
Star Wars Uprising Tips And Tricks

Star Wars Uprising is a new free to play Star Wars MMO on phones and tablets. There are a few things that might be confusing to players new to the genre.

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Star Wars: Uprising shutting down in November

The mobile game Star Wars: Uprising has been pulled from app stores and is no longer possible to download. The game will officially shut down on November 17 at 9 a.m. PT

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Star Wars: Uprising – Patch 3.0 Preview

The next patch for Star Wars: Uprising  is in the final phases, and the team over at kabam have posted an updating,  giving us a preview of what is around the corner.

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How To Get A Lightsaber in Star Wars Uprising

We have brought you videos by l0stw0lf before but here is a series that is very useful and we’re sure wasn’t easy for him to create. It’s a 5-part series on how to get a lightsaber in Star Wars Uprising. Lost Wolf Productions has gone above and beyond here to do these missions, record them, and make them available for all of us to see how to do the same. As you can imagine, as he was making the videos, players were anxious for the next one and some had to wait for him to record them but if you are just now tuning in, you’ve got all five of them complete and ready for you. No waiting.

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