
Looking Back: Split Second Review

James Pettegrow talks us through an arcade racing title that didn't get as much credit as it deserved.

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StormLegend3253d ago

Man I loved Split Second... I wonder why it never got a sequel?

Nekroo913253d ago

Didn't sold enough copies, the studio was reduced, etc. You know how things work.

barb_wire3253d ago

Disney shut the studio down. Damn shame too, awesome game.

Roccetarius3253d ago

As it was said, Disney shut it down due to it not being successful enough. With that said, a sequel could definitely have improved on Split Second's arcade madness.

Paytaa3253d ago

Split/Second and Blur were the two most under rated racers last gen. They were great games and wish there were potential sequels.

Roccetarius3253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

Personally, i prefer games like that, more so Split Second than Blur. I also remember when i was playing Destruction Derby Raw back in the day.

GRIP is a game going to early access on Steam, because there wasn't enough people backing it on Kickstarter (unfortunately).

That's one of my only hopes for racers i enjoy.

Rookie_Monster3253d ago

Hoping for BC as I still got the XB1 disc and still play it time to time. This and Midnight Club LA along with Project Gotham Racing 4 are hidden racing gems from the X360 days.


Five Abused Video Game Visual Effects

Like children with new toys, developers can excitedly overdo it with visual effects until good sense prevails - here are five examples of exactly that from across video games history

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fr0sty1122d ago (Edited 1122d ago )

Dirt on the lens (and JJ Abrahms style overuse of lens flare) is the worst, especially in war games like Battlefield. We're not supposed to be a camera! Way to ruin the illusion of actually being the player we're controlling.

PrimeVinister1122d ago

Yeah, that's a bad one that is missing from the list

FPS_D3TH1122d ago

Most soldiers today wear goggles or tactical glasses so dirt on the lens isn’t that much of a stretch tbh

isarai1122d ago

Vignettes, chromatic aberration, and that annoying thing where they blur the corners of the screen. Also film grain.

FPS_D3TH1122d ago

All those immediately get turned off when I load up my settings haha. Unless I’m going for screenshots it’s more than annoying

PrimeVinister1122d ago

You are mostly stuck with whatever terrible effects on console. There are some options like motion blur that can switched off but it's not common

PrimeVinister1122d ago

Depth of field is annoying. Along with most camera or lens effects.

But DoF will be cool in the future when they can track what you are looking at and apply DoF accordingly.

DeviateFish1122d ago

Don't forget camera shake and "realistic" camera movement in cutscenes.

porkChop1122d ago

The Syndicate reboot had the absolute worst bloom I've ever seen. It literally hurt my eyes and gave me a headache just from playing. I could never finish it.

PrimeVinister1122d ago

Absolutely. Beyond the distraction and obstruction, it looked unpleasant a lot of the time.

1121d ago

A Love Letter to Split/Second: Velocity

Racing games, on the outside are very attractive propositions to gamers and non-gamers alike. You don’t have to explain to somebody what the object of such a game is. You get in a car and try to get to the end of the course before the other racers, simple.

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windblowsagain1880d ago

Really Enjoyed Split/second used to play it with my son all the time.

Einhander19711879d ago

Still own this beauty on ps3:)

KyRo1879d ago

One of my fave racers of all time. Such a cool concept. Gut wrenching knowing there will never be another one 😭

mcstorm1879d ago

I know I'm with you on that. One of the best racing games last gen. Love to see someone buy this IP and give it another go but I feel this game this gen with cross play would of had better legs and for me mp was the issue because it sold low on both consoles.

KyRo1878d ago

Easily one of the best on last gen. Such a good concept. I hate the fact we haven't really had any arcade racers this generation apart from NFS and that's fallen in quality.

gangsta_red1879d ago

I like these type of racing games. The over the top gameplay was fantastic

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Nine Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 Cult Classics That Deserve An HD Release

There were a number of cult classics that didn't sell like gangbusters, but still worked their way into gamers' hearts. Here's WWG list of nine great titles that deserve a second chance on newer consoles

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evilkillerk2571d ago

Blurs servers were the main issue but would love to see it return.

AZRoboto2571d ago

I'll point out that these games are all from the X360/PS3 era - they've already had HD releases when they first came out. Split/Second and Blur - with the crazy vehicle physics capable today, why would we not want sequels to them?

The other games, all a matter of opinion of course, but... thank you for your ads between every single game. /s

TheDCD2571d ago

Problem with sequels is that they aren't very likely. Activision dropped Blur like a bad habit, and Disney isn't doing games anymore. So I'll happily take the originals.

Relientk772571d ago

Remember Me
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Miss_Weeboo2571d ago

Alan Wake
Lost Odyssey
Demon Souls

TheDCD2570d ago

As much as I'd kill for a Demon's Souls remake, isn't likely. We'll probably get Bloodborne 2 instead.

PhoenixUp2570d ago

Dafuq kinda title is that? These games were already released on HD consoles though...

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