
This Week in Gaming History: Vectrex brought the arcade home

Right ideas, wrong timing. Take a look back on why the Vectrex was so ahead of it's time.

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Vectrex: An All-in-One From the 80s

In the early 1980’s, it seemed like everyone had their hand in the video game market. The young industry had seen success with Atari home consoles, and arcade games were booming. Toy makers considered video games to be in their realm, and the lure of success saw many new consoles hit the market.

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The 10 Greatest Unreleased Games Consoles Ever

From innovators of the whole industry Atari to current market leaders Sony even the biggest companies left cutting edge hardware unreleased. How many of these did you know about?

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derkasan2835d ago

The Neptune would've been great. I still like the ease of use the X'Eye brought to the table.

sinjonezp2835d ago

Definitely agree and great article by the way! Well written and brought some knowledge to gamers possibly not known.

2835d ago
Artemidorus2835d ago

How can you be great at something that didn't happen?

Sounds like more excuses for millenials to pat failure on the back.

The_Laird2835d ago

If you think I am a millennial then you obviously have no idea who I am and are too lazy to find out . . . . .

Artemidorus2835d ago

I don't care who you are.

solidboss072835d ago

PS3 should maybe be on the list? 2 Cell Processors, dual HDMI outputs ect

The_Laird2834d ago

What on earth are you talking about?


5 forgotten retro consoles

Retro is cool now-a-days, but there are some retro consoles that seem to be forgotten. That is why we shine a light on them.

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hoppermania3571d ago

Never seen that Vectrex before. Seems kinda weird.

JungleJack3571d ago

Man I love the ColecoVision. Played so much on that machine.