
Pixel Galaxy Review | PC Gaming Enthusiast

Jacob Roach delivers his thoughts on the newest retro styled shoot 'em up, Pixel Galaxy on PC Gaming Enthusiast!

He writes, "Pixel Galaxy is a nice addition to any Steam library, promising hours of fun and frustration for buyers."

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3172d ago Replies(1)

15 Minutes of Fame: Pixel Galaxy

EB: In the latest episode of 15 Minutes of Fame I take on Serenity Forge’s Pixel Galaxy, which is a PC twin-stick mover that blends a few popular gameplay tropes together to create an addicting casual gaming experience.

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Pixel Galaxy Review | Hardcore Gamer

It’s hard to be a single pixel, all alone in a large and dangerous world. One little square can’t do much of anything, except maybe attract others to join it. Many pixels together are much more capable, with the downside being that they make a bigger target, but seeing as each brings its own unique talent to the cluster of the whole they just might survive the bullet-infested nightmare of Pixel Galaxy.

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Pixel Galaxy Review | GameRevolution

Pixel Galaxy falls under the familiar genre of bullethell shooter, but it attempts to reinvent the formula with a shift to pacifist mechanics. Players don't actively shoot enemies—they let enemies do the shooting for them. The concept helps Pixel Galaxy create its own identity, but it doesn't quite prevent repetition and stagnation. The presentation of neon lights and electronic tunes compensates for some of its flaws, but at the end of the day Pixel Galaxy stands out as a cool concept more so than a great game.

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