
PAX Prime 2015: The Pliosaurus Have Big Teeth in Time Machine VR | Hardcore Gamer

HG: Of all the things to be taken away from this year's PAX Prime, seeing the true potential of virtual reality with the Oculus Rift was the most significant. I was sold by the tech demos that I received, and I now know which piece of software will be the first loaded up when I finally get one in my home: Minority's Time Machine VR.

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D-BOX VR Heading to SXSW to Showcase Minority Media’s Time Machine VR

A new version will be shown incorporating D-BOX's motion systems.


Time Machine VR Motion Debut at GDC

Minority Media and D-Box Technologies team up to add motion effects to Time Machine VR


Review: Time Machine VR – PS4/PSVR | Pure PlayStation

Pure PlayStation: I've always loved the concept of time travel. Back to the Future is my favourite movie, and I actually really liked Deja Vu with Denzel Washington, even if the science was a bit... Non-existent.

It's a shame, then, that Time Machine VR - a game that should literally speak to me in my own voice - fails to make time travel appealing, at least in the realm of video games.

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