
Paris Games Week Trailer Showcases Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Square Enix and Many More

The folks behind Paris Games Week just released a trailer to advertise the event, that will run between October 28th and November 1st.

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Relientk773148d ago

Nice trailer hope we see more Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, and Playstation VR

Satyre283148d ago

If all we see is Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank and VR wouldnt that be considered a pretty fail show? Especially since we know all of that already, idk about you but i want new AAA exclusives on my PS4.

Game4Next3148d ago

PS4 got More Exclusive Indies, Greatness Awaits! Platinum Games' Nier PS4 Exclusive, Gravity Rush 2 PS4 Exclusive, Games higher resolution on PS4 than X1 and Summer Lesson VR!

MasterCornholio3148d ago

Sony does have a conference there so they will make new announcements.

Genuine-User3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

Do you honestly believe the Sony will come out on stage and showcase just 2 games that we've already seen and call it a day?

Use your common sense lad.

PreAtaric3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

"If all we see is Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank and VR wouldnt that be considered a pretty fail show?"

Where does his comment say otherwise? He simply said what he hopes to see.

"idk about you but i want new AAA exclusives on my PS4."

You'll get them, but I can't figure out why people say things like this. It's like they think all AAAs are great, which we all know isn't true whether they are exclusives or multi plats. I want new games on my PS4 and I know I'll get them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3148d ago
donthate3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

This was extremely uninspiring trailer despite the exciting content. In fact, if anything they deflated my interest!

Oh and that music is my making my ears cry! X(

Total disaster imo. That said, looking forward to Sony's conference. Are they going to livestream that? If so, where is a good stream to catch?

jb2273147d ago

It was a pretty lame commercial...even if it is indicative of the presentation & design of the conference none of that ultimately matters, it's all about the content. I wish games companies would spend less money on flashy stages and huge marketing & instead push for a more intimate & understated affair that focuses solely on games. I don't need you to bring out a dancing Usher & Cirque du Soleil performers, just show me some games!

As far as Sony's conference the only thing that I know is that it'll be on Oct. 27 at 12 pm ET, I'd assume that streams will be available through most major outlets and possibly on the ps4 itself through the live events app...that'd probably be the best one to catch if it happens I'd assume

donthate3147d ago


There are two things to consider:

a) it is not just the content, but also the excitement and fun around it. This is just part of it.

b) it is about effort. If it looks like you just puked up a video then you are wasting my time

In essence I want quality content and presentation, not the old way of having a person go on stageand talk about their project or sales/statistics. So for me the more recent E3's have been far more fun, entertaining and enjoyable than past.

Not a fan of Usher, but do like Cirque du Soleil. In that respect, I hope Sony puts together a good show (with good content/surprises) and less "talk" than previously.

Featuring_Dante3148d ago

My ears are bleeding.
If anyone intends to watch the trailer, make sure to mute the sound.

DragonDDark3148d ago

Yeah, the music is annoying lol

The 10th Rider3148d ago

Does anyone think we might see Nintendo show something? It's been a while since they've really done much and the Wii U is huge in France, so it'd be a great place to show something. Even if it's small.

IIFloodyII3148d ago

A new 3DS Pokemon maybe? We're due a new one soon, I doubt they have much new Wii U stuff to announce, and they said they'll start talking NX this year, so I doubt we'll get any new home console game announcements.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3148d ago (Edited 3148d ago )

Nope. Pokemon major games don't get announced at these events. They get announced when ever Game Freak has something big coming. Which they will announce ahead of time or revealed at a Pokemon VGC.

As for Wii U stuff they can show off
Pokken Tournament - If they want to
Star Fox Zero
Genei Inbu Roku #FE - If they want to
Fast Racing Neo
Lost Reavers - If they want to
Pikmin 4 - If Miyamoto is okay with it
The Legend of Zelda Wii U - Definitely won't

They still a handful of games coming.

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