment is funny given that it focuses on something completely different than the article you wrote it in, and for no reason other than your own agenda:)

And even if ppl are in the graphics dont matter phase, this is a question about performance;)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3180d ago
Gatsu3181d ago

I don't think it runs poorly for everyone. Imo ppl are going nuclear way too much of this.

GarrusVakarian3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Oh, you speak for everyone? Lol. The issues are with the game, therefore it runs poorly for everyone, no one has a magical PS4 that is immune to fps dips. It's just that some people aren't as susceptible to performance issues as others are.

And if fluctuating around the low-mid 20s every time you encounter some bandits or enter certain interiors, or locking to ZERO fps isn't something to go "nuclear" over, then I don't know what is. I guess some people just accept whatever shit is thrown at them and would rather spend their time defending a developer that gives us said shit than wishing that the game was improved for their fellow gamers.

user99502793181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Of course they are. Did you expect anything less but pure vitriol from the internet-form part of the gaming community. Every little frame drop is ammunition for these people. That they expected anything resembling a rock-solid 30fps on consoles is hilarious.

Honestly 90% of the time I feel like most of these people should just shut the hell up and buy a PC. Beggars desperately pretending/trying to be choosers. Its quite sad. What right do console gamers have to rant on about performance? be happy the game is running on consoles at all. Either enjoy a technically less-than-optimal experience, buy a PC, or cry ad infinitum.

I've been console gaming happily too long to suddenly pretend Fallout 4s imperfections are something to so much as complain about. Hardcore complaining probably coming straight from the mouths of babes, who cant afford a PC anyways.


"locking to ZERO fps isn't something to go "nuclear" over,"

that doesn't even make sense. At least make some attempt at objectivity.

Gatsu3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Lol @Garrus, no I don't speak for everyone. But I believe not everyone runs into same problems with games. I cannot be 100% sure though. I've played games where people say to encounter bugs etc, and haven't noticed them myself. Reviewers sometimes don't encounter issues that much and is the reason might not effect their scores.

I feel like there's a lot of commenters here who haven't played the game, but go on hating it. Which imo is stupid. The game is running fine for me, so maybe you should take your head out of your *ss before accusing me of stuff. I'm not trying to defend the developers, but imo people are just so damn demanding these days and complain all the time, of the slightest freakin things.

Sure huge FPS drops can f*ck up your game, but they might not be so noticeable for everyone. So stop acting like you know how it shows for everyone. I bet if games made by Naughty Dog would have "issues" like this, people would be like "that's okey", but when it's Bethesda people go nuts.

UnHoly_One3181d ago

Well I am obviously a very small sample size, but here is my experience so far.

I got it on Xbox One in Digital form. Started playing last night right at release, and played for a little over 4 hours.

I never saw the framerate hitch once. Never saw any stutter switching weapons like they mentioned in the Digital Foundry article.

Now, I haven't been to the big busy area they mentioned in the article, so I can't comment on that at all.

But I did do the segment they showed off in the gameplay demo way back at e3, (a pretty hectic fight scene) with no problems.

I'll wait and see it for myself before I call Bethesda every negative name I can think of. So far it's been nothing but pure bliss and everything I hoped it would be.

BeefCurtains3181d ago

I agree with Gatsu. First off, NO, not everyone always experiences the same glitch or Fran drops in the exact same way. Even personal play style affects bugs.

Second, as console games no one is playing with a FPS counter on their screen. Small dips below 30fps aren't noticeable. They are only seen by the testers that constantly watch the FPS counter. 20-25 FPS and lower would be noticeable for sure, but that doesn't seem too common.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3181d ago

These aren't random glitches. These are performance issues. Really bad ones too at that.

livininsin3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

The game could actually be running better, digital foundry says they were running patch v1.01 and the day 1 patch is 1.1.31 so they could have already tackled some of the issues identified.

I think it's possible some people may be talking about what they have read about on digital foundry but haven't necessarily experienced themselves and that information could actually be outdated already.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3181d ago
Yui_Suzumiya3181d ago

Speak for yourselves, I've had no issues with the PS4 version yet aside from rare dips but it's unnoticeable.

Shuckylad3181d ago

If its unnoticeable then how did you notice the rare dips? :-)

GTgamer3181d ago

@shuckylad you got him :) :) :) :)

GarrusVakarian3181d ago

How far are you into the game? I was around 7-8 hours in (I received the game early) before I started noticing severe framerate dips. It didn't happen much at first but performance gets worse and more frequent the further you get into the game.

ajax173181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Still runs much better than Fallout 3 did at launch... Maybe they'll get it right next time, lol

ShottyGibs3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Not his fault both consoles have weak as heck tablet cpu's.
It's pretty obvious the game is CPU limited.. something both consoles don't have excess of.

frostypants3181d ago

What makes you think it's a CPU issue?

frostypants3181d ago

@ the disagree...don't just disagree. Explain. What makes you think it's a CPU issue?

r2oB3181d ago

@ shottygibs

And it's not gamers fault Bethesda is unable to optimize within the parameters of the consoles they make games for. Developers should be aware of the limits of "power" of the platforms they work on, no different than they have to be aware of the budget they are given. Of course developers will always want access to more power, time, and money to make the best game possible; but that's not how it works.

zidane13413181d ago

Yeah, yet games like arkham knight, tomb raider, and many more with more intensive processing can run without hiccups. The processors are octocores. Just because there clock speed isn't 3.0 or whatever number you want, doesn't make them "weak"

ShottyGibs3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

@ frostypants

Thanks for actually caring enough to want to understand instead of inciting a flame war.

Have a look at this benchmark review


If you notice the 1440p vs 1080p benchmarks. Same systems.. barely any difference in the frame rates.
This is a text book example of being CPU limited, not the GPU.


Clock speed actually does make a difference when it comes to frame rate and hitching. The consoles are good they have 8 cores.. but they are clocked at around 1.6ghz which is incredibly slow. Sadly.. and more often than not, single threaded processes dictate the majority of the performance.

BG115793180d ago

@ShottyGibs Yep Batman Arkhamknight ran badly on the PC because of their limited CPU... That's logical.
It's definitely not because Bethesda would never released games on console un-optimized! That never happens...

Me I just waiting for the first bug-breaking-game to be discovered and fixed before I buy.

ShottyGibs3180d ago


Not my fault if you don't know what you're talking about.
Read up a little more on tech instead of sounding like a butthurt fanboy trying to score points.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3180d ago
frostypants3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

He's the PR and Marketing guy. It seems that a lot of gamers don't know what a PR guy does. Hint: he doesn't fix games.

ChuckTheIceMan3181d ago

It's not "just" consoles. Frame rate issues are happening on PC as well.

BeefCurtains3181d ago

Who has been reporting that? Can you share a link?

Nivekki3181d ago

Can't say I've noticed in the hour or so I've been playing. Buttery smooth 60fps.

Absolutely loving it. Fallout has never been so enjoyable.

someOnecalled3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Pc gamers have state that its dips in frame rate too. It's just not as bad as console or as bad as their previous games.

I always know not to buy their games at launch, plus I like elder scroll better so I don't mind the wait or would mind missing the game completely. People tend to think being a gamer means buying every game

UKmilitia3181d ago

absolue clown and why people take his word these days is beyond me.
shouldnt be in the job with the total lies he says.

the xbox one does drop to ZERO fps which isnt acceptable at all.

tanukisuit3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

The sad thing is, a lot of the criticism is being flushed out by reviews and Pete Hines padding his account with only positive comments...
This is exactly what happened with the official Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 account.

@Garrus give us your calibration skills to fix this game XD

kraenk123181d ago

Did you experience that yourself or are you just parroting?! I only read posts by people who say this is way overblown!

SaladSnake3181d ago

After hearing about all the bugs - I'm glad I didn't buy it day one. His attitude is terrible. I've been waiting in this game for an age, too. I'll hold off until it's fixed.

Jivesh3181d ago

Wait a bit bro, he's in the middle of some calibrations.

Clunkyd3181d ago

Bethesda, Y U suck at optimizing games?

solar3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

"Power of the Cloud"...."Superchar ged PC"....what a load of shit. We all told you the CPU's were garbage...

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3180d ago
YinYangGaming3181d ago

Quite a douchey way to deal with this, there's enough evidence out now showing both have frame rate issues and he should be more humble and set out plans for fixing the issues

DarkLordMalik3181d ago

Can't wait for the 10th patch to finally fix the performance issues, 6 months after release.

gillri3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Jim sterling said he didn't notice any either. I find frame rates issues are usually blown out of proportion

vikingland13181d ago


Interesting, do you have a link?

Yui_Suzumiya3181d ago

I agree. My entire first block of playing the game and was wondering if people are playing a different game because I had no issues.

gillri3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

@vikingland1 its in the story!!! or just check on his twitter account

frostypants3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

OK, guys? He's the PR AND MARKETING GUY. It's not his job to set out plans for fixing things. People are seriously yelling at the ONE guy at Bethesda who's job it is to polish turds, and wondering why he won't agree with them. Don't get me wrong, it's amusing to watch, but enough's enough. Take your problems to the Bethesda forums. Tweeting the PR guy is the least useful thing you could do.

doritos3181d ago

I'm not for sure you know what PR stands for.

TwoForce3181d ago

You need to fix the problem right now, Bethesada.

Drekken3181d ago

I think they would be more inclined to fix the problem if Lemmings would quit buying their games day one because they are horrible at optimizing/coding. FO4 will be better in 6 months after they had time to finish patching it.

Everyone is so set on buying games like this on day one and I have no idea why. Bethesda doesn't appreciate it. They could have released a more stable game but didn't because people are going to buy it up anyways.

3181d ago
JeffGUNZ3181d ago

But you're missing the point Drekken. Although I doubt this is really ruining ANYONE's ultimate experience of the game, it's still wrong. Bethesda stated multiple times this game runs stable 30FPS. People LOVE certain franchises and it's been a while since we saw a Fallout game so how can you call them lemmings for being excited? I knew a game of this scope will have bags and issues but I have read no real groundbreaking bugs here that will brick my console or delete my progress, so I will go forward with it. I just think developers need to stand behind their words and verify that the game will deliver what they say.

Drekken3181d ago

Jeff, Fallout 3 basically broke my PS3. I doubt a game freezing will brick a PS4, but I am just tired of Bethesda's bull. They said 30fps and it doesn't even do that... accountability is key here. I think people should let them know with their wallets, but they won't... It will break sales records for fallout games.

georgenancy3181d ago

yet this game got 9s and 10s.Doesn't make any sense..
Poor graphics,poor optimization,dumbed down dialogue system but guess what since its bethesda they get a free pass smh

kneon3181d ago

There are certain games and developers that always get a free pass, it's stupid. If a lesser known developer had these sorts of issues they'd be lucky to get anything over an 7.

Gatsu3181d ago

Not every game need to have UC4 type of graphics.

Highlife3181d ago

Well no one here is talking graphics. Only performance. Dips in frames per second all the way to zero and bugs. All things Bethesda is good at and gets a free pass for. They make great games that run poorly.

Gatsu3181d ago


"Poor graphics,poor optimization,dumbed down dialogue system but guess what since its bethesda they get a free pass smh"

WeAreLegion3181d ago

Because the game freakin' rules. It's incredibly fun. That's how you get good reviews.

GTgamer3181d ago

No just No stop it because if this was any other dev they would of been crucified and you know it Bethesda can do no wrong apparently.

Highlife3181d ago

Yeah game is great but should also be docked for poor performance and bugs.

eklektic3181d ago

This all reminds me of a dev group that made a game not to long ago that this community defends like crazy yet had just as many bugs and shit frame rate. And they couldn't do wrong either weird. The o it gave really shit free dlc so let's praise them for it and all the bugs are forgiven. Of course im talking about the witcher 3. I've put in about 12 hours in fallout 4 and haven't seen one bit of frame drop.

WeAreLegion3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Bethesda can do no wrong, huh?



They don't get a free pass. They just make great games. Have you actually played Fallout 4? It's incredible. Games with this much depth and replay value don't get "free passes". They're just good.

By the way, several reviewers docked points for performance issues. Did you not read those?

_-EDMIX-_3181d ago

@GT- "No just No stop it because if this was any other dev they would of been crucified and you know it Bethesda can do no wrong apparently"

Nope. Other devs still get hate for releasing poor titles ,but I'm playing Fallout 4 RIGHT NOW with no issues, it drops in frames a bit from going from one area to the next at times, but its not unplayable.

I'm sorry but your exaggerating this way, way, WAYYYY too much, no game breaking bugs currently exist or any that I know of. None of those have happened to me anyway.

I'm 5 main quest in and 3 side quest in with no major game breaking issues. None of those things got in the way from me actually enjoying the game.

If those hiccups are enough for you to not like it or not play it, you might as well quit game as I know of zero games that released PREFECT, its never happened. The nature of gaming is too complex for such a thing currently.

Its getting good reviews because its fun and those issues are not enough to get in the way of the main concept.

The game is playable, it isn't broken, its not getting rid of quest or main parts etc.

Like many have stated, if we are going to say this about Fallout 4, does Witcher 3 suddenly now get blasted for having literally broken quest? Its still getting updated and still has broken parts of the game...EVEN after the patches, but the reality is...MOST of the game is a great game.

Zero game will just launch perfect, bugs are not some how only in certain games, they are in ALL games, no time in gaming did we not get bugs. To get mad that they exist, is to say all gaming is bad, all games should be bashed etc.

The same can be stated about any and ever developer if we really are going that route. Sorry haters but people game regardless of bugs as I don't know of a single game I"ve played this gen or any gen to be honest that had zero issues.

Unless its unplayable and can't work at all, no one really cares. The reality is, the thing that happens to all games, is not a reason to bash this game...as again, it will happen to all games until some day we magically don't have such issues.

10 plus hours in Fallout 4 and those issues are not only not really that noticeable, they've barely come up with me and I'm playing a console version.

If you hate bugs in games, many of you might consider quitting gaming, when didn't we have em? The best games this entire year, all have some sort of bugs, issues etc. Sooooo don't play any of them? I mean...exaggerate much? That is classic first world problems that makes no damn sense.

How many of you are even gaming for fun vs a number to be stable? LOL! Is your goal to watch the number stay a certain number? I mean...do any of you actually game for fun?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3181d ago
3181d ago Replies(1)
Drekken3181d ago

Maybe it is a great game, but if it runs like crap it shouldn't have been scored over a 7. Don't fall for the hype. "reviewers" are just advertisers for the game/studio they love.

frostypants3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )

Could be because it's actually a fun game despite its flaws.

@Drekken, even watching the Digital Foundry video, I'd hardly say it runs like crap. It has issues here and there, but plenty playable. The only truly bad thing is the One's stutter when it's loading at very specific places, but even that seems to be very limited in scope and I'd imagine won't be an issue for long.

dumahim3181d ago

Yeah, people keep bringing up the 0 fps as if it's a regular thing. It's in a specific spot and it's a momentary freeze. Annoying, yes, game breaking no. I'm sure we've all run in to a momentary freeze on a lot of games (like when saving for example).

SegaGamer3181d ago

Most games are fun despite their flaws and they don't get away with it. They still get marked down for poor performance, there is no reason why Fallout should be let off.

_-EDMIX-_3181d ago

@Sega- "Let off" dude stop attacking people for having different views.

The game is fun, they like it....your just going to have to deal with that. You seem to always be getting mad at gamers for doing what they love to do.. game.

They are free to like Fallout 4 bud, your not the owner of all gamer's minds.

As it seems I should not play Fallout 4 do to moral or out of some principle of greater good.

Relax bud...its just games, no one is dying because of this. People are free to buy what they feel like (something you seem to have a hard time dealing with)

If they like it, they are free to give it a review based on them liking it regardless of issues, clearly those issues where not enough for them to not enjoy the game....you know....the point of a damn review.

SegaGamer3181d ago (Edited 3181d ago )


What the hell are you talking about ? I have no problem with people enjoying games, and nowhere in any of my comments do i say anything like that either. I'm also not attacking anybody either, i simply made a reply to something i didn't agree with, that isn't attacking anybody at all. If you are going to have a go at me for replying to someone then maybe you should do that to everybody else on here too.

We shouldn't have to accept bugs and glitches in games, especially seeing as we are the ones paying for the damn things. Reviewers should be highlighting these problems too instead of ignoring them. Many people are having performances issues with this game, if this was a JRPG or platformer, i guarantee they would mark this game down.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3181d ago
SweatyFlorida3181d ago

Yah, ALL I heard was "everyone's going to be playing fallout." or "what your not getting fallout? your crazy", mindless sheep to the corporations who run all over you just because they use a franchise you loved to erase your common sense on basic purchasing habits.

Do you buy a proven broken or supposedly faulty machine just because you like that brand? Fallout's a single player game, I think I can wait 2months+ until it's fixed or at the very least price has dropped considerably because I knew it was going to be a mess at launch since other NON bethesda games also released broken the past year or two.

_-EDMIX-_3181d ago

I mean....maybe they are basing that on you know....fun?

Poor graphics?


LMFAO! Ummmmmm sure, poor us, the horror. Sounds like classic first world problems. You'll live.

Ch1d0r13181d ago

Thats how these games are, they get better with community updates. And for the folks who bought it for PS4 and XB1 hopefully they come soon. There might already be PC mods in the next 2 weeks.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3181d ago
CyrusLemont3181d ago

While the FPS for me isn't as disappointing as it's being made out to be, the crashes unfortunately are. Every time the game has to give a bunch of notifications after killing enemies e.g. level up, mission completed, the frame rate will drop to a point that causes the whole game to crash.

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Epic Games Store copies of Fallout 4 won't be compatible with the new Fallout: London mod

If you bought Fallout 4 via the Epic Games Store, you may be unable to install the upcoming Fallout: London mod at launch.

TheNamelessOne11d ago

That sucks for the seven people that actually use it.


You'll need to actually buy Fallout 4 to play the London mod as it won't work on Game Pass

Fallout: London will require you to own the game. Game Pass users, unlucky.

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Modders and Voice Actor Team Up for Fallout 4 Charity Mod

Fallout 4 modders have teamed up with legendary voice actor Wes Johnson to create a new mod for the game in the name of Alzheimer's research.

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