
Release Date 'Shadow Of The Beast' Revealed On European PS Stores

The release date of the upcoming PS4 exclusive 'Shadow of the beast' has been revealed on the European PS Stores.

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TorpeAlex3254d ago

I don't know why but I swear I heard that this game was cancelled. Glad to hear the inverse for once!

VER1ON3254d ago

Sure wasn't! PLayed it in Paris and was insanely brutal.

DarkOcelet3254d ago

Was the gameplay great aside from being wonderfully brutal?

I_am_Batman3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

Have you played the original SotB? Or SotB 2? I'm really looking foreward to this but Unfortunately it doesn't seem like they caught the atmosphere that made those games special from what I've seen.

NewMonday3254d ago


it needs the soundtrack, I will not care about it without the soundtrack.

VER1ON3254d ago


Blood flowed richly in the demo. As far as gameplay is concerned - i can imagine it becoming repetitive after some time. Still the combat animations were great and the use of combo's add to the gameplay.

I_am_Batman3254d ago

@NewMonday: Agreed. The Soundtracks of the old games were awesome.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3254d ago
AD7053254d ago

wasnt this suppose to be a triple AAA title?

slappy5083254d ago

Good, 27 Jan is not too far away *giggles and claps hands in delight*

higgins783254d ago

A shadow of its former self - pun intended!

the_dark_one3254d ago

A disagree for you! Disagree intended!

higgins783254d ago

I could care less. My bet is you never played the original on initial release.

the_dark_one3254d ago

you are right, i did not. but i have seen your comments before and they tend to be anti-sony related, so your comment is kinda mute

higgins783253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

I cant remember ALL my comments (sadly), but the fact I have owned PS1, 2 (bought at launch), 3 (bought at launch) and now 4 (again, bought at launch) does not sound like somebody too 'anti-Sony'...wouldn&# 39;t you agree? More importantly perhaps, I have owned and enjoyed MANY games exclusive to each Sony Playstation over the years, I just find recently its all getting a bit samey.


Representation of Wales and the Welsh in gaming: Suggestions from Reddit and Twitter

Dragon Gaming recently published an article on Welsh representation in gaming. The article was comprehensive enough – covering big hitters such as Assassin’s Creed IV and Ni No Kuni, as well as some lesser-known games, people and companies. It seems, however, that they missed quite a few neat cases of Welshness in the industry. Many people in the community reached out to them on Twitter and Reddit, pointing them to check out some of the examples they missed, so check out they did. Here’s a little more representation of Wales and the Welsh in video games – straight from the community.

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2778d ago

Free Shadow of the Beast 1989 PS4 Dynamic Theme Looks Pretty Bloody Cool in Action

There’s a free dynamic PS4 theme on the PlayStation Store that UK residents can download at no cost. Lovely stuff, right? Now you can see it running in action - and it looks pretty damn fine.

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There’s a Free Shadow of the Beast PS4 Theme, and It’s Damn Cool [UK]

The UK PlayStation crowd often gets some decent freebies that make their North American counter-parts green with envy.

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masterfox3004d ago (Edited 3004d ago )

meh is on brexit side!!!!!