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PS4 Exclusive Dreams by Media Molecule Will Be Livestreamed on Friday

Media Molecule announced today that their upcoming PS4 exclusive Dreams will be livestreamed on Friday, at 3:30 PM GMT.

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Community3284d ago
DarkOcelet3284d ago


Paris game show is not far off too. Hopefully Quantic Dreams show their next beauty.

Abash3284d ago

What a freaking awesome surprise, I wasn't expecting anything new from Dreams till the Sony conference on 10/27.

I really cannot wait to see what they show in the stream

MrSec843284d ago

That was a really nice surprise from Media Molecule.

It seems like so much more than just a game, I mean it's like a complete digital creation platform, which really excites me.
Even for those that aren't creative types the amount of content that this kind of a thing can bring to gamers and people looking to be entertained through digital media is going to blow people away, I'm sure of that!

I wonder whether they'll show the creative aspects of the title or whether it will be more centered around a core story within the game, like unveiling a new mascot or set of mascots that will explore the universe of Dreams.
Besides Horizon this is my most anticipated title coming from Sony's 1st party studios.
I think this is the most exciting piece of software coming to a platform for me.

I can't wait to see more!

amiga-man3284d ago (Edited 3284d ago )

This is the sort of gaming experience that sets Sony apart from the competition, new fresh ideas bought to life for gamers to enjoy

One thing that has always been true, Playstation owners have never lacked variety.

Strikepackage Bravo3283d ago

This game looks REALLY weird, i wouldn't get too excited for it until we see more of what its about. You guys dont have to act like EVERYTHING on a playstation is the greatest thing since sliced bread, you just set yourselves up for disappointment when these niche games come out and amount to no more than a night or two of confusing gameplay for the few hardcore Sony fans who will buy literally anything Sony plops onto a bluray disk. This type of experience is not whats going to convince me to pick up a PS4.

amiga-man3283d ago (Edited 3283d ago )

Lets be honest here Strikepackage Bravo, it would take someone pointing a gun at your head for you to consider a PS4, even then that enlightenment would come at the moment just before the bullet enters your head

Media Molecule are amazingly creative developers, who have always delivered the goods, there is every reason to be excited by their new project

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GribbleGrunger3284d ago

I hope this appears in the new 'Events' section. My laptop hates Twitch.

Thatguy-3103284d ago

Dude I freaking love what the new software update has done. It's making the ps4 an all around GAMING connected device. Enjoying the community feature so much!

morganfell3284d ago

BANG!!! What you said! You hit that nail right square on the head. It's making the ps4 an all around GAMING connected device.

GribbleGrunger3284d ago (Edited 3284d ago )


One place to go to see all the PS+ deals
One place to go to watch all the gaming feeds
Three places to go to stream and promote PS4

It's a marketing dream for Sony. Here's the current Amazon US standing of the top 100 and I haven't missed any other consoles off:

#15 PS4 Destiny Bundle
#28 PS4 TLOUR Bunde
#69 PS4 Black Ops Bundle
#77 PS4 Standard Edition
#80 PS4 Star Wars Bundle

morganfell3284d ago


I have 3 PS4s already- 2 black ones where I dropped in a 1.5TB drive and the white Destiny bundle. I still preordered the Star Wars Darth Vader bundle and the Black Ops III package. Likely I'll give the 2 black PS4s away to people I know or at worst charge them the cost of a drive.

Sony is on a roll and heading into a monster 2016. Look at Amazon right now.

The PS4 is the only console in the top 100 bestsellers and there are 5 different SKUs of the the PS4 available in that top 100.

morganfell3284d ago

@Gribble, also look at the average for September - which will give you some idea of the NPD.

Sony is finishing September with SKUs averaged for September:

#9 Destiny Taken King Bundle
#16 Star Wars Bundle
#83 TLOU Bundle

With the hourly numbers the remaining two SKUs may get into the monthly average 100. No other company is in the top 50 for the month.

GribbleGrunger3284d ago (Edited 3284d ago )


There is no doubt whatsoever that Sony have won September. It's just a matter of by how much. I think it's going to be by over 100k. Here's the monthlies:

morganfell3284d ago (Edited 3284d ago )


I know. That's the link I used for the comment right above yours :P

In addition at Best Buy the PS4 has owned a spot floating between 4 - 7 for September with no competition in the top 10 while having a second PS4 SKU in the top 30.

Woohoo, while I was typing this my Kill Strain Beta Access Code just came in the email!!!!

At Gamestop, the PS4 has had 1 of 3 SKUs in the top 20 for the entire month - currently it is the Military Appreciation Bundle, with no competition in the top 30 for the entire month.

WooHoo!!!! While I was typing my Kill Strain Beta Access Code just popped in my email!!!

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NotAFanboyyy3284d ago

This game looks stunning and the creativity behind Media Molecule is truly astounding. I can't wait to see more.

Aloy-Boyfriend3284d ago

Games like Little Big Planet, Mario Maker, nd project spark show how creative gamers can be if given the tools. LBP, in particular, has tons of awesome creations and even other AAAs games recreated in it. It's crazy

So all that being said, I'm really excited to see what people are going to come up with with this title. I love Media Molecule for their endless Nintendo-ish creativity

Shadowsteal3284d ago

Littlebigplanet has innovated the creative platform beyond Nintendo's grasp by every degree. Project Spark and Mario Maker were inspired by Littlebigplanet in the first place, not the other way around.

Nintendo haven't been creative in a long time, and people give them too much credit. They sell their games so let with the usage of "Mario" and "Zelda" in the title.

That being said, Mario Maker has nowhere near the amount of features that Littlebigplanet has. Nintendo had the opportunity to make a Mario Maker that would let you create levels in 2D, 3D, and Mario Kart etc.

I can be sure Nintendo has "Mario Maker 3D" and "Mario Maker Racing" in the works. Yet all these features were found in Littlebigplanet 2 years ago.

Antifan3284d ago

"I love Media Molecule for their endless Nintendo-ish creativity"

Because sandbox games started with Nintendo, right?

GribbleGrunger3284d ago

Folks, I don't think 'Nintendo-ish creativity' is meant as some kind of dig.

MysticStrummer3284d ago

Everything's a dig!

*takes a wild swing, misses, and falls down*

Shadowsteal3284d ago

This day and age something having a "Nintendo-is creativity" is an insult.

You don't see Sony or Microsoft selling plastic toys for 50 times the cost it takes to make it.

Whereas Sony and Microsoft invest in true online gaming. Technologies such as HoloLens, VR, to basic shit like cross party chat and crossbuy/crossplay from Sony.

Yet the most "creative" gaming company has a barebones online infrastructure. Can't release a game without Mario and Zelda in the title. And apparently Amibos is Nintendo's answer to creativity, something Activision has already done for years, only difference is that Amibos have more use as show pieces than having any benefit to gaming.

corroios3284d ago

Media molecule its an amazing studio and this game is a fresh ip to market full of milked franchises.

3284d ago
3284d ago
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