
Need For Speed is 900p on Xbox One - Report

Impressive visuals come at the cost of a sub-1080p resolution and occasional frame rate dips, report says.

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chrish19903189d ago

So? Is the game fun? Yes. Does the rest matter? No.

98xpresent3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

Go to pc if it matters that much. Having a Standard for res is just gonna have you miss out on dope games

mark_parch3189d ago

@ N4G3RZ

If you had both versions playing in front of you I guarantee you wouldn't know which one was which FACT. So no it doesn't matter a LOT.

GHOSTxx4203189d ago

Yea it matters i mean it looks like a blurry mess on my tv

dcbronco3189d ago

Of course 900p matters. Well only on Xbox One.

CaptainObvious8783189d ago


It matters to me, that's why I bought a PS4.

badz1493189d ago


Just because you are blind, doesn't make it a fact!

Sm00thNinja3189d ago

its a shame gamers have evolved into this... No one cared about power when the SNES and SEGA genesis were going at it, and no one cared about the power difference between the N64 and PS1. Gamers have evolved into something horrid. I remember when it use to be about if the game was fun. Now its about graphics and achievements/trophies and 1080p vs 900p and 60 fps. Unless you really care for those things 900p isnt even noticeable. The route this industry is heading is disturbing to say the least. Regardless if i was going to pick this title i would pick it up on PS4. Game just belongs on a Sony platform on my opinion not sure why. Just like COD belongs on an Xbox platform. Just a personal preference i suppose

cd13189d ago

Now now ladies, this argument again?...really?

Why take it personally when somebody plays a game at a lower res than you?

I can only assume some of you have no partners or friends so this is how you talk to others who have the same hobby. If this is the case you have my pity but should probably head towards a chat room as apposed to giving people abuse in a comments section.

Never really been a big NFS fan so i wont be purchasing it myself but i hope you guys enjoy it...no matter what res you play on.

XanderZane3189d ago

Not when Need For Speeds Rivals was 1080P on the XB1. lol!! Blame the developers, not the hardware. Still using the outdated Frostbite engine as well. Not surprised. They couldn't even get SW: Battlefront to be 1080P on XB1 or PS4 with that crappy engine.

psychobabble3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

@Sm00thNinja You must not be old enough to remember the SNES/Genesis era too well. I absolutely remember A LOT of arguing about the power differences between the two in my middle school! But then again, we were middle schoolers, lol.

@cd1 You don't remember the Sega commercials where they claimed to be the faster system by showing the speed differences between Sonic and Mario?

cd13189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )


I remember SNES/Megadrive days, i cant remember a single argument over spec thou. Just lots of Truxton, Street Fighter and Dr Pepper :D

Edit: No i dont remember that advert, probably just an american thing. Here in the UK me and my mates agreed the graphics looked a little better on the Megadrive on some games but nobody cared. If you did think like that and dismissed the SNES because of it you really missed out :(

CYCLEGAMER3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

So I guess Uncharted 4's multiplayer will look like a blurry mess on your tv? How about Assassins Creed Syndicate, battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, UFC, Star Wars battlefront. Yeah...all of those games are a blurry mess on the ps4 right? Sound more like you need a new tv....lol.

tuglu_pati3189d ago


I wonder if you'll be playing UC4 Multiplayer since it matter that much to you.

BallsEye3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

funny that. Just recently a ps4 exclusive, uncharted was announced to be 900p, and reading through the comments, everyone were saying it's a good choice (to keep stable fps) and there is no noticeable difference between 900p and 1080p when gaming on tv. I see opinions shifted once more, when it comes to xbox one game.


Totally with you on this. I come from times where gameplay mattered. Frankly, no one gave a damn about graphics back in the day.I said it times over and I'll say it again - I blame today's spoiled kids (most of n4g community) for the failure of this generation. Problem with you is that you is that you don't care about the game. Your only objective is to show it off and say "mine is better than yours". America...bet you people also compete in school who got better cell phone from parents on Christmas.

rdgneoz33189d ago

"its a shame gamers have evolved into this..."

Guessing someone doesn't remember the PS360 comparisons / lens of truth and crap, blowing up pictures to analyze even the AA for each game. Only because the shoe is on the other foot do people care / complain these days.

u4one3189d ago

*thinks back to the uncharted 4 multiplayer story and how everybody in those comments seemed to be ok with 900p and that there was no discernible difference at that resolution* oh.. right. now what was this xbox one article about that people are so worked up about? 900p or something?

nix3189d ago

Ok..like i said before (in Uncharted thread), this topic will be big because on one console the game is coming out at 1024p and on another 900p. I think that's where ppl are finding problems. Xbox1 is less powerful than PS4. Let's accept that and move on. We don't need to debate on this every single time.

Though quite a contrast from PS360 days.

LeCreuset3189d ago

Seeing a lot of "Uncharted MP" false equivalencies. If there were two copies of Uncharted, same game, same price, but one was 1080p/60fps, the vast majority of those in the know are going to grab the 1080p/60fps copy. Of course it matters.

LeCreuset3189d ago


In fairness, we don't know what the PS4 version will look like, yet. But you are right about the problem people are having with this. It wold be a lot easier to move on if the first comment in these types of articles wasn't some off-topic declaration that the subject doesn't matter.

AngelicIceDiamond3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

The fact that nobody cared what the res was until this article popped up shows that ppl didn't care. Now that this sorta article popped up it suddenly a big deal now.

What can you say that's already been said a million times about Xbox? We know its a little weaker when it comes to third party we all know that. No need for the constant reminder. I get the few dozen article about res before, but now its just immaturity on gamers part.

A few lower pixels doesn't mean a damn thing in the real world. Sorry but that's where I live. So it doesn't mean anything, at all.

UncleJerry3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

well, "matters a lot" might be going a bit far, but if so many people care this much..than yea, I guess it does matter. I'm sure the game still looks good. I'm not picking this up anyways, but since I wouldn't play with others I would prob get this for my ps4. TBH, I'm just a little surprised just how much people still build this up to be. We all know this type of thing is going to be the case at least until a new gen comes along.

So, the analysis is welcome, and people have the right to know which version is what...but people, please, calm down already with this. Old news is old news.

A good amount of people only own one of the 2 consoles, so yea, it doesn't matter..they will have to buy what ever version they can play.

Clearly this opinion is in the minority this gen...but, if you really like xbox and can only get one console and you like the exclusives they have etc....are you going to buy a ps4 instead for a few lines of res...especially in a NFS title?

lsujester3189d ago

No, it doesn't. Burnout Revenge is one of, if not the, best racers in history, and it has pretty abysmal graphics by today's standard.

Tech53189d ago

"It matters a LOT."

the return of double standards.

BeefCurtains3189d ago

Interesting news, good to know...

*checks comment section for 100% guaranteed PS4/X1 fanboy war below*

Not disappointed...

X1 game resolution articles are more for PS4 fanboys than anyone else.

0to1003189d ago

Can someone remind me what the uncharted 4 multiplayer resolution is? Hmmmm

NatFanBoyRestricted3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

So by your logic no one is grabbing a copy of 900p UC? People are fine with 900 on ps4 but step on xbox when is 900? Not to mention this is a beta. N4g is just packed with ps fans that will disagree with anything that is for xbox or make fun of it. But as soon as is it happens to ps4 its fine. I say since this is multiplat,900 is fine. But an exclusive like uncharted isn't.

APexGamer453189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )


Lower your PC resolution to 900P.

You will notice it. GUARANTEED.

I understand the argument that resolution is not everything, but you are just desperate to argue that you cant tell the difference.


Yes...you will probably notice the difference on PC. That is because PC's don't have upscaler chips in them, while the xbox has one of the best. The ps4 has one too!

DarXyde3189d ago


Does that mean I won't see you on uncharted 4 multiplayer?

While I'm being honest in saying the difference doesn't really show through very clearly, it would be dismissive to think 900p vs 1080p isn't a sizeable difference. Diminishing returns are to blame for that. 4k is a big difference, but look at how many more pixels that's pushing.

For the sake of argument, 900p compared to 1080p is a big difference in terms of power, but we aren't really going to notice it.

I think 900p is fine. It's like we've suddenly become too good for sub full HD. I just hope you don't miss out on great games going forward just because you find them blurry.

Professor_K3189d ago

Go pc then, lol ps fans are such babies

r2oB3189d ago

Why are people saying Uncharted 4 is 900p? Only the MP is 900p, the single player is 1080p?

I don't mind any resolution as its a decision by the developer, and its for the best interest of the game. But if I have an option to get a game at a higher resolution at the same price, I'll take it. Just like if I have the option of getting better quality food at the same price, I will... Even though both will nourish me, why not get better quality (in any form) for the same cost.

I garauntee you that if gamers had access to Halo 5 at 900p version or a 1080p version with better fidelity (both the same frame rate) at the same cost, 100% of the people would buy the 1080p version, even though it's the same game. Anyone who says they wouldn't is a liar.

_-EDMIX-_3189d ago

Nothing in 900p can be fun, fact.

I question how many even gamed last gen with lessor resolutions /s

zidane13413189d ago

Lol no, 900p vs 1080 is not much of a difference. Almost no-one can tell the difference with AA, so don't be silly.

BattleAxe3189d ago

Not bad, it's the same resolution as Uncharted 4.

cd13188d ago

Say what you like, i played the Battlefront Beta in 900p and thought it looked mint.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 3188d ago
Antifan3189d ago

People need to know what they're buying before they buy it, so yeah, it kinda important. The only people upset over this kind of thing are fanboys.

UncleJerry3189d ago

antifan, well said. I agree that it is important for the fact that people have the right to know. I just do not see that it is necessarily that big of a deal, at least for a lot of people. And yes, it is one thing to show interest in this and care about it, but to get actually UPSET over it would probably mean you are some form of fanboy. So, again, well said.

_-EDMIX-_3189d ago

Agreed. I'm not sure how much of big deal it is for XONE owners as they already know this is going to happen for the remainder of the gen, but those who own many consoles need to still know this.

3189d ago Replies(9)
JackStraw3189d ago

Pacman is fun. I don't see people paying $60 for it. Argument defeated. Goodbye.

JackStraw3189d ago

@Volkama That's an arcade machine, not a piece of software. Nice try though.

Volkama goes for the dunk andddddddddd JackStraw with the massive shutdown block. GG.

Volkama3189d ago

We aren't playing basketball so that doesn't make any sense.

You are not the only one that can take things too literally. NT.

JackStraw3189d ago

I never implied we're playing basketball, genius. Another loss for Failkama. Good job.

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3189d ago Replies(6)
Professor_K3189d ago

don't you have some UC4 900p article to damage control?

xkarxfreddy3189d ago

aint uncharted 4 mp 900P? is all ps fanboys gona complain about that? people care way to much. played this on ea excess and wasnt impressed at all

badz1493189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

And...you conveniently leave out 60fps in your comment. Trolling much?

The campaign will be 1080p30fps still, so...not really a problem. Guerilla has done a similar compromise to graphics in KZSF to obtain 60fps in MP since launch, so I don't know why are you being surprised (trollingly) about it. It's not the matter of the PS4 being super powerful, but the fact that it's a more capable machine than the Xbone which is the point and it launched at $100 cheaper too. It's also the fact that the same game that cost $60 on both have a lower setting than the other.

beans3189d ago

At this point it's apparent game results are easier to achieve on PS4 and 1080p isn't impossible on X1. Due to time constraints and design choice these developers don't want to waste time trying to prove a point, the eye really doesnt even notice. X1 isn't a joke though, and for the mean time you can't blame the mindset of A Sony fanboy attacking the console. Last generation PS3 was easy to attack and there was a clear difference, 360 had the edge early on. The talk then was wait for developers to figure out the cell and eventually exclusives started to shine. This generation is no different and once MS gets things working properly (cloudengine and whatnot )I hope they too can impress but until then it's all talk unfortunately.

Ot: If the game is fun, I really don't see the problem here. We all know PS4 will always win in the multiplatform res debate.

Master-H3189d ago

That is a different game. Obviously every game's performance demanding is different.

Your argument would be valid if Uncharted 4 was also coming to Xbox 1 with the exact same resolution, frame rate, and graphical settings as the PS4 version or better.

kenwonobi3189d ago

Reached by aiming for higher graphics quality. Completely different reasons it can't be reached higher resolution for Xbox.

S2Killinit3189d ago

the difference is that Uncharted is EXCLUSIVE to PS4. If we had Uncharted on Xbone and it had 1080p multiplayer then your argument would make sense. We are comparing real world scenarios not made up ones. If a game is 1080p on PS4, and 900p on Xbone, OF COURSE it matters.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3189d ago
PrinceOfAnger3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

uncharted 4 mp is 900p on ps4 Does it matter? "Hell No ,oh wait...

S2Killinit3189d ago

except Uncharted is Exclusive to PS4. Xbox's 900p resolution is bad only in relation to PS4's 1080p resolution. No one is saying xbox's 900p is bad, they are saying its "bad" when you compare it to PS4's resolution. and YES that DOES matter if you want the best version of something. As to the remark that Uncharted's Multiplayer is 900p, that's neither here nor there because we don't have that game on xbox and so there is nothing to compare the resolution to.

NatFanBoyRestricted3189d ago

900 does matter on ps4, when is seems everyone is saying 900 is blurry and they can't swe when is comes to xbox, how is 900 fine on ps4? Multiplats will never run as good as exclusives, so why judge a console on just it's multiplat performance when the exclusive should be the better part

S2Killinit3189d ago

once again, you are mistaken when you believe 900 is "blurry" in a void. 900p is blurry when you compare it to something that is better (1080p). Otherwise back in the day all games must have been too blurry to play. We are comparing xbox's 900p against PS4's 1080. and in that sense, 900p is "blurry". Its not blurry in a void, there has to be something to compare it to.

Now, would it have been better if Uncharted's MP was 1080, sure. If we had both, I would say 900p is "blurry" compared to 1080p.

Blaze9293189d ago

Yet this game still couldn't do 60FPS. What a joke EA. Empty streets, blurry textures, cheap B-list cutscenes, no thanks.

Bigpappy3189d ago

It's the dice engine still. Expect the same with Mass effect.

endi1233189d ago

For me as an Xbox gamer primarily it does NOT matter, but ofcourse for many ps4 gamers it matters, that's why battlefront, uncharted, bf hardline run at 900p on ps4 then it doesn't matter, wired huh...

kenshiro1003189d ago

I like how people keep mentioning Uncharted 4's multi player as 900p, when it's obvious that it's just mutiplayer and the main game is 1080p.

This is a racing game. It should be at least 1080p.

endi1233189d ago

You're right but UC4 is an exclusive game for ps4

GTgamer3188d ago

That looks amazing so yeah

3189d ago Replies(1)
otherZinc3189d ago

Forza Motorsport 6 sure did expose this lazyass developer & bad game.

Forza Motorsport 6:
1080p 60fps Locked
With more options than any Racer in console history. $60 well spent:
Thanks Turn 10!

XanderZane3189d ago

Yeah, we know it can be done and it's not the hardware that's the problem. It's obviously the developer and the terrible Frostbite engine that's the problem. What's funny is that NFS: Rivals was 1080P on the XB1, so how did this developer go backwards in resolution? LMAO!! They should have talked to Microsoft and Turn 10 before they did this racing game. What a joke EA is with this crappy game.

Locknuts3189d ago

Framerate yes, resolution no.

calis3189d ago

"So? Is the game fun? Yes. Does the rest matter? No."

Boy have tunes changed since last gen.

Welshy3189d ago

Wow is this argument popping up again?

It's really simple. If i'm purchasing a game and it costs the same amount of money and has an identical feature set, obviously i'm going to go to the place that runs/looks the best.

It's ridiculous to suggest if you have the option of 1080p over 900p that you would pick the latter. Remember those fun "Lens Of Truth" days last gen when a PS3 game having 3 blades of grass less than 360 was "OMFG PS3 is garbage, 360 is far superior looking".

Now game are flat out lower res 90% of the time and it's suddenly "not a big deal".

DLConspiracy3188d ago (Edited 3188d ago )

Its unplayable at 900p ask anyone who owns a PS4 and only likes to game one place.

tontontam03188d ago

It matters if you have multiple gaming machines, but base on your comment I'm assuming you only have an xbox so sucks for you.

Persistantthug3188d ago

I think that the game being 30 frames is actually a worse scenereo.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3188d ago
corroios3189d ago

it matters when you have to make a choice between the versions and it matter for gamers that have doubt on what machine they will buy to play this game or other.

Activemessiah3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

Precisely, consumers must be informed what they're buying and what state it's in. Not everyone is in the know regarding a superior product is available elsewhere. We can't just bury the ugly truth because it's hard to look at it or it doesn't come with trigger warnings.

thrust3189d ago

Funny how you have to be told and you can not work it out yourself lol

If it was not for digital foundry I would bet most people would have no idea onto the Rez because they can not see the diff!

G20WLY3189d ago (Edited 3189d ago )

^So Thrust, are you saying people should just go out and get two versions, one for each console and set it up on two TVs in order to find out which is the superior experience? Genius! Then you could just take the TV and lesser version of the game back to the store. Simple! :^/

Or we could be told upfront, as is happening right here in this article, which version - COSTING THE SAME MONEY - would provide the best experience (and therefore value) and just buy that one.

These articles deal in facts and may help people decide between two console versions of the game. It is not saying one is great and one is crap. Both games will work fine, but there are real differences whether YOU can see them or not.

ocelot073189d ago

Well @thrust how else would people know about the different resolutions without buying both PS4 and XB1 versions of the game?

So having digital foundry help us out and let us know is great. If you put both versions side by side 9.5 times out of 10 I would tell the difference. I was lucky to have a chance to own both consoles. Also see if I can tell the difference between res on a few games such as Ground Zero. It was almost night and day on that game for me.

Volkama3189d ago ShowReplies(1)
TheParanoidx3189d ago

Its Funny how people only start raging about the resolution when they're told.

Majority of people cannot see the difference before they are told otherwise.

I mean, 1080p would be idle, but the game is great and still looks fantastic.

Redcomander3189d ago

Sony fanboys hypocrites already are criticizing here, but already forgot Unchated the 900p? do they have left to play for is "unplayable in this resolution" "In the powerful console to 30 fps"? I believe not, yet come to speak ill of the xbox and game.

Because the important thing is not to belittle resulução but rather the Xbox in favor of "Goddess Sony".

Alienation in Sony's strong.

Welshy3189d ago

The issue isn't the specific resolution, it's that you're paying the same money, for the same game, but getting a lesser resolution.

To put the shoe on the other foot, if Uncharted 4 was 900p on PS4 but had a 1080p Xbone version, the PARITY is the issue.

No one wants to get an inferior product for equivelant cost, no matter how small the dfference.

corroios3189d ago

Its still better then 800p and 720p games out there,

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