
The Division will work as a single-player experience, but with a few differences

Lazygamer sits down with Ubisoft at rAge 2015 to discuss how The Division will make its RPG shooting welcoming to players who don't have any friends in tow.

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HairyKnees3270d ago

Still in two minds about this game. Looks good though, won't deny that.

ninsigma3270d ago

I'm at the point where I don't care about it anymore. Which sucks because I was so hyped for it!

pompombrum3270d ago

I'm remaining optimistic. They seem to be going about the game the right way, if they can deliver on their vision while simultaneously learning from Destiny's mistakes/shortcomings and successfully implement that, it should be a good game.

showtimefolks3270d ago

for a game that's coming soon there is so much we don't know and not in in a good way. Since being announced the hype has only gone down and the more they show the less interesting i become in it

UBI stop showing your games 3 years before release. but do i have any doubt it will sell well? no doubt at all. UBI will spend millions showing cool gameplay in advertisement to trick the casuals and show words from reviews like one time if the reviewer used the word amazing

since watch dogs and yearly bad games from AC UBI has dropped for me personally

thereapersson3269d ago (Edited 3269d ago )

I agree, Ubisoft shows their games way too early and then people have either stopped caring (i.e. drops off the radar), or they show them looking amazing, only to have downgraded the game from the original trailer. I'm still remaining hopeful that this game will deliver in some way, because I want Ubisoft to redeem themselves. It's good to hear that gamers like myself can still enjoy the experience solo, so that's a start.

Thunder_G0d_Bane3270d ago (Edited 3270d ago )

The game does not look good. The hype dissipated cause many realised the same thing.

And it's Ubisoft...... :/

-Foxtrot3270d ago

I'm getting sick of Ubisofts recent "social" approach in their games

Obviously this was announced back when they were doing that and they've learnt now with games like Unity that people like single player experiences but still it's annoying

"or just try what works"

Well there must be examples to givem it is "your" game. It sounds like "We didn't think about it, have fun trying to find the advantages on playing it solo.

This game would have been better as a single player experience. More detail, content and features could have been worked on over the online aspect.

moonstormer3270d ago

i think i will do a mixture of solo and co-op. can't see myself doing any pvp in this game, but will definitely enjoy running around NYC and occasionally teaming up with friends for missions before wandering off to explore as a lone wolf again.

_-EDMIX-_3270d ago

Agreed. They should have stated more about this earlier as its a new IP, we don't all fully get what its trying to do and they need to let us know that.

After its reveal I was like "Cool, so like Fallout?"

They go ghost on us, show us all this PVP, talk about "the dark zone" lol

I want to go all the way lone wolf on this game btw.

Perjoss3270d ago

I'm interested as it looks similar in structure to Destiny and its very different to other Ubisoft games. I was super sceptical when I saw the first 'gameplay demo' a while back, but to be honest it looked great when I saw it running at EGX.

wsoutlaw873270d ago

Ya I actually like what I have seen so far. Im hoping that it can be what I hoped destiny was going to be; a large rpg with good game play that could be coop and pvp. I really like the idea of pvp in this game when it was talked about being a dark souls like spontaneous encounter type stuff but some people were so afraid of having to play other players they seem to have moved towards a opt in, pvp only dark zones. Doesnt seem a whole lot different than just a separate pvp game mode which is disappointing.

IPLaYgAeMzDeRp3270d ago

All Tom Clancy games do is flop. This game will be a flop too. It will be the "cool" thing to play for a couple weeks then everyone will forget about it as usual. Brings NOTHING new to the table.

the_dark_one3270d ago

"Brings NOTHING new to the table" - can you please give us and example of something new that can be brought to the table? and why does a game always needs to bring something new to be good and enjoyable? (i personally enjoy tom clancy games from splinter cell to ghost recon and rainbow six and im sure many other do to). call of duty, battlefield racing games sports games, they nearly dont bring anything new and are enjoyed by millions of gamers. and you know in this moment there is so much different games out there that the biggest innovation that we see are in the form of indie games, and like so many people say in this website and many others, indie game dont count.

Spotie3270d ago

Pretty certain the large number of them says they do the opposite of flop. Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six do well, even if there are missteps along the way. And HAWX was a lot of fun and did well enough for a sequel(wouldn't mind a third one, myself), so I'd say that wasn't a flop, either.

That aside, I agree with the_dark_one: why does it HAVE to bring something new to the table, rather than just bringing something established and doing it REALLY well?

Seems like too many gamers these days are too wrapped up in "new" stuff- gameplay, etc- and don't understand that a well-polished implementation of something old can be just as fun.

KiwiViper853270d ago

I think the concept of this game is entirely new. How many 3rd person shooter, RPG's, set in a desolate city, co-op with 3 friends, games have you played? Not to mention that short gameplay showed a few new things.

What were the green grenades he threw that attached to his teammate? huh?

wsoutlaw873270d ago

lol everyone always says these games that are fairly unique bring nothing new or are generic. What do you want them to do? Have food fights while flying on unicorns? What tom clancy games have flopped? I wasnt crazy about the last ghost recon, but the series has been good. The r6 vegas games were some great games. I didnt like the direction of the newest splinter cells but that doesnt make them flops.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3270d ago
stevansavic893270d ago

another watch dogs flop incoming

PhucSeeker3270d ago (Edited 3270d ago )

It was an ok game. It would be a far better one if the driving weren't so rubbish.

wsoutlaw873270d ago

why? because it has the same publisher. I didnt really like watch dogs, but with a few improvements and more time to fully flesh out the world like gta had, it could have been a much better game.

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Exclusive Q&A: “Tom Clancy’s: The Division: Hunted” Author Thomas Parrott

from paulsemel.com: In this exclusive Q&A, the author of the new technothriller based on "Tom Clancy's: The Division" discusses how it ties to the games while also bringing its own story to a close.

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rpad229d ago

did you edit out the parts where the author repeated everything you asked?


Ubisoft's The Division series just had 80% slashed off its price on Steam

If you're looking to try out an exciting, team-based shoot 'em up, The Division is currently on sale on Steam!

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Stop Forcing Multiplayer Into Single Player Games

TIM WHITE WRITES: "Multiplayer or single player? Developers, you can do both, just not willy-nilly."

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Flawlessmic536d ago

I am in absolute agreement with the OP 👌

shinoff2183535d ago

I hate when I see single player games and see people begging for multi-player. Jeez guys it don't need to be on every game. Latest one I seen was atomic heart.

-Foxtrot535d ago

Multiplayer or even co-op

If it was always a single player game then that's how it is

Inverno535d ago

It's a trend that never really went away. For me multiplayer in a primarily SP focused game was an excuse for DLC. Then there's the mentality gamers had that adding multiplayer makes a game worth the price, otherwise it should be half price for half a game. A way of thinking devs reassured when they started adding multiplayer to their sequels. We see the same with multiplayer focused games getting SP in their sequels.

Flawlessmic535d ago

Tbh multilayer now is a way to add live service and mtx elements, very rarely does it come of well.

What single players game used to be in a lot of cases now require 3 other people for keeping to really enjoy it and I hate having to rely on others to get the maximum from a game.

Sp should be sp, if devs want to add a separate multi mode then that's fine with me, the legends addition to ghost of tshushima was fricking sick but totally separate to the main game. Sick of co op too.

Hofstaderman535d ago

I remember when certain single player games had them as included optional modes that was played on the couch. Had brilliant times with Syphon Filter and Golden Eye. Me and my bro used to used to fight over who would play as Gabe even though it was technically just a skin. Good times.

Dagexon534d ago

I didn't notice your comment before I added mine.
But good times indeed

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