Volkama3244d ago

Good! Heard it is a decent game but I missed out on it. I was hoping for a PC version and/or PS4/One remaster.

styferion3244d ago

It's actually one of the best RPG of last gen, if you ask me it's better than Skyrim(base game without mods and expansion).

Spyroo3244d ago

Better than Skyrim? LOL.

I played both and spent countless hours but this does not touch Skyrim in the slightest!

Savsky3244d ago

The combat system ALONE puts Skyrim to shame. Dragon's Dogma has some of the best combat only second to the Souls series imo.

Bimkoblerutso3243d ago

It's hard to compare the two, despite their sharing a genre. The exploration and scope has always been The Elders Scrolls' strong suit. Dragon's Dogma is DEFINITELY much better in the combat department. In fact it's some of the best in the genre, in my opinion.

And though I'm not a huge fan of Skyrim's story, it's still better than the WTF moments of Dragon's Dogma.

King-u-mad3244d ago

Finally! I've wanted this to happen for a while now. But I guess I shouldn't be too surprised since Dragon's Dogma Online. Just have to hope that gets a western release now.

Magicite3244d ago

Game is amazing, but it suffered from last gen limitations.

Kumomeme3243d ago

IT INDEED way better than skyrim

although certain aspect like world design(which is western devs usually excel at) better than Dragon Dogma..but other aspect like gameplay(which is should be main point of a game) was way ahead..even among recently released wrpg like witcher 3....Dragon Dogma gameplay literaly put other rpg to shame...true action rpg

although,skyrim combat was suck..witcher 3 combat also had very lot of flaw(which is one of department where western devs usually lack of and japanese devs excel at)

lot of people cant play skyrim and even some of them cant play witcher 3 after get a taste of Dragon Dogma gameplay...

beside...people had their own taste..if it doesnt suite you...well nothing can do...but i suggest people who didnt play it or even just play it a little give it second chance..with the pc port ,most of technical issue should be no longer problem..and taste the game in 60fps..it will be new experience to enjoy

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3243d ago
Neixus3244d ago

Finally! Now i can play this game as Mystic Knight without dropping down to 20fps.

Can't wait!

Volkama3244d ago

<glances over at Dead Rising 3>

mezati993244d ago

The game uses MT Framework engine. pretty sure any 7 years old PC would run this with no problems.

Razputin3244d ago

What was wrong with Dead Rising 3?

That game was amazing. The sheer amount of zombies on screen, the graphics, and game play made it even better.

The performance was good too.

Capcom is one of the few developers that tried to reach certain marks with their games on PC.

Resident Evils had 60FPS and more enemies on screen compared to console, DmC though developed by Ninja Theory had 120fps capabilities.

I'm confident they'll do right. Their DLC practices though are shady as hell, so I won't be buying the game full retail price.

Volkama3244d ago (Edited 3244d ago )

Razputin, Dead Rising 3 is a notoriously dodgy port. Locked at a maximum 1080p and defaulting to 30fps, with cfg changes required to attempt 60 but no possibility of locking that framerate regardless of hardware.

It could be worse of course. It worked reasonably well on low-mid range hardware, it just didn't scale up very well for the high enders.

JJShredder3244d ago

Damn.....I will have to pick this up. Enjoyed the console version very much and should hopefully run great on PC!

Never played the Dark Arisen expansion stuff as well so that should be another good reason to come back.

3244d ago
DanielGearSolid3244d ago

Guys this is a test!

If we buy it we may get DDO

AnotherProGamer3244d ago

Or better yet we get Dragons Dogma 2

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You Can Now Get The First Dragon's Dogma For Less Than $5 Before The Sequel Arrives

Ahead of Dragon's Dogma 2's global release, the first iteration in the series by Capcom has been discounted by 84% on Steam.

sushimama134d ago

If anyone is wondering the first one still holds up well to this day. It's fun

darthv72254d ago

Grandia, Klonoa, and Parappa... NICE!

MrBaskerville254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

Grandia is especially nice, as I don't think it's available on psn atm. Wonder if it's a psx port or the Switch version.

If they didn't despise ps2, they could have added Grandia 2-3 as well.

shinoff2183253d ago

It's not a despise. Far as I've read their working on better emulation. It'll come.

LG_Fox_Brazil254d ago


StormSnooper253d ago

Is it good? I never played that.

crazyCoconuts254d ago

Been thinking of getting Teardown on Steam for Steam Deck play. Heard a lot of great reviews for it.

MrBeatdown253d ago

Played the first half hour last night. All I did was wreck a building but what a blast.

Elda254d ago

Nothing of interest for me. My sub is up in 2 weeks & I'll go with Essentials only for cloud saves & online. Having Extra or Premium is a waste for me seeing most games that land on the service are old that I've played already or old games I never had any interest in playing.

crazyCoconuts254d ago

Respect your opinion, just pointing out that Teardown is a Day One Extra release for PS, not an old game in this case. Gotham Knights last month was a year old.

Elda253d ago

I have no interest in Teardown. I bought & played Gotham Knights when it was first released in October 2022. Every month I'm always buying the latest AAA or AA games when they first release to play on my PS5, the very reason why Extra & Premium is a waste of money for me.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 Alternatives – 7 Top Games Like Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate is a name synonymous with party-based fantasy RPG games. There’s still a stretch of time until the third instalment finally leaves early access. While you’re waiting for the gates to open and welcome you to Forgotten Realms, you might be looking for similar games to ease the wait.

anast379d ago

Some good games on that list.

FalcorMononoke379d ago (Edited 379d ago )

In my personal opinion, Divinity Original Sin 2 is better than any of the Baldur's Gate games.

Becuzisaid378d ago

Are you including BG3 in that comparison? Or just the first 2? The first 2 are tough to get into now, and I never liked the ad&d rules. The 5e rules are much easier to grasp. But BG3 seems to be just DOS2 but times 10. Haven't played it in early access at all, just going by what I see online.

Nittdarko378d ago

hilarious because the game that is most like BG3 and a game every DND fan should try is Solasta and its not even on this list