
PS Consoles Generate More Revenue Than Microsoft And Nintendo Consoles Combined, Double Since 2012

Sony’s PlayStation 4 has had an excellent start with more than 25.3 million units sold in as of June 30th 2015. This is estimated to be more than Microsoft’s Xbox One and Nintendo’s Wii U combined sell in totals which gives Sony’s console more than 50% market share this gen. This is something that the PlayStation 3 was not able to achieve.

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Sonyslave33200d ago ShowReplies(6)
sammarshall1023200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

It's too bad Sony isn't in a better financial situation though with all of their success with sales in the video game space

Letthewookiewin3200d ago

Still with this? Sony is fine. Oh and destroying the competition I might add.

scientificreasoning3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

@SAM.....you need to do some research bro.


Sony has posted profit 4 of the last 5 quarters..only the mobile division is struggling.

3200d ago
n4rc3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

they have righted the ship.. but still have a way to go before they are out of the hole they were in.

stock was downgraded to junk status last year, do not believe that has changed yet.

edit... i stand correct on the junk status, apparently that was lifted 2 months ago

lvl_headed_gmr3200d ago

Sony has said "Expect less AAA games from them because cost is getting too high". Does this sound like a company who is financially empowered? I don't think so.

Sony as a company have been losing money for years. They even had to cease paying dividends to their share holders because they couldn't afford it.

Why people still think Sony is not in a financial concern simply because 1 division is doing well is beyond rational.

remixx1163200d ago

A couple links to go with those statement gmr?

FATHASUN3199d ago


That quote was strictly referring to the PSVita.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3199d ago
scientificreasoning3200d ago

I like how you keep spewing this which is no longer true...sony had 600 million profit last quarter and all divisions except one are now profitable. S@P are now putting them back on the invest list.

sammarshall1023200d ago

Sony is expected to lose $700,000,000 just from its mobile division in 2015

TwoForce3200d ago

@sammarshall102 But did it happen ? No, it didn't. You need to understand what loss and increase. Sony Mobile doing fine. I remember when Sony did loss some their assets. It was not easy for them to do it. But it was needed to make sure Sony to be stable. Too much then you will lose or too empty then you will lose too. For example, My father did layoff some employees to make sure his company stable, it wasn't easy for him to do it. My father company are small, not that big. Even Sony is big, but not that big like Microsoft. PS3 outsold Xbox 360 sale because it was us Playstation fans who want Sony to success their career and they did.

GamerGT3200d ago

What sucks is i have the Sony Xperia Z3. And it's been the most reliable phone I've ever had. More than the Motorola before it and the Samsung before that. No having to restart. I Can Sync it to my DS4 and Remote Play with it. When 2017. Comes by and it's time for the upgrade is going to be hard to give up.

triple_c3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

Just wanna let you know that Sony is not in as much financial trouble as they were in last gen. They've actually been profiting off of their music, insurance, camera, image sensor and of course their PlayStation divisions. Now the PlayStation division is the main division that makes them money but it isn't the only division that makes money for them which is a misconception that a lot of people have. Sony also has over $100 billion in assets that they can fall back on and they are still worth about $30 billion. Lastly, if push comes to shove, Sony can just get rid of every division that's losing them money like they're mobile division and rely on the divisions that are making them money.

Sony will be fine especially now that they're back in the black and on the road to recovery. Sony isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

You people that keep on saying Sony is broke or keep on bringing up Sony's financials need to get a new shtick already. The whole "Sony is broke" thing has been beaten to death. Please get some new material..

joeorc3200d ago

"Now the PlayStation division is the main division that makes them money but it isn't the only division that makes money for them which is a misconception that a lot of people have. Sony also has over $100 billion in assets that they can fall back on and they are still worth about $30 billion"

Want to know something that is ironic, its the 5th largest generator of Profit for Sony! Playstation is not even the largest, but think about that even being 5th its going to generate multiple millions/ sales Quarters in profits for Sony!

Great post by the way.

stuna13200d ago

Finally someone with facts! I guess since Sony don't have money to waste on wiping their az* , like some company I won't mention. That automatically means they're in financial trouble!? SMH.

johndoe112113200d ago

Whoa Whoa Whoa there buddy. Where exactly are you getting those facts from? As far as I've been told the ps4 division is paying for the operation of every other division that sony's got. If it weren't for ps4 Sony would be bankrupt. I'm sorry, but I would quicker believe the rantings of anonymous online trolls with agendas over your sound and easily verifiable facts any day.

Spotie3200d ago

It's too bad some of you still resort to that tired- and untrue- axiom when you've got no other recourse.

joeorc3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

100% exactly


From 2 years ago , now look at Sony!

Just recently:

Zacks Research currently has a stock rating of 1 on the equity. This is the consensus mean from the analysts who have issued ratings on the stock within the past year. This number is calculated using a simple 1-5 scale where 1 represents a Strong Buy rating and 5 represents a Strong Sell rating. In other words, the lower the score, the better from an analyst perspective

Sony is rated by Zack's as a 1 = buy because Sony's Stock is expected to climb as high as over $40.00+ per share at the end of Oct. Min $32.00+, right now Sony's Stock is listed is over $25.00 a share!


According to Zacks, Sony Corp Ord has a consensus rating of 1. The number is based on a simplified 1-5 scale where analysts giving a Strong Buy rating would be given a 1 and those giving a Sell rating would be given a 5. This is the consensus number of all tracked analysts who have published ratings on the stock.


@sammarshall102 + 26m ago
Sony will never be able to catch Microsoft financially though

We're talking a cap difference of more than $200,000,000,000 here


Sony does not have to catch Up with Microsoft's coffers, would it be nice to, yeah..its is attainabl any time in the next 100 years doubtful.

But here is the thing, Sony's playstation section of the company is a wholly owned subsidiary, unlike Microsoft's Xbox is set up as a divisional part of Microsoft's company both have made a section within their companies to make money for their company.bthe big problem for Microsoft's is Xbox does not bring into Microsoft as much Money to Microsoft as does Playstation does for Sony.

If you take Xbox as a section for itself and make it a subsidiary of Microsoft it could operate on it own but its no where near big vs Nintendo and Sony's playstation. And Microsoft's Xbox does not have unlimited money of that 200+ billion that would go to Xbox division, as a matter of fact the Xbox division lost over 1.6 billion for Microsoft alone with the xbox360 fault failure of its passive heat setup failing on the 1st 11 million xbox360's launched on release due to warranty's differed funds set aside for replacements.

Unlike Microsoft's set up for Xbox Sony's set up for playstation is already set to spun off on its own by default.

Its a held assets by Sony's corpus itself, but the stock for playstation is not in public offering. so its already ran on a limited budget by default. Based on its a seperate ran companies any way.

So the fact is Microsoft's Xbox while being a divisional section for the company allows Xbox section to gain further funding faster and has a core ton of cash that is or can be forked over, the main problem is its a division! So the fact is it may not get as much cash as we would like for Microsoft to pump into Xbox, and that's just the blunt truth.

Sony's PlayStation out of its profits gives its parent company "Sony" money but also has claim to operated funds its generating because its , a subsidiary corpus by it self not a division of Sony!

uth113200d ago

Ironically Sony is now turning a profit and Microsoft just reported a record-breaking loss

sammarshall1023200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

Sony will never be able to catch Microsoft financially though

We're talking a cap difference of more than $200,000,000,000 here

triple_c3200d ago


And yet with all that money, Microsoft still can't seem to beat Sony in the gaming market. What does that say about Microsoft?

3200d ago
uth113200d ago

But gaming is such a tiny part of Microsoft, very little of the companies market cap is due to gaming

kenshiro1003200d ago

sammar drinking from that bottle again. Citing numbers with no proof doesn't help your case. Sony has been profitable since restructuring. How are they still in business if they're losing THIS much money as you claim?

timlot3200d ago

You know it was the $7Billion Nokia write-off. Take that out and they still had about a $6Billion profit for the quarter. Xbox is a side project for Microsoft. If it does well, great. If not they just throw money at the problem until it turns around. Sony was crash as a company if Playstation failed.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3200d ago
S2Killinit3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

Just for the record Sony is back in black (meaning profitable). They dropped the markets that were unprofitable and have entered new markets which could yeild better future.

Specifically Sony have entered the streaming markets in a big way with Playstation Vue (and PSNow). Playstation Vue is a sort of internet TV streaming that competes with cable tv (its actually pretty cool by the way) the service merges the accessibility of netflix with live tv, and a powerful search and customization engine (unlike anything else available). It records like a DVR, and streams like Netflix, live tv. Meaning you can watch the newest seasons as if its on netflix. My only issue with the service is that as of yet they dont have a deal with ESPN, all other channels are available, and more are on the way. (Personally im very happy with it).

With the Vue, Sony are stepping on a lot of toes (cable and telecommunications companies), big toes, but if the service takes off, it can prove very VERY lucrative.

ColonelHugh3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )


PlayStation is a subsidiary, not a division like Xbox. Sony's finances have less impact on PlayStation than if it was a division. PlayStation is it's own business essentially.

Edit: wth? Teleporting comment section strikes again. My comment goes way up there ^^^

PudgeyBurrito3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

Its funny you say this. Microsoft's net worth is 349.89 billion. Sony's is 17.7 Billion and yet Microsoft for 3 generations has been losing in sales year over year and console generation over console generation. The real shame here is a company with almost 20 times the money can't top them. What does Sony's whole financial worth have to do with this article when we are talking about gaming anyway?. Sony Pictures or Cells don't have much to do with gaming at all and or Sony's other ventures. What you are doing is classic misdirection. Someone posts how much better Sony is doing and because you have an Xbox One Or 360 you need to smear them. How about Nintendo? They are not an amazing rich company and still have been living for years. So whats really sad is that again MS with all its resources has never been a lead contender in the console gaming market period. Always last or second.

otherZinc3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

If Sony were doing that good, they wouldn't be in such a bad situation financially.

XBOX Live makes more than all of Sony, by itself.

That Halo Franchise makes more than all of Sony, by itself.

Another lying article.

Angeljuice3199d ago Show
snoopgg3200d ago

In my opinion they make the best tvs and consoles outthere, and thats good enough for me.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3199d ago
gamer78043200d ago

This title is incorrect, they should state the consoles themselves, PS4 VS Xbox One and WiiU.

Microsoft makes much more money as a whole than either nintendo or sony combined.

wodan3200d ago

Title says since 2012 so how is it about current gen only?

Also this about consoles you know? funny how MS make more money than Sony and Nintendo combined yet they have far less games and the one that spent less on games.

gamer78043200d ago

I was only reviewing the article title in a journalistic sense.

Angeljuice3199d ago

They have a lot more games than MS, what are you on about?

Pogmathoin3200d ago

Yeah it sucks they do mot have more 1st party IP, but it is true that MS make a lot more... But you cannot say that here, its trolling.

Angeljuice3199d ago (Edited 3199d ago )

The whole of Microsoft's existence as anything other than a footnote in history is down to a mistake that IBM made in a contract decades ago.

If IBM had kept the rights to windows (which would have been very easy), Microsoft would have been defunct years ago.

All their wealth is based on one single mistake, nothing else they do is successful.

And that is what you base their worth on?

Sony have earned every penny they own through hard work and quality products, Microsoft simply bought the mother of all lottery tickets.

gamer78043199d ago (Edited 3199d ago )

Almost any pivotal moment in history comes down to one single moment, i'm not sure what that has to do with the article though.

Sorry but Office is a huge success. They are currently have the highest % of business software.

wonderfulmonkeyman3200d ago

Shhhh...don't let anyone catch you not worshipping. You'll get crucified for it.XD

Ezz20133200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

Oh, you poor thing.
Liking a company for making amazing consoles and games is worshipping....We are not allowed to do that..i get that now

well, then don't let me catch you praising microsoft or nintendo for their consoles and games then ...because according to you that's also worshipping.

wonderfulmonkeyman3200d ago

Can't tell the difference between praise and worship, then proceeding to put words in my mouth.
Nice try but no.

Just take a look at Puppet's post.
Just the merest HINT of not being 100% suck-up and already he's got over 20 people red flagging him.
If that doesn't represent the worshipping mindset of this console war feeding article enough to make it obvious to you, then you need to look harder.

Ezz20133200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

But I don't see any one saying
"ALL hail our lord Sony"

That's worshipping
How people disagree with him is worshipping ?!

Pogmathoin3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

Ezz, people praising there favourite console is perfectly fine, but here it seems only allowed for your fav.... Go to any positive X1 article, and those same people love to just spread the hate.... Even after MS have changed many of the things gamers complained about when it was announced.... Many people say nice things about Xbox, they loose bubbles..... Or called trolling....

DigitalRaptor3200d ago

@ Pog

Keep believing that. It really isn't the case.

There are plenty of big Xbox proponents here that have 6-10 bubbles like gangsta_red and Christocolus, and plenty that have 1-3 bubbles like yourself.

There are plenty of PlayStation supporters on here that have 6-10 bubbles like Ezz2013 and plenty that have 1-3 bubbles like myself.

You can't use that victim theory anymore - it's broken, just like this website's moderation.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3200d ago
chrisx3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

Playstation Nation Domination aint said for nothing

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Ninjamonkey821h ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.


The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

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Skuletor3h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.