
Bethesda’s Pete Hines "Upset" With Fallout 4 Leaks; Says You Better Experience It Yourself

Bethesda's vice president Pete Hines expresses to be "upset" with the massive Fallout 4 leaks. Players better experience the game themselves. When asked about it, Hines added that it's like watching someone else opening your Christmas presents in November.

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VER1ON3189d ago

At least he's responding. Can't be said from all devs.

SolidStoner3189d ago Show
Doodleburger3189d ago

Someone tell solidstoner that all the leaks we have right now are from the PS4 version. What a tard.

dirkdady3189d ago

It's all retail leaks selling early or employees at stores. There is no way around it, Bethesda has to ship the games this week so they can sell next week.

Grap3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

Someone tell that turd the leaks are from ps4 version.

nveenio3189d ago

@Doodleburger Some of the most recent leaks or video gameplay are Xbox One.

UnHoly_One3189d ago

There is one way to avoid it, dirkdady, but a bunch of people would throw a fit if they ever actually did it.

Make the game digital only, at least at launch, then ship to stores later.

SolidStoner3189d ago

I agree, I went over the top! :D

but still, my point was not only video gameplay leaks, you all know what Im talking about, that "torrent" word, and other share thingy's and easy file copy on PC, easy modding and easy access! and all that is a good thing! I would go nuts if I ever hear theres no PC version, but it sure helps alot for early leaks, all kind of, and also other inside information hidden inside files! I just want it to hold back a bit, get more fixes and it would be less spoilers at least..

Mega243189d ago


Um... are you actually slow in the head? All leaks are coming from Playstation Users. Why do you even have to bring PC into this mess, done by console users.

thereapersson3189d ago


The recent 20 minute gameplay leak was from the Xbox One version.

Mega243189d ago


Still, it has been a console issue, and he brought PC into it... and making wild accusations.

ravinash3188d ago

It's sad when people spend years working on something to make as rich experience as possible and time everything to get the right amount of excitement running.
and then someone has to ruin it all by trying to be the clever jerk by leaking everything.

There are just people out there who want to take the limelight by being the first to broadcast this stuff.

personally I'm aiming to enjoy it the way it was intended, so I'm not looking at any more spoilers.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3188d ago
Bigpappy3189d ago

He is right. I haven't seen any gameplay because I don't care to. It spoils newness of the game

Kidmyst3189d ago

Like most games, I look at enought during development to decide if I am interested in the game and then ignore everything after that, the hype, gameplay footage, maybe I'll look at a few screens but for the most part I want to wow factor going into the game. not the "Oh, this part, yeah I remember seeing this part."

Perjoss3189d ago

I love me some newness.

Kombatologist3189d ago

Back in my day, we didn't have these fancy gameplay videos to gawk at -- we had magazines with low quality screenshots of games that usually weren't complete.

I also walked 5 miles to school in the snow.

3189d ago
DMgHalt3189d ago

Anyone who believes that these leaks are unintentional is an idiot. They do this for business marketing purposes to generate hype for their product.

ravinash3188d ago

Who's marketing?
The people selling the game, or the people leeching off the release to promote their own websites?

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TekFan3189d ago

It's easy for him to say, he's probably been playing it for ages. People have been waiting for too long, they're just excited.

VER1ON3189d ago

He is, a few weeks back he already said he was playing the game on PS4
for a while.

dirkdady3189d ago

Why is he advertising that he is playing on the ps4. Not complaining but doesn't microsoft have a marketing deal where they have to only mention Xbox one? Actually has microsoft published a commercial for this game? I've seen their tomb raider ad which incidentally releases on the same day as fallout.

_-EDMIX-_3189d ago

@dirk- MS has a deal with marketing with them...I don't think that has anything to do with the version he is personally playing.

I don't even get what that has to do with this.

fattyuk3189d ago

No we havent been waiting too long - thats the thing!

its only been 5 months!!

i cant and wont ruin it for myself

_-EDMIX-_3189d ago

Agreed. I can't take this complaints. If 5 months is "too long", they can't take any damn release window. I mean someone seriosuly has something wrong with them if they think its "too long" to wait 5 months, we wait YEARS for games many, many times.

Yet we live...

ravinash3188d ago

A few weeks ago people were complaining that the period between the announcement and the release date was too short.

You just can't win.

MasterCornholio3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

"Experience it for yourself"


"Give me your money!!!!!!"

I'm sure it will be a very good game. However there's so many games that I haven't played that I don't know if I'll have time for FallOut 4. If the reviews are ludicrously good I'll buy the game.

cartoonx13189d ago

fallout is one game u cant put in ur backlog.

MasterCornholio3189d ago

I haven't played the Witcher 3 or MGSV yet and I really want to. Those two games are excellent but I'll swap one of them out for FallOut 4 if the reviews convince me that it's better than those games.

cartoonx13189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

i think witcher 3 is amazing, story is very good too. cant say same for mgs/ its brilliant but gets a little repetitive? and boring? after some hours.

Perjoss3189d ago

Exactly, if your pile of shame was like a queue at the store, Fallout 4 would be that huge guy that just pushes in front of everyone to buy some smokes and nobody wants to talk shit to him cos they too damn scared.

TwoForce3189d ago

Dude, seriously ? He was kinda right about this. Ruin people suprise is not fun at all.

MasterCornholio3189d ago

I know that. I was just fooling around.

No harm meant.


I agree with anyone that its much better to play the game than to actually watch it.

Although i do watch streams when i want to get an idea of what a game is like especially when there´s no demo available.

TwoForce3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

@MasterCornholio the demo was such a good thing to have. It's let you try the game out before you buying it. Man, i miss that thing so much. If Fallout 4 had a deme, we would try the game out before buying it if we like it or not. Well, there are still demos today, but not too many.

eddvdm3189d ago

I hear you, but at the same time the Reviews Scene overall has turned into something I can't rely on anymore, personally.

Which I one I decided to trust more?
·10+ sites which struggle to have more and more attention with most-then-not "spoilerish"or "flamish" titles, articles and reviews;
·the developer itself - which of course want to promote the game - but also passed 2+ years (in avg.) creating it?

Then we have Ubisoft, or EA - with more-usual-than-not ethic issues regarding PR in their history. But there, right there is the word that changes everything: HISTORY.

Both Bethesda's and Pete Hines'history tell me: trust them. And I really have no doubt this time that'll ignore almost every single review, leak, opinion and whatnot and will trust Bethesda, because of their history.

BEASELY3189d ago

If you haven't played MGSV, Witcher, and now want to put Fallout 4 on a backlog - while posting on a video game forum - then, not to be snide, but - I don't know what you're doing as a gamer.

wellard3189d ago

I'm in the same boat myself. I've just finished witcher 3 and started bloodborne, then it's mgs and fallout. I've been gaming for 31 years now but sadly work is encroaching more and more on my spare time. That doesn't make me any less of a gamer.

MasterCornholio3189d ago

As a gamer im playing Red Alert 2, EverQuest, 3DS and Vita games while im away from my PS4.

I didnt buy The Witcher 3 at launch since it was such a mess on the PS4. But luckily they fixed that. As for MGSV well i have no way of playing it which is why i didnt buy it yet. Before i go back ill be buying The Witcher 3, MGSV and maybe Fallout 4.

_-EDMIX-_3189d ago

Agreed, if your not playing Witcher 3, MGSV or Fallout 4, I'm at a loss for words at why your currently gaming.

I don't even know what you might like, he could like AC or Call Of Duty, Mobas etc lol.

I mean...why even come on here to read such an article, those titles are HUGE Blockbusters, to not play them, to remain niche, thats ok but it also means his comment carries little weight.

So what he isn't playing it....he doesn't even play many, many games. No love lost by the team.

You don't need a review to tell you if Fallout 4 will be good.

Did you like Fallout 3 or New Vegas? That should answer if you'll like Fallout 4, to my understanding...the concept of Fallout didn't change with 4, its still an RPG, you still do a main quest and a bunch of side quest, its just more of what you love with Fallout.

I need no review to tell me if I'll like Fallout 4, its not a concept that changes enough for one to question every release besides Fallout 3, anything after if done in the format of 3 won't be that drastically different.

The concept remains, Fallout 4 just adds more things to the idea.

ravinash3188d ago

Some of us work.

These games are also on my watch list but have yet to play.
But I did book two days off from work to play Fallout4.

BEASELY3188d ago

I work 50 hour weeks and do hardwood flooring. Still find the time to play the biggest games of the year and not some junk from the previous year or a bunch of indies. Again, I just can't comprehend Fallout 4 + backlog.

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Chapter113188d ago

You know, I kinda agree. They've shown nothing of the game outside of E3 and a couple of behind closed doors events. There's not spoiling anything, and then there's intentionally hiding your game.

Clearly Bethesda had no ill intentions, but how little they've shown of actual gameplay has been ridiculous. I don't think it's okay to market a game based on 20 minutes of footage and a big name and calling it a day, no matter how big or beloved that name is, or how good your games in the past have been. Imagine if EA did this with Medal of Honor, or Activision did with Call of Duty.

ravinash3188d ago

20 minutes is a long time to show game play.

There is a balance between showing the game and leaving enough to allow the play to feel the excitement of discovering this stuff them selves. particularly if a big part of the game is exploring.

Plus they have shown many videos showing the mechanics of the game which not giving too much away about the game. don't forget the things like the special videos, demonstrations showing the graphics, conversations, weapon building, etc.
Plus Fallout shelter.
They have done loads to promote their game in new and interesting ways.

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Immorals3189d ago

Well I'm avoiding all footage. Coming out of the Vault in fallout 3 was one of my favourite moments in gaming and I'd rather experience these things myself!

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Epic Games Store copies of Fallout 4 won't be compatible with the new Fallout: London mod

If you bought Fallout 4 via the Epic Games Store, you may be unable to install the upcoming Fallout: London mod at launch.

TheNamelessOne11d ago

That sucks for the seven people that actually use it.


You'll need to actually buy Fallout 4 to play the London mod as it won't work on Game Pass

Fallout: London will require you to own the game. Game Pass users, unlucky.

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Modders and Voice Actor Team Up for Fallout 4 Charity Mod

Fallout 4 modders have teamed up with legendary voice actor Wes Johnson to create a new mod for the game in the name of Alzheimer's research.

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