
Life is Strange: Episode 5 - Polarized (PC) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Daniel Carreras: "Life is Strange has had its ups and downs, but the occasionally cheesy writing and dull plot points are easily outweighed by a truly unique game world and generally strong story-telling. Most people will find something in Life is Strange that they can relate to. In that respect it's an adventure game with a twist - not for its take on time travel, but because it offers a perspective on life that has not been explored in gaming before."

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Life is Strange – Episode 3 – 5 Review | Player2

The final 3 episodes of this unique adventure get reviewed at Player 2

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Life Is Strange: Polarized Review | Games Fiends

With the final chapter in Dontnod's teen drama serial coming to a close, Gamesfiends' Zeth takes one last adventure with Max in the episode 5 review.

"If you've invested in the series I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the conclusion of the story. The execution might stumble in places, but it never falls and Dontnod have managed to bring together a thoughtful and artistic story that has enough substance to be discussed as a game or an analysis of coming-of-age. "

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GameHead853120d ago

One of my favorite games, especially on the PC.

I3loggs243120d ago

My third favorite game this year behind Bloodborne and The Witcher 3.


Zero1gaming: Life is Strange: Episode 5 - Polarized

JBH reviews 'Polarized', the fifth and final episode in Dontnod Entertainment's interactive drama series, 'Life is Strange'.

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I3loggs243126d ago

I completed Life is strange only yesterday, and absolutely loves it! Most enjoyable Interactive story adventure game i've played so far.

Just like many others though im not happy with the end decision. I wish there was 1 extra decision you could make.
1. Sacrifice Arcadia Bay
2a. Sacrifice Chloe
2b. Sacrifice yourself and take the bullet for Chloe

Dontnod have already said a sequel most likely will feature a whole new cast so i wish self sacrifice should have been an option, I though Chloe throughout the entire game had a pretty shitty life, and i think Max's power to reverse time should have been given to her so that she could save Chloe (by sacrificing herself), and the punishment for there "selfishness" was the cyclone destroying everything they care about.

JBH3126d ago


I agree. I didn't want to go into too much detail in the review, but I felt like it would have tied things up nicely if Max would have sacrificed herself. Chloe didn't really deserve to die because of Max's mistakes, but I suppose the game got around that by implying that Chloe's death was fated, which is why she died in almost every timeline. Still though, would have been a good ending.

Looking forward to season 2 though!