
Ace Attorney 6 Takes Place In A Mysterious Country With Dead Spirits

According to the Famitsu magazine scan, Ace Attorney 6 takes place in a mysterious country outside of Japan, a first for the main-numbered series. Phoenix Wright visits this country for a certain reason, and he unluckily gets involved in a case. It also mentions that the people in this country have some sort of belief in the spirits of the dead.

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NewMonday3307d ago (Edited 3307d ago )

fantastic we get another one

since the subject is spirits I'm sure an old favorite character will make a comeback.

one of my favorite franchises especially now it should be a regular on my iPhone6+

adventure games are perfect for mobile because they don't need controllers


The Top Ten Ace Attorney Characters

The Ace Attorney franchise is truly the little franchise that could, and with the next game coming via the Switch, we're counting down the best characters!

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2474d ago
ichizon2474d ago

No Shelly de Killer? Well, it's hard enough making a top list of characters for this game, so I wouldn't hold it against him.

BlackMagicWolf2474d ago

There were a lot of great characters I had to leave off sadly. Gumshoe, Franzika Von Karma, Klavier, Simon Blackquill! I didn't realize it would be this hard, but I had to make some tough decisions.


Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Review - Hey Poor Player

Viva la revolution! Reviewing a new entry in a series like Ace Attorney is a somewhat tricky one, because if you’ve played one game, you’ve honestly played them all. While each entry has introduced new elements and mechanics to the series, there’s honestly very little difference between them. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, since it means you already know what you’re getting into and that’s also true in the case of the latest title, Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. While our main man, Phoenix Wright, might be in a completely different country with different laws, the core gameplay is ultimately the same.

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Ace Attorney 6 to Bring Back Miles Edgeworth and Simon Blackquill

Twinfinite writes:

An article in Famitsu revealed that the prosecutors Edgeworth and Blackquill will be making a reappearance in Ace Attorney 6.

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