
GamerInfo Review - Diary Girl

GrizzMagoo of Gamersinfo Writes:

"When I was younger, I had a diary and wrote all my poetry and secrets in it. What I didn't know was that my mom also read it, and when her eyes came across the entry about losing my virginity, she packed me off to a camp for troubled youth. Diary Girl wasn't around back then to save me from a wasted summer, but you can rest assured that your secrets are safe inside this game.

There really is no story to tell. Diary Girl is a journal on steroids - complete with calendar, single and multiplayer games, an address book, personalization options, and a monthly horoscope. Holding the Nintendo DS like a book, you use the stylus to navigate through the game. Don't worry, lefties! By visiting the game options, you can adjust the screens to fit your southpaw. The right side of the DS is where you make all of your selections, and the left side is where the images alternate between your personal avatar, time limit and score."

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IGN: Diary Girl Review

There are a lot of features in Diary Girl, but the sum value of all of them doesn't make the game worth its price tag. The fact of the matter is that most of the features are just not that useful. The games aren't that fun, the chat is redundant and the diary feature is less useful and more effort than just physically writing in a diary. Making lame versions of a bunch of different things isn't a recipe for success. It's definitely no secret that Diary Girl is not worth your money.


Team 3 Games are proud to announce the release of 'Diary Girl' in North America

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced that Diary Girl has shipped to retail stores in North America. Developed for Nintendo DS system, this title provides girls of all ages the ability to interact with friends through their own customizable avatars, as well as organize a calendar and address book in their own password-protected electronic journal.

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Tempist5938d ago

What ever happened to the times when being a girl meant writing a diary on paper and face to face socialization?

Times have changed, but I fear, not for the better.


Diary Girl DS voice chat shames Mario Kart Wii

Konami has today revealed the first images of its upcoming software for the Nintendo DS, Diary Girl. Squarely aimed at the younger female audience, it turns the handheld into a journal/PDA – real-time voice chat included. A Nintendo DS non-game outdoing for one Nintendo's flagship Wii titles - not good.

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l Drop Dead Ed l5952d ago

We have the technology...we just don't want to utilize it...after all you're still going to buy our product...why...because we monopolize software sales on our own system.
Nintendo just doesn't care about the "hardcore" aspect of videogaming. Voice is becoming a popular feature in most up and coming games. It's a shame Nintendo is ignoring this...or are they? Heck I wouldn't....Nintendo is pulling a Rocky hopefully and will take the beatings only to bring innovative pain to the table.

ItsDubC5952d ago

lol so because Diary Girl DS has voicechat, it shames Mario Kart?

In other news, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance on the 360 has DLC and therefore shames Mario Galaxy.