
First look at Slain! running on Vita in new images

Digerati Distribution got in touch today to share with The Vita Lounge some awesome screenshots of Wolf Brew Games‘ upcoming title Slain! running on the PlayStation Vita.

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AnotherProGamer3265d ago

This gane gives off huge Castlevania vibes

YoungKingDoran3265d ago

A lot of games coming out recently for Vita... loving it. Also keen for that Warhammer game coming soon

Kakmandu3264d ago

Hi, YoungKingDoran, Iyou mention about new Warhammer game ? I think it's alteady realead, but anyway I want ask for vita holders, if it worth to buy vita ? As heard games are on the way is it true that vita has enough support.?

Give for us Gran Turismo Sony


Digital Flash Discounts with all the prices

P&L write: "Fancy a quick glimpse at all the games on the PSN Flash sale? Well here you go. We’ve painstakingly gone to the trouble of including the UK prices of each of the games to give you a rough idea of the regional pricing. The Digital Flash promotion ends December 1st so you better be quick!"

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blady_man2855d ago

I would have loved to have some psvr games on sale

ps5fanboy2855d ago

Galaga , one of the best classics ever , £1.19? Yes please!
(On a side note, I was a master back then on a few games... )


Review - Slain: Back from Hell (Steam), Raging On and Off Screen - TICGN

Ticgn - I stood up, controller gripped in my white knuckled fist, ready to hurl the accursed thing into the television, the ground….anywhere that might produce the catharsis that comes from rage-induced destruction.


Slain Back From Hell, but Gone for Good?

Josh Griffiths writes: "This minty fresh new version is called Slain: Back from Hell, and has replaced the original Slain! on Steam. Public opinion regarding the game is higher since the latest patch, and it likely helps that this update was free. However, this brings up an interesting question. Is it okay for a developer to force their customers into getting a new version of their product?"

garyanderson2952d ago

I think devs should definitely make older versions available to customers, don't see why they wouldn't.