
The 8Bit Punks bring retro gaming to the wrestling ring

Video game culture meets pro wrestling.

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Looking Back to 1985 and Duck Hunt

Dave writes: "Culturally, a characterful dog hasn’t been enough to put Duck Hunt in the same league as the big boys, like Zelda, Mario and Mega Man (although it does feature in the mighty Boyz in the Hood, so who am I to say?). Indeed, Super Mario Bros. would go on to ensure that the NES was seen as a timeless console and a success. But it was Duck Hunt - and the NES Zapper - that was really the starting pistol for everything that would follow afterwards."

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SullysCigar1437d ago

I was playing this in VR on Dreams the other night - they'd done a great job of it and all the sounds effects were spot on!


Ten Games with Milestone Anniversaries in 2020

Hardcore Gamer: 2020 is set to mark important anniversaries for a number of popular titles from the last few decades of video games. Perhaps hitting such a big number is enough to bring us some sort of revival or sequel, but we’ll probably have to wait months before hearing anything. And since there has yet to be anything announced from the following, this list could possibly tease what is yet to come. Take a look at some iconic games celebrating big in the new year.

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XxINFERNUSxX1743d ago

Super Mario Bros. 3 in the US 1990 30 years in 2020 :D

rainslacker1742d ago

Hard to believe it's been that long. I remember my mom getting me that the year it came out. It was practically impossible to find, and apparently she saw them putting it on the shelf while xmas shopping and got it right away. I was so excited that I started playing it before I opened my other gifts.

One of those few memories I actually recall from my childhood.

XxINFERNUSxX1742d ago

Yeah, the time just flew by. This commercial brings back memories: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Also if you remember that show American Gladiators, where almost every other commercail was a Nintendo commercial :D

rainslacker1741d ago

I remember the show. But IIRC, I was really into MST3K back then, and they had the same time slot


Hyperkin Developing HD Light Gun Support For NES

Bummed you can't use the Zapper on HD TV? No more, because Hyperkin's developing an HD Light Gun controller. It'll be shown off at CES.

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Zjet2087d ago

Yes! Please work on GCON2s next so I can play my Time Crisis and countless namco shooters without hauling my CRT out.