
Elite: Dangerous – Timed Trial Impressions (Xbox Enthusiast)

Lucas Lohr from Xbox Enthusiast discusses his first hour with the beautiful looking, but complicated Elite: Dangerous.

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FlexLuger3195d ago

Im surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that this game runs at 60FPS on XB1.

Allsystemgamer3195d ago

It's not exactly demanding. It runs over 80fps on my 3 year old laptop

Trekster_Gamer3195d ago

I agree that it was frustrating in the extreme, you should not have to leave the game go to a website and watch a video on how to play. This should be in game .

MeliMel3195d ago

Lol..I guess they forgot about Tutorials.

javauns3195d ago

This was a pc game at first, so the learning curve it a little more drastic, as the tutorials are for people slightly more advanced than beginner and the don't hold your hand and introduce everything to you like what normally happens on consoles. BUT THE GAME IS WONDERFUL, and i doubt you will get to experience the beauty by just playing the trial.

Perjoss3195d ago

Agreed, you can get a rough idea of the combat model in the space (no pun inteded) of an hour but to realise the scale of the universe will take much longer than that.

Gozer3195d ago

I agree. The tutorial in no way prepares you for what the actual game offers. I think its kind of amusing that someone would write a preview based on the tutorial.

Meatyboy3195d ago

Yay let's all listen to a random guys opinion on playing a game for literally less than 1 hour

FlexLuger3195d ago

Well I own the game, so Im not paying too much mind to his opinion. I love this game.the first time I activated my hyperdrive and jumped to another system, its one of the coolest things I done in gaming since calling in a titan and jumping into the cockpit on titanfall for the first time.

you need an hour in elite just to do the tutorials...he hadly scratched the surface. When he winds up in deep space with no fuel and a few players coming at him to take all his shit...then he can talk about what its like to play elite.

Meatyboy3195d ago

Exactly! Was the same for me. I got my freinds to all play the demo and they ran out of time on the demo to even hyper drive and they won't play it now. Makes me sad they can never experience something so awesome

lvl_headed_gmr3195d ago

There is a large learing curve to understand the controls which I managed to learn in very little time.

I have been running trade routes and did some bulletin missions where I now have access to imperial ships. Working my way to being able to afford a clipper. Then some serious trading to make money and soon I will have my Anaconda.

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Elite Dangerous: Outrage Sparks as Players Can Buy Ships with Real Money

In a highly controversial decision developer Frontier has made the decision to allow players to buy ships with real money in their long running game Elite: Dangerous, sparking outrage amongst the community.

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PlayStation Plus Just Quietly Released the Chillest Space Exploration Game

'Elite Dangerous' lets you live any kind of life you want in space. From dogfights with pirates to peaceful science missions, there's an option for every playstyle.

anast240d ago

This is a great space exploration game.

Markdn240d ago

Shame it's no longer supported though, :(

anast240d ago

A revive might be needed.

MrNinosan240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

What do you mean by quietly?
They announced it last week along the other games that was released yesterday on PS+ Extra/Premium.

GamerRN239d ago

They are trying to make it look like a casual drop, while trying to make it look like it outshines Starfield.

ModsDoBetter240d ago

Great game, sadly abandoned by the developers due to the different version it ran compared to PC.

Plenty of hours to be had, we just miss out on a bunch of cool features and story development compared to PC players.

raWfodog239d ago

I was bummed when they announced they wouldn’t be bringing Odyssey to consoles. That was when I really began losing active interest in the game. Up until then, I already had about 800 hours invested in the game.

PunksOnN4G240d ago

Nah I'm good this the dev team that had console plans then decided not to and only work on the PC version why would I support a trash company

z2g240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

its ok. its def a pc game that made its way to console randomly. been out for a few years so its not exactly "new".

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10 Best Games Like Starfield to Play While You Wait

By Jason Monroe: Get ready to explore the galaxy, unravel space mysteries, and blow up some spaceships in our selection of games like Starfield.

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