
Xbox One Elite Controller supply too small to meet demand

Pixel Dynamo reports on the apparent shortage of Xbox One Elite controllers just 5 days before its intended release.

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4Sh0w3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

lol, I was just saying how none of the stores in my local area can garuantee me 1 at launch...I procrastinated thinking at that price I'd be able to walk in pick one up on my way home Tuesday, damm I was wrong. Gonna drive 'n go find me one...I got contacts.

VoiceMale3262d ago

Lucky for u being able to walk in an establishment and pick one up....am in Belize and only way to get one is to order online and aamazon has none available 😢

Gazondaily3262d ago

Amazon tried to screw me over on this too changing the expected delivery date.

I moaned and made them change it back to the 27th. I've waited too long for this! Now gief!

hello123262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

I had one preordered on Amazon then changed my mind. I still not sure if i want to pay 150, but i probably will eventually, overthinking it. Even if can't use with the next xbox in the future i will be able to use with my PC, its the the only reason i would spend the money. I love a small price drop but if the demand is there it not likely.

Software_Lover3262d ago

I had pre-ordered one from the Microsoft store. I was very, VERY hesitant to do so. I thought about it and figured that I would also use it on my PC for a very long time so what the heck.

ShowanW3262d ago

i pre-ordered mines off of amazon forever ago...
when u have a bunch of gift card $ laying around you don't mind paying $32 for the controller.

slate913262d ago

If you hurry they have best buy preorders now. Just ordered mine said it will be here the 27th for extra $

kiDRoBov23262d ago

DONT order it from Best Buy! they took $180 from me for the controller & a 2 year protection plan, canceled my order due to shortage & are saying they never took the money to begin with. My bank doesnt see the money taken out either but it's definitely missing

FunkyGoron3262d ago

100% preorders do not charge until the item ships.

I preordered Yoshi's Wooly World from best buy (pack-in plush Yoshi amiibo) and it got here on Wednesday (the 14th) two days before release date. My card was charged on the 13th, when it was shipped.

I've pre-ordered 10 + games from Best Buy and never once was billed until it shipped which is usually 1-2 days before release date. Always at my house before I get home from work, never messed with an order or had it come late.

Legion213262d ago

The last and only time I preordered from Best Buy, they sold my gears of war 3 limited edition. Never bought a game from there after that.

slate913261d ago

I can confirm they still have them. My order just shipped and I was charged.

Volkama3262d ago

Uh oh. Amazon UK still lists mine as due for delivery on Tuesday, so I'll just hope I don't receive any notification of a problem. I'm relying on this controller to address my "rubbish at games" problem.

WellyUK3262d ago

why are people buying this? Do people honestly think it's going to make them better at games or something as from my view it's massively over priced.

slate913262d ago

Its not marketed towards everyone. I dont know how many times they have to say it lol.

WellyUK3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

It's aimed at people who are good, yet they might not meet demand? i'm sorry but people are buying this because they honestly believe it will make them better at games when it's not going to make any difference to most of the people who buy it.

dcbronco3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

If the build quality is truly as good as they say and it doesn't need replacement this generation its worth it. On top of that it eliminates the need for a second controller for your PC.

4Sh0w3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

Actually a controller can improve how you play, I mean it's not going to turn a noob into a God but a custom setup to your liking does help your game play. I buy 1 or 2 premium controllers every gen and never go back to stock controllers because I like having a custom setup giving me more control over button mapping, hair triggers improve reaction time etc. Also I think some folks just like the build quality, if you're hard on your game pad, then this will last you at least twice as long, I mean minus throwing your controller, that's going to break any controller though.

Orbertron3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

How? how is it massively over priced for XB1 Elite controller can do? go and find a modded controller by Scuf or any other UK base modded controller with the same specs for less then £200, here are some links to get you started



ill wait

WellyUK3262d ago

Scuf controllers are the same... Over priced the only reason people would buy these is if they believe it's going to improve how they play.

4Sh0w3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

Over priced for the average gamer yes, if you are a pro or someone like me who obsesses over gaming related peripherals then you wont blink at buying at least 1 premium controller at $150.

franwex3262d ago

People who buy this is simply people who want it. It doesn't make you better at games...well slightly; but not enough to make it matter. It's just aimed at people who like quality and are willing to pay for it.


Im buying it simply because i can. I want it and thats all the reason i need.

AgentSmithPS43262d ago

The buttons on the back especially give them an advantage, but it is way overpriced. I repaired my own 360 controllers and wasn't impressed with the cheapness of some of the parts, if anyone buys this I hope they look at reviews of the insides and get a long high quality warranty if they play a lot.

fanboysmackdown3262d ago

You speak for the whole xbox population do ya? I don't consider myself a great gamer by no stretch but I'll still be checking it out. People who purchase these just maybe want the best that's out there and no, I know it won't make me a better gamer but am very intrigued so if you're not interested, go troll another post.

_LarZen_3262d ago

It's not a product for casuals.

3262d ago
phantomxll3262d ago

There are plenty of reasons why! Maybe they like the look. Or the functionality. The customability. Or maybe they do think it will improve their gaming. So what! It's their choice and whatever reason they choose doesn't need to be judged as a dumb decision by anyone. If they have the money and opportunity to get one then let them enjoy it.

JonnyBigBoss3262d ago

The Xbox One controller is the best controller I've ever used. This Elite version comes with some great technology and perks that make it even better. I know I want one.

Tobsesan3262d ago

I will buy one, why? I used it at gamescom and it truly is the best gamepad EVER crafted. It feels just perfect and you can customize it however you want to play with it. I also love the paddles on the back. I dont think it makes me a better player, but I will have this controller until the end of this gen and above. You can use it with your PC and your Xbox. The Analog "Stick" is made of metal = it will never break or make it weak like the normal xbox controller or the ds4.

Christopher3262d ago

Some people want a controller they can completely configure to their desire and expand outside of the configuration option limitations of a game. Also, the back bumper levers give you some extra options for adding some quick options/combinations that you normally would need to use two buttons to do. Just imagine quick scoping with one trigger.

freshslicepizza3262d ago

from ign,

"One of my favorite customizations on the Elite are the Hair Trigger Locks, which let you shorten the travel of the triggers to help you fire faster in shooters. For racing games like Forza 6, you can extend them for additional control over the accelerator and brakes."

"I played Call of Duty: Ghosts and the controller felt a little more precise than the normal Xbox One controller. Where it stands out is the ability to change trigger sensitivity and assign specific weapons to its paddles."

it also allows you to swap profiles and remap the buttons. the controller is also of better build quality. all in all it's not fort everyone but it is definitely a nicer controller.

Software_Lover3261d ago

I'm buying because of the ability to buttom map to the new triggers. One thing that I have always hated is pressing left thumbstick down to run, then having to maneuver the left thumbstick while running. This is the closest controller design to the design that I have had in my head for years.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3261d ago
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Xbox Elite 2 Controller Profile button can't be remapped to Share

"Your current -- and pricey -- Xbox Elite 2 Controller will not be able to take advantage of the new Share button and related functionality found on new Xbox controllers, including those that ship with the Xbox Series S & X," writes Stevivor's Steve Wright.

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franwex1407d ago

Maybe they’ll make an Elite 3?

gamer78041407d ago

It’s probably nearly done as we speak

Abnor_Mal1407d ago

Introducing the all new EliteSense controller.

alextdarling1407d ago

Why on earth would you want to use the button that maps everything as the share button anyway?

Concertoine1407d ago

Because the elite 2 doesnt have a share button period

Blurry_Pixel1407d ago

I think you can map the share button to one of the back buttons.


Lawsuit continues to pursue action over ‘drifting’ Xbox controllers

Amended class-action adds additional plaintiffs and specific mention of Elite Series 2

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crazyCoconuts1446d ago

I was wondering if something was up with these controllers. I have a friend that had multiple Xbox controllers with drift issues ... Seemed like more than just bad luck

pocolocoX1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

Thats weird, me and my friends have over 20+ controllers and none of them have drift. Not saying it can't happen but maybe it IS bad luck. I think it's mostly isolated to the Elite Series 2 being the newest controller.

1445d ago
potatoseal1445d ago

20+ controllers? You ever wonder why you guys need so many controllers? Maybe it's because their build quality sucks.

Imortus_san1445d ago

This is a problem that occour in all controllers from all brands due to users making a lot on stress on analogue, some controllers are less resistance them other like the Switch, but that the way it is.

I never had this problem on any controller of any brand in my 32 years of gaming, on the other hand I know people that have this problem in every controller after 6 months.

darthv721445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

I have close to 40 xbo/ps4 controllers and none of them have drift issues. I bought them all 2nd hand and you would think they should (with the way some wrench on the sticks) but thankfully they do not. My son's xbo has developed stick drift as well as one of his ds4 so I let him use a couple of my spares. Not the fancy ones though... just regular ones.

@seal, maybe this person collects controllers? I know I do.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1445d ago
TheProblem1446d ago

I think it’s about time that Microsoft put more quality into their engineering

1446d ago
1445d ago
SullysCigar1446d ago

Yeah, it seems to be more of an issue recently. It's like they deteriorate over time rather than being dodgy from the get-go.

BrainSyphoned1446d ago

Only had one out of my 5 drift this gen on Xbox. Annoyingly it is the custom controller I ordered.

nibblo1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

I have 4 controllers one of them is an original from back in 2013 when the console was released which did eventually get some drift on the left stick after about 3 years all the others haven't including my Elite V2 and I do tend to put my controllers through the wringer. I have no idea why you have so many friends who seem to get this issue as none of my friends with Xboxes have reported it. Maybe anecdotal evidence from people you know is not used in law courts for a reason? However I do think that all console manufacturers should extend their warrantee for this, 90 days is pretty stingy for something like stick drift.

1Victor1445d ago

@ crazy
You must be crazy Xbox elite controllers are perfect and only lying fanboys find imaginary defects on them. My works perfect without any issues and I have 2 on each room. Said you know who here

CorndogBurglar1445d ago

I mean, there's a lawsuit against the Elite 2 controllers drifting. So its clearly something that happens. Did you ever think that you were lucky that the ones you have just don't have that issue?

Zeref1445d ago

I have never had drift issues I got 6 controllers. Including an elite controller 2.

1445d ago
Zeref1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

@darkwingsoul I need to have issues to buy controllers? 😂 Yall are definitely some lonely virgins. Look at the agrees lmfao

I have extra controllers for when my friends come over to play videogames. Plus elite controller 2 and a design lab controller. Easily could have been more if I bought a few special edition ones.

Juvia1445d ago

I have this on two of my controllers. It seems like it happens over time tho, as mine worked fine for about 6 months.

R6ex1445d ago

Mine worked well for like 3 years before drifting.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1445d ago
1445d ago
jonesmiller041011445d ago

I also had a drifter. I was pissed that they wouldn't do anything about it. I lived in Denmark then, which is notoriously know for absolute sh!t customer service.

Lostbytes1445d ago

Drift happens, no really. It is caused by a combination of ware and dirt. Every single one of my controllers develop drift. Without fail. To be fair, i am not kind to my controllers. They get used on the daily for 3-5 hours and 10-15 hour sessions are not too infrequent. Hands covered in chip residue, spills on and around them. TBH, I always get the 2 year add on warranty from Best Buy. Then trade them in when it starts happening. Trade for a new one.Then get a new warranty (40$ for Elite Controller, 20$ for normal) on that one, Rinse and repeat. I did this 5 time with the original Elite, with the last time paying the additional 30 bucks for the upgrade to V2. Still going strong.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1445d ago
RememberThe3571446d ago

Man stick drift is everywhere. What happened this gen?

RememberThe3571446d ago

All four of my DS4s have stick drift.

1446d ago
nirwanda1446d ago

I had one analogue stick brake, had no drift issues but went though quite a few, 3 with broken usbs, rubber came off first one.
Strangely third party ones dispite being crap were never broke

FPS_D3TH1446d ago

I get stuck drift every 3-4 months with heavy fps gaming use

SpeedDemon1446d ago

That's good, but an analog stick is a moving part and after a period of use they wear down no matter what gaming system the controller goes to.

BrainSyphoned1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

Xbox: 1 out of 5
PS4: 1 out of 7 including 3 with shredded analog tops-my second release PS4 controllers have been good
Switch: 2 sets out of 2, can only play with a pro controller

Father__Merrin1446d ago

ds4 have that notirious call of duty left click problem

JackBNimble1446d ago

Every single one of my DS4 controller's drift , I've accepted that this is just what happens.

Silly gameAr1446d ago

I have. I've had a couple with stick drift. Only difference is, I didn't pay 100+ for them.

kneon1446d ago

I've never had a playstation controller fail or drift.

1445d ago
porkChop1445d ago

You're lucky. I'm on my 3rd.

potatoseal1445d ago

I'm still using my PS4 Pro launch controller and it's totally fine.

potatoseal1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

@ JAckBNimble you are so full of it. You don't even own Ps4 controllers. I mean just on one page of your commetn history.....

"Those days are long gone bro... these sonybois are much worse now"

"I have a feeling that over confident sonyboys are going to be blindsided next gen with all their expectations of ps5 and down playing of xsx."

I don't pretend to Xbox controllers. You shouldn't pretend to have all these DS4 controllers and they all have drift. You're full of it

Seraphim1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

that's because on PS4 you often won't notice it. I've had controllers that work perfectly fine then while playing some game I put the controller down and notice L3 is drifting. Sometimes simply clicking the analog in and rotating clears it up for good or for a while. But imo, from what I've experienced, it's pretty minimal and something that can be easily overlooked or go unnoticed.

As for the mention of triggers below. Sony has made changes to the triggers over the course of each DS4 generation. There's at least 3 generations of DS4s. The latest bolstering the trigger somewhat.

ziggurcat1445d ago

Two of my DS4 controllers got it - one I'm still using because it's too close to the release of the PS5 to invest in a new one.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1445d ago
XxINFERNUSxX1446d ago

Made in China quality. This is what we have now.

1446d ago Replies(2)
franwex1446d ago

I haven’t had any drift issues. My elite 1 controller grips did fall off-but it’s still playable.

Even my Switch is fine.

Can it be one of the assemblies that they contract out that makes them be the issue?

At this point I feel lucky.

Killer73nova1446d ago

Have a elite 1 and don’t have any issues whatsoever or any of my controllers. So far I’ve been lucky but I’ve had my switch have stick drift

AuraAbjure1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

Never had stick drift using 7 different Xbone controllers over the course of 5 years. Unless I screwed them up myself which I did once by leaving one upside down with some clothes on top of it.

Applejack1446d ago

Lucky you, I had drift on 2 out of my 4 ps4 controllers. Luckily is wasn’t on my scuf.

JackBNimble1446d ago

I'm guessing you probably don't play all that much then.

TheScotsman1446d ago

I been gaming for 25 years now and never even seen drift on any of my joypads, maybe some of us just ain't hashy gits with our controllers.

IRetrouk1446d ago

I get drift eventually every gen, its the racing games man, I love em, but the twitchy way I use the sticks must mess with em lol

AuraAbjure1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

I put at least 800 hours between those 7 xbone controllers and I bought several of them used off craigslist.

Hakuoro1445d ago

I have used 9 over the course of 4 years and all 9 have drift and I keep them all in plastic safety cases.

Knushwood Butt1445d ago

Maybe you can sue the maker of the plastic safety cases.

Hakuoro1445d ago

Knushwood Butt

I won over 1 million in my class action!

Knushwood Butt1444d ago


That will get you a lot of new pads!

Hakuoro1444d ago

I now have over 40,000 controllers and I have them individually sealed in titanium cases now! Unfortunately they all have drift...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1444d ago
potatoseal1445d ago

Why would you need to use 7 controllers? I've still got my launch PS4 pro controller and it's fine still now. 7 controllers? I am guessing a couple don't work which is why you have so many and use them all. I don't know, but 7? That seems crazy to me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1444d ago
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Microsoft Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 review: masterpiece

The Digital Foundry review of the Microsoft Elite Series 2, what we believe is the best Xbox and PC controller on the market.

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isarai1718d ago

Hopefully they have more durable internals this time around.

Rude-ro1718d ago

Not from what I have seen..
Having button issues..
Have not heard about stick drift like in the original.
I would go to the forums instead of trusting a review.. especially about a Microsoft product.

Rude-ro1718d ago

To every shill trying to protect Microsoft with the “disagree” button..😂

Unspoken1718d ago

Most of the time people go to forums to complain instead of taking The time to praise. You'll have to weed through what is an issue affecting a small percentage of people or a wide spread problem. Doubt you even own one. My first gen elite is going strong.

TheScotsman1718d ago (Edited 1718d ago )

Hopefully we don't see an elite pad for series x at launch or I'll be pissed at buying this and it's not compatible with the series x fully. I hear there is an extra button on series x controller

DiRtY1718d ago

There is a "share" button. Other than that: Every Xbox One controller works on Xbox Series X.

PyroMessiah861718d ago

Got mine on Day One and its been simply awesome!

Much more durable internals than the original, which you can see from any teardown of it on YouTube. Mine is the same condition as I got it and I've played regularly since release.

It's basically an improvement in every area compared to the original. Watch a teardown there's a few that point out all the differences and improvements inside it and don't fall for the people throwing negatives into the mix here. It's mainly Playstation fanboys who will put down anything Xbox related.

Yes A button has 'stuck' for some people on the first batch but it's not often and its fairly small scale. There's also a easy fix for it.

CitizenFour1718d ago

I have the series 2. I have had zero issues with it since launch. It's been great and you can tell that it's improved from the first version.

As an owner of the first one, I had to replace the bumpers (both bumpers are actually attached into a single piece of plastic which was not durable at all), as well as the grips on both the left and then eventually the right. Wasn't a huge issue, but it was like a car, the older it got the more issues it began to have. Replacement parts were limited, but repairing it was pretty simple. Not something I was fond of doing after paying a premium though.

King_Noctis1718d ago (Edited 1718d ago )

“Optional” elite controller that is mainly used for eSport and competition. Yeah, if it is not for us then why it should exist right?

roadkillers1718d ago

^ Really king... yeah it’ is an optional controller Captain.

nucky641718d ago

so, you're saying it's wrong to say something is overpriced?

Epicor1718d ago

@nucky64: is that really overpriced? Depends on who you ask from. Overpriced to you? You are probably not the target customer then. Overpriced to competitive fps guy who invests hundreds or thousands of hours to fine-tune their game play? Hell no. Just check what is the market price of these special controllers. It is anything between around $130 - $200 at the moment.

RazzerRedux1718d ago

These are extremely high quality controllers. You'd have to hold one to really understand the difference.

isarai1718d ago

Problem is the shell and buttons are all high quality, but it all relies on the same quality board internally. You'd think with all that money they charge you would get tougher solders and internal toggles but on the 1st elite controller they weren't really any better than the regular controller. Hopefully thats different this time around.

RazzerRedux1718d ago

I never had any problems with my first gen Elite.

jivah1718d ago

Yup for maybe an extra 3 dollars worth of components on the pcb and maybe like 80 cents worth of extra plastic.

PyroMessiah861718d ago

Someone clearly doesn't know what went into building this controller....

jivah1718d ago (Edited 1718d ago )


Somebody doesn't know how much components and material cost. These type of controllers existed before MS made theirs. They didnt spend any more than a few bucks, no matter what they say, coming up with this controller.

1718d ago
1718d ago
RazzerRedux1718d ago

Well gee whiz. I'm sure I have some "components" and at least 80 cents worth of extra plastic laying around the house. I guess I can just make my own controller, huh?


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1718d ago
Deathdeliverer1718d ago

I don’t care what anyone says, wayyy too much for a pad. The margin has to be through the roof. $125 max. To each their own, people spend on what they see value in. I fail to see that much value.

Sophisticated_Chap1718d ago

They are aiming for an enthusiast demographic with this product.

jivah1718d ago

No they aim for people who is willing to buy. if they knew people would pay 500 they would charge that

1718d ago
specialguest1718d ago

Did you know logitech makes a gaming keyboard that cost $249 and a gaming mouse at $149? Guess what? The keyboard doesn't do anything special besides being specifically geared for competitive gaming. If you think $200 for an enthusiasts and competitive level Xbox gaming pad is too expensive, then it's not meant for you. However, the pricing is in line with other enthusiast/competitive gaming level products

Neonridr1718d ago

I mean if you dabbled in the PC market you would see what's overpriced there. People spend all sorts of money on gaming keyboards, mice, monitors, etc. They all do something extra above a regular piece of hardware. These controllers go above and beyond a standard controller.

This controller isn't for you for sure.

rainslacker1718d ago

There is some hardware out on PC which is significantly better than what you get with the standard style mouse or keyboard. It's not that games are unplayable with the lesser hardware, but if you spend a lot of time on some games, a good keyboard or mouse can really be a much better experience.

When I played WOW, I raided a lot, and I had a $150 mouse. I didn't buy it for the DPI, but because it was programmable and had hot key buttons where I could set up my rotation without having to move my hand across the keyboard, and I just cycled through a series of well placed number buttons on the side. It had extra ways to use the top buttons, and it improved my game play in Raids and my general enjoyment of the game.

Same with keyboards. Mechanical keybaords tend to be more responsive, which is good for games. Some have lighted keys which makes them easier to see if you play in the dark, and many of the good ones have larger buttons and layouts, and often they have their own set of hot keys to do what you could do with the mouse.

This controller is essentially the same thing, but the need for all those extra perks is more limited due to the input options being constrained to the default controller. But, being able to map say the directional keypad to the back buttons is really good in games which allow you to switch stuff up, especially in games where those switch may come during an action scene where taking your thumb off the left stick isn't ideal. Triggers tend to be more resposive, or at least feel better so it becomes more natural.

I wouldn't personally pay that much for a controller nowadays though. But, there is merit to why people are willing to spend that much money on them. I'm fine with the default controllers, but even I still have times where I wouldn't mind some of the features available on the higher end ones.

1718d ago
Atom6661718d ago

My last 2 kb/m setups were $200+. I can't type on them though, so I still need to switch the kb out for anything non-gaming.

If I can defend those kinds of purchases to my skeptical wife, these controllers are cake. I'm waiting for next gen to see if Series 3 offers anything else, or grab the Series 2 at a end-of-life discount.

rainslacker1718d ago

One Logitech keyboard i had was hard to type text on at first. It was one of those semi-ergonomic ones. I liked it because the keys were bigger than normal keyboards. It took some getting used to, but eventually I was pretty proficient on it. If I hadn't also had a job where I typed a lot on more common keyboards, I think it might have been hard to go back.

Epicor1718d ago

I don't care what you say as you don't represent the whole gaming community. And what does margin has to do with anything? Special products are always sold at higher margin. It's not like companies put a certain fixed margin on top of their costs. That's called "cost plus" pricing and is almost always the worst possible way to do business. This product is using value based pricing, as it should. The price is in line with other products in this segment. There is A LOT of people who see value in this and will gladly pay $200. I know I would if I was a Xbox gamer. Unluckily Sony doesn't have anything like this in their lineup so I'm stuck with Razer and Scuf controllers instead.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1718d ago
Kavorklestein1718d ago

I love mine. I swear it really makes a difference in some games

PyroMessiah861718d ago

It does! Mines been amazing. Love it

SegaSaturn6691718d ago

I would only buy one to throw at don mattrick.

1718d ago Replies(1)
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