
Rage Will Look Worse on 360 Due to Compression; Doom 4 and Rage Not Likely for Digital Distribution

id's post-apocalyptic open-world shooter Rage (PC, PS3, 360, Mac) will look worse on Xbox 360 due to the compression needed to fit the game's assets on two DVDs, programmer John Carmack revealed at tonight's QuakeCon keynote.

According to Carmack, the royalty fees to include a third disc in the Xbox 360 version would be so high that it simply isn't a feasible solution, with the programmer hoping for Microsoft to make a concession. He stressed that the issue has nothing to do with the Xbox 360 hardware itself, and is merely a storage problem.

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Ogrekiller5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Here's to MS ponying up for that 3rd disc.
I predict a field day for the Sony fanboys this time.
Edit: Never said that.
Edit 2: @ mushroom avatar guy: No, I didn't admittedly.

sushipoop5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

But I thought Blu-ray wasn't needed? LMAO I know you're crying on the inside, Ogre. Everyone be sure to spread the news! This is all the proof we needed. =)

donator5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

This is the perfect time for PS3 fan boys to take the high road. You've been arguing about how DVDs will become a problem for the 360 due to its storage limitations and now you have more concrete evidence that what you've been saying all along is true.

So this is a plea to fellow PS3 owners. Take the high road. Don't rub it in. Don't stoop to their level.

rucky5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

C'mon like you didn't see this coming.

sonarus5839d ago

I wouldn't speak too soon. Wait till we actually see it running on both consoles

beavis4play5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

lets see....who should i listen to?......john carmack or sonarus? i should probably listen to sonarus cause what would carmack know about this game? end sarcasm.

Bnet3435839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

I am not interested in this game at all. Actually what is this game suppose to be?

5839d ago
sonarus5839d ago

Lol @beavis4play glad you take my opinion seriously ;)

But carmack is trying to promote a game here. Saying one version will look worse is kind of a dumb business practice. They may simply be putting pressure on Microsoft to ease up on the royalty fees. Sort of how Streed fighter turbo HD got delayed to infinity thanks to Msoft low size limit for arcade type games.

These people can sometimes misquote an individual just like how mass effect president apparently said no mass effect for ps3 until trilogy and that was proven fake. No compression definitely improves graphics but we don't even know how well the engine runs on the ps3 yet. I just say lets wait and see

solidt125839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

360 better get a Blu-Ray player or become the Dreamcast. Seriously it could happen.. No one saw it coming back when it happened to the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast had great games when it happened also.

5839d ago
beavis4play5839d ago

no hard feelings i hope. feel free to poke fun at me any time.

kopicha5839d ago

sigh... what a typical fanboy comment. when a game report to be not great on your system you simply try to hide it to the world by saying thank god i aint interested. so when something shows that ps3 is worst than its counterpart. even if you aint interested you would bash ps3 like hell. sad but true.... doesnt apply to me thou. i have both.

TOSgamer5839d ago

How ghetto is that? No wonder the only multi discs games to come out for the 360 were published by MS.

solidt125839d ago

Knowing Microsoft there solution might be to slap three DVD players in the next Xbox to protest Blu-Ray. Idiots.

sushipoop5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

We're not asking you if you're interested. It's about the point of this article. The principle. The 360 version will look worse because they'll need to compress it beyond belief. PS3 has Blu-ray.

Sony FTW!

marinelife95839d ago

I honestly never even heard of this game. Is it even any good. There used to be a day if a game was made by Carmack you didn't even have to ask.

Will Doom 4 need three discs as well?

kai_h5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Giving the 360 a Blu-ray player wouldn't do anything except enable the playback of Blu-ray movies. In order to produce games on Blu-ray for 360 would be if either: Microsoft gave every 360 a Blu-ray player, release games on both DVD and Blu-ray, or alienate the 360s with DVD players.

So if you want to say that the 360 should get a Blu-ray player, then the way to say it is not that Microsoft should make a 360 with Blu-ray, but instead, that Microsoft should've made a 360 with Blu-ray.

sonarus5839d ago

lol hard feelings?...me...never :)

decapitator5839d ago

Blu-ray is not needed for gaming amrite ?

Seriousl though, Am sure Carmack knows what he is talking about after all.


Megatron085839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

If multi disc are so bad it mean that the ps1 was the worse system ever invented. God what a piece a crap that was you know how many games on that system used multi dics. Sony should of never made a ps2 or a ps3 after that. All thoe multi disc games just proved that sony had no idea how to make a game system.

@decapitator they put monkeys in space to so whats your point ?

Bangladesh5839d ago

MS had better be ponying up for that 3rd disc. I'm a fan of the 360, but if it hurts the game not having enough space. Then I'll add Rage to my small library of ps3 games.

Playstation Man5839d ago

Back then the technology wasn't available to do it all in one disc. Instead, devs either were stuck with less capable carts or discs of only 800mb. Even back then games were like 1000-2500 mbs like MGS or FFs. Quite frankly, they had no choice BUT to do it.

Here, Blu-Ray offers an alternative. DVD9 does not. XBOX screwed up and fixed costs of production are down by not having to pay royalties for multi-dics on PS3. They don't have to compress for Blu-Ray. XBOX fails hard here.

CrazzyMan5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

and ps3 only 1,5 year on the market.)

Soon or later This would happen..)

p.s. @Kigmal http://www.gametrailers.com... =)

jwatt5839d ago

youtube quality sucks but the game has lost and lots of textures in it.


Martini5839d ago

From quake con - Shane: "He says that from id's point of view, 360's hardware is superior to PS3's but that BluRay's capacity gives Sony's system an important edge, especially for large game worlds like Rage's."

Let's not forget that this fall 360 will be able to install the games onto the HDD so if MS loosens up the royalty per disc BS we might just get RAGE on 3-4 dvd's with the best console game performance on the superior hardware (360) - see quote.

All that MS needs to do is allow developers to use the HDD and as everyone knows this is coming in the fall update.

Kaneda5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Yup! 720.. xbox owners will paying twice as much money for next gen console. :) IF they decide to buy 720.. :)

Expy5839d ago

When Carmack says that it'll look worse if they have to compress it to 2 (TWO) DVDs -minimum- it will. He's a well enough respected developer and technology enthusiast that everyone who knows him wouldn't dare question his findings.

He admitted that at id software they prefer the 360 hardware because they find it more powerful, but he also admits that Blu-Ray is a big edge to the Playstation 3 platform for its obviously massive storage capacity.

He's saying it will look worse, it will, unless Microsoft does something about their storage issues... and their Core/Arcade bundles.

thePatriot5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

is a hardware problem, whats he talking about?
dvd is a problem
off to play eden

Winter47th5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Looks like they weren't pissing around when they said the PS3 was future proof.

Now all the jokes about TeE CELL iz R POAHFULL r lolz blooray BS aTtACK iz WEEk POinT foR iz MassIVe DaMAGe are coming around to bite ya'll in the ass lol

And what digital distribution? if the DVDs can't handle the game, don't expect everyone with an Xbox360 to have a blazing fast internet connection to download an +8.5GB game, DT won't cut it and it's not the answer for embracing a last-gen format.

Stop kidding your self, jump Blu already.

cahill5839d ago

a game on 3 DVD

Oh wait no i will have the ps3 version thanks

morganfell5839d ago

@kigmal...pathetic. You were interested enough to post a reply.


AceLuby5839d ago

Dude, do you realize how much space a SINGLE DVD9 would take up, not to mention 3 or 4. 30GB for a single game is over 1/4 of the usable space of a 120GB drive going for, what $180?

cmrbe5839d ago

I find it interesting that you forgot that millions of x360 don't have HD. Spin whatever way you want mate to make yourself feel better.

The Lazy One5839d ago


They'll probably end up paying id to put it on 3, because id has been an enormous supporter of the 360 over the PS3 in usability, and Rage is an amazingly beautiful and detailed game. I can't see M$ letting that go for the extra $1 max it would cost for an extra DVD.

Pika-pie5839d ago

PS3 version it is then =0)

xhi45839d ago

the great news of a good investment never ceases to satisfy me.

anyone want to buy my 360?

beoulve5839d ago

Martini, Let's not forget about those with Hard disk but let's just totally forget about those without hard disk.

godofthunder105839d ago

i love the picture of br but i will never buy a player untill it's the main movie formate because i hate to buy anything that's made in Japan if i can,i try and buy American when i can.They were already polled and they claimed that they hate to buy any forign products because they like to support their own country and economy and they especialy hate to buy from the U.S.

I have respect for them because i understand their point.Japan wouldn't be the richest country in the world and have the strongest economy in the world if they bought products from other countries instead of their own.The U.S was the richest country at one time and had a strong economy untill people started buying Japans product.

The most disgusting thing that i've ever read on these sites are so called Americans wishing that a company from Japan beats one from the U.S and cause it to close down.These so called Americans are wishing that million of Americans lose their jobs and every thing that they own and hurt the American economy because they want Japan to beat us,all i could say is that if they claim that they are proud of and love the U.S,i hate to see if they don't.Their isn't one Japanese person that will wish that an American company beat any company in Japan because they have pride and respect for their country unlike some Americans.

I read how some Americans claim that they Japan buy American products.They claim that they buy American products like coke,burger king,and macdonalds.They are right but they have to buy from them.Japan don't have a different coke,macdonald,and burger king company that was started in Japan so they have know choice but to buy them if they like these products but if they did they wouldn't sell worth a sh*t.

Japan allows about 33% or more imports from the U.S then they export to it and that's a fact.The U.S been talking to them about it and said that it needs to be more even.

I'm proud of my country just like the Japanese are and like them i want pull against my country to lose to another country at anything.i will also buy as much products as i can from my country to help my country economy out just like they do.If people don't belive that when they buy forign products from other countries they are helping that country get richer and help their economy out and hurts the U.S economy out more then it help them then they need to read up on it.

When people buy products from a forign company instead of the U.S all it does is make the forign country stronger and america weaker and lose all kind of jobs for American workers.Before the U.S started letting Japan sell all their products over here it was the richest country in the world.Because the U.S let them sell their products here it isn't the richest country in the world,as a matter of fact it's #3 behind Japan and China.The U.S also had a strong economy,every one had a job and they had American companies opened up all over the world.When people stsrted buying products from Japan instead of the U.S it caused most of the companies to close down and millions of people lose their job and that's a fact.

They have other U.S companies in trouble now.They have chevrolet and ford that in troble now,as a matter of fact chevrolet was talking about going bankrupt because of slow sales.if this happens then The only choice we will have is to buy a forign car and on top of that they will have millions of more people lose their jobs because Americans refuse to buy American products to help they U.S out and that's a shame.Japan buy products from Japan because they understand what will happen if they don't and i respect them for that.

spandexxking5838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )

i think i just dropped a few IQ reading godofthunder's wall of text.

Idonthatejustcreate5838d ago

HOW THE HELL are they gonna fit FFXIII on 2 discs on the xbox360???? It will more likely take around 4 discs for it plus compression to the fullest if not more.

Something is not right with FFXIII coming to the 360...

SL1M DADDY5838d ago

2 discs? FFXIII? Even Lost Odyssey had 4 discs and that was with the UE3 engine powering the game. Yeah it looked nice but it was not what I have seen in the FFXIII trailers. My guess is that they are going to dumb down the game to fit on 4 discs or they are going to ship with a minimum of 6 discs. The DVD format is starting to become a dillema and we're only three years into the 360's life cycle.

supahbad5838d ago

hahahahaha, it's guys like you the reason Al quaeda hates us, man i skimmed through that wall, and it had nothing to do with anything.

hey i was just wondering if you are a card carrying member of the border patrol. hahaha

JsonHenry5838d ago

Well, I for one am thankful MS did not put HD-DVD in their 360 and make me pay an extra $100-150 at launch since it is a dead format. If it looks a little better on the PS3 then yay! for me. I own a PS3!

jlemdon5838d ago

well they now have the option to install and it's still a problem?

c'mon Carmack you really want that 3rd disc, I guess the game is too big.

Shroomy5838d ago

That sucks!

Oh well, I bought a new laptop for gaming at just the right time! :D

Armyless5838d ago

You're going to install 18+GB of game data to a Hard Drive and you think you've solved the problem?

Real Gambler5838d ago

It's been said already!

Yes they can install now (they had no choice to announce it at E3, otherwise they would not have got FF)

But please, explain how they will install 3 9gig dvds on an Arcade xbox (NO DRIVE). Even your Core 20 gig harddrive will become pretty thight soon no?. And for now the only choice is paying $200 for a bigger harddrive that should cost $60. (For $200 it should be 500gig minimum)

thebudgetgamer5838d ago

we been on the short end of the stick in most cases now that the shoe is on the other foot you xbox owners know what weve been dealing with but stuff like this happens and to say it will not look as good doesnt mean it will be trash its not valve your dealing with

shelbygt335838d ago

Do you all feel validated? Your e-pride go up a notch? Yes? good, now go back to playing games.

rroded5838d ago

This wouldnt b such an issue as a matter of fact if they had won the format war Sony would b the one hurting now...
Gotta admire Sony for the b/r win and a standard hd in every box.
Still cant understand what ms was thinking with a overpriced hddvd add on and no hd standard.

Marojado5838d ago

PS3 owner, fan of overall gaming and all consoles. And to be honest i reckon the differences will be minute. Just like every other multi platform game that fanboys like to dissect. It works both ways, but at the end of the day, the graphics engine looks pretty sweet so i dont think anyone needs to worry.

et6175838d ago

Your a fanboy if you say your not interested in Rage at all, it's beginning to gain hype and it does look awesome. Your pathetic in total if you never heard of id Software, especially if your a hardcore FPS gamer. Doom created a lot of trends for the FPS genre...

mfwahwah5838d ago

"While allowing the game to be installed on the Xbox 360's harddrive may help, it actually wouldn't solve that problem, Hollenshead added."

Too bad installs won't help y'all out here.

Ateanboy5838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )




But-- Huh-- Wha??? How is this possible? I thought "DVD9" was enough.

What a bunch of douche bags.

Sony Field Day FTW!!!!!!! Whoot!

There's nothing better than living long enough to see a company like Microsoft having to eat their own words....
And also the thousands of 360 fanboys that actually BELIEVE and DEFEND their every word...

Now what?

DVD9 enough? WRONG! Now pay for their damn 3rd disc!

I have limited computer hardware education, and even IIIIIIIII knew that Blu-Ray was the way to go and that Sony made the right investment.

And these GENIUSES at Microsoft Corporate managed to come upon the conclusion that DVD9 was more efficient than Blu-Ray!?!?!?!?!?


Sony Field Day FTW!!!!


I sh*t- on u.

We sh*t- on u.

Sony sh*ts- on u.

Microsoft sh*ts- on u.

Ur being sh*ted on from all directions. Nowhere to hide. Nowhere to take cover. Just let it rain. Let the sh*t fall.

Learn from your mistake. Yes. Knowledge is key.
Learn from your MS's mistakes, 360 fanboy.
And come over to our side.
We have future-proof, better reliable hardware.

And we love you.

But until u change ur wicked ways and join us...the sh*t shall fall.
And fall it shall!
On this day!

Sony Field Day FTW!!!

Mr BlueScreen5838d ago

Do I know you?
You sound like a friend of mine.
Anyways, I'm going to put this in the nicest way possible. godofthunder... Your stupid.
1. your way off topic
2. your racist
3. you have no idea what your talking about!

This guy is why Americans are seen as arrogant morons who don't go to school.

+ Show (53) more repliesLast reply 5838d ago
Ogrekiller5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

blah blah blah

pwnsause5839d ago

"yea yea
blah blah blah"

deny it all you want but its been stated over and over and over again. Blu-ray is needed. it doesnt surprise me that a dev such as Carmack is stating this.

Ogrekiller5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

admittedly there's not much I can do to spin this. Better to take the lumps now than later.

RonDeMuerte5839d ago

you keep supporting outdated hardware and technology while software continues to progress and expand........This just confirms what we've known all along......X-bots are stupid...and they hate change!! haha :)

JasonPC360PS3Wii5839d ago

Yo mean like a slow Blu-Ray dive that forces you to install games, or how about that GPU and RAM problem?


silverchode5839d ago

the true outdated hardware is the one without built in wifi and has the need for multiple disks and comes with wired controllers :)

juuken5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Jason, shut the hell up.

Didn't you get the memo?


And installs are not slow moron. My installs take a few minutes and it'll only run slow because of a slow connection.


And look, you're spinning even more crap!

Just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning, just keep spinning...SPIN, SPIN, SPIN.

Homicide5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is freaking hilarious. Where are all the other bots? I rather have an install than having a game that looks worse.

The PS3 has a built in wifi, hd movie player and has HDD standard. For the 360, you need to purchase an add on for wifi, hd dvd (dead already), and arcade owners need to waste money on an overpriced HDD.

pwnsause5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

"Outdated hardware,
Yo mean like a slow Blu-Ray dive that forces you to install games, or how about that GPU and RAM problem?"

Do you see the PC streaming Games via DVD drive smallbrain? no it installs to the HDD in combination with running with the Disc drive. sorry to burst your bubble, look at the bright side at least you tried hard to get the fanboy of the week award lol.

BTW funny that you say a GPU and RAM problem, because that is the number one reason why you wont get games such as MGS4 or Killzone 2 or better yet, Heavy Rain, because the PS3 has a "Defect" as you say LMAO. you're so full of fail, go be fat somewhere else.

zo6_lover275839d ago

Bluray is faster than DVD, I have a link

And you obviously don't know anything about the ps3's ram, the GPU has 512mb of ram, so does the CPU and Cell can function as a CPU and GPU.
Its semi complicated so I won't explain

pwnsause5839d ago

Do some research about XDR ram before you go out and talk sh*t http://www.rambus.com/us/pr... thats what I did before I brought myself a PS3.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

360 = lack of storage, over heating in "older models" have been fixed

PS3 = lack of RAM, old GPU, slow Blu Drive, installs, and a CPU no one but Sony understands

Droids = doing what ever they can to deny the obvious RAM problem with the PS3<--- that sh!t is priceless

pwnsause5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Keep the spin going, you know everyone here knows your dumb sack of S**t. looks like a dumb bot is in denial here folks.

ROFL: you are an uneducated brat. you didnt even went to read about XDR memory, you're such a failure.

Playstation Man5839d ago

Um, RRoD'd 360s at E3 say no it hasn't been. The Hardware is still faulty crap.

meepmoopmeep5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Due to the pandemic that swept the world a few years ago, we caring people at XAMP have hired some of the world's top scientists and doctors to help cure the ravaging disease known as FootinMouth Disease, which for peculiar reasons only targets certain individuals we'll call "X's" for confidentiality.

With help and proper medication, we are confident that we can cure these poor souls.

It's FREE to enroll but for a cheap price of only $50/year we will include voice chat, online play and other features that should be free in the first place.


"I didn't know what was happening until it was too late. It worried my family and friends. I didn't know I suffered from FootinMouth Disease until i stumbled upon a XAMP advertisement on the Blade system of the Xbox 360. I have since taken part in their program and with the proper medication and support from XAMP, I am now a better person."

- John Carmack

A message brought to you by XAMP®
The Xbot Anger Management Program
"We piss you off because we care"™

zo6_lover275839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

You have NO idea how the ps3 ram works, and there is no problem, 512mb available for the GPU just like the 360, and a GPU that is just as(if not more) powerful than the 360's, and the CPU can double as a GPU.

Like pwnsause said
Learn about XDR, what ps3 uses, its a LOT better than the GDDR3 the 360 uses

NegativeCreep4275839d ago

I think all these Xbots own someone (Blu-Ray) an apology...

morganfell5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

ogrekiller, just so you know if you need someone to support you I am not that person. Hahahaha die DVD9 die!

And dumb jason, how is a gpu outdated when the best looking console game is a PS3 title. (Hans and Franz voice here) "Sorry little girly man but your puny console doesn't even have the strength a PS3 possesses in one finger, Ya! Unt guess which finger little shrunken console man!"

BTW Jason I like how you changed your avatar to a depiction of a 360 after it has been running for an hour.

Solid_Snake6665839d ago

jason360 forgot a little thing called RROD!!!!

The Mikester5839d ago

you're just jealous b/c you know the PS3 is better.
Admit it
Admit it
Admit it
Admit it
The PS3 can handle more and can make the graphics on games look amazing.
Admit it

morganfell5839d ago

Jason, you are a joke. Ram an issue? GPU? Hmmmm lets look at the biggest selling game this year. Multiplatform I believe. And every major site said better looking on the PS3. Denial pal. Nothing but denial.


beoulve5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

OMG OMG, someone just bought a $299 console that cant play blu-ray movies and games, has to constantly remind himself that paying extra for something equally good is actually better, periodically sending his console back to shop to repair, convinces himself that download a 5GB heavy compression HD movie is actually better than 50GB Blu-ray, make himself think that HALO 3 and Gear of War will be the only game he will ever play therefore Competitors do not any games since he can only recognize two games.

CrazedFiend5839d ago

Jason 360's got me all dizzy up in here!
I'm feelin a bit woozy (>_<;)

Can we just pause this ride for a second??

FAQS5838d ago

Q:Why these xbots continue to made up excuses whith Blu-ray and RAM, don't have a minimal idea what they are talking about and denying about the REAL TRUTH that Xbox 360 is outdated, and that PS3 is the FUTURE?
A: Well, unless the excuses they made up are hilarious, how pathetic they are!...Poor guys, I must admit I never laugh so much whith them!

power of Green 5838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )

Lets hope MSFT *the software king* helps the devs make an equal game(cheap bastards) lol.

It would be silly to let PS3's inferior hardware beat MSFT because of storage, or expensive storage in this case.

They do think the 360's hardware is superior, Sony faces an huge issue too as not all games will be this size.

Dude never said it looks worse, he said it will look worse if MSFT doesn't make an "concession" (a price discount for a certain category of person.). *If* Id ends up using two discs the game will supposedly be inferior.

morganfell5838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )

Ha ha pog you maroon. The game is built on tech from Carmack. Even he said the PS3 was more powerful. He remarked it was harder to use but that remark was made when the PS3 first came out. Those days are gone.

Face the bitter truth Captain Dunzel. Your day came and went. It is done and over. How does it feel to get beat by inferior hardware? After all the best looking console game ever is a PS3 game. Not even a smidgen of a debate there. Hell the biggest selling game this year, one that had 50 million dollars of worthless MS cash behind it looked better on the PS3.

360 drum beaters like you and jason are technological and mental dinosaurs. You are the proverbial stegosaurus. Big, dumb, and too oblivious to realize your day is over. It must suck to have a T Rex eating your ass while you get flattened by an asteroid.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5838d ago

;-D ;-D ;-D ;-D
;-D ;-D ;-D ;-D
;-D ;-D ;-D ;-D
;-D ;-D ;-D ;-D
;-D ;-D ;-D ;-D
Everything Looks Worse on the xBox 360!!! ;-D
It's just the internet LIES that say the PS3 is not better than the x[PC]Box 360!!! :-/
Nice try xBot Lemmings and the KING RATS!!! YOU FAIL HARD!!! ;-D

AngryTypingGuy5838d ago

Some say the 360 is a last gen system because it's discs don't have the storage capacity of BluRay. Yeah it doesn't have as much storage capacity on DVD9 discs, but they are enough for 99% of the games out there.

If the 360 is so last gen, then why does it handle most games better than the PS3?! Look at the new S.C. IV. Anyone notice the lack of anti-aliasing on the PS3 version?

Juuken, why does the 360 have better frame rates and graphics on most games. Keep spinning that one, spin, spin, spin...

zapass5838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )


suck it up xbaboons: your POS console is even trashed by the most die hard PC devs.

"but but but..." STFU and swallow!


Tmac5838d ago

Lol Angrytypingguy, you're a total friggin retard, SC4 looks the exact same on both consoles there's no way in hell you can even spin that, and for Jason 360, your like 10 years old, I'm not even gonna bother bringin' it up.

Pain5838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )

Spin AwaY XBOTS!!!!! and do it to this please.


XBOX DEFENSE FORCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

na2ru15838d ago

Bubble for you.

And Jason360. I pity your insecure behavior. Install, GPU, Ram, most if not all exclusives looking visually better than competition.

Yeh of course graphics aren't important, not until you start comparing Geow with Resistance2

prunchess5838d ago

A lot of games developers have used the 360 as the lead unit to develop with. If the max. cap. for DVD9 is about 7.5 gigs any multi platform games are going to be limited by this. Which means that there will be less content on a Blu-Ray game disk.

How many of you out there thought that GTA4 was much shorter than San Andreas? I felt that it was a lot shorter and have wondered how much was omitted due to it's multi platform release. And as for the "Exclusive Down loadable Content" the 360 was getting, was this because Rockstar couldn't fit anymore onto the DVD9 disks? Did the PS3 get a cut down version due to the 360? Was this a MS 50 million hush job?

Another knock on effect of this is, due to the storage limitations of the 360 DVD9 are PS3 owners having to pay for DLC that could easily fit on a Blu-Ray Disk?

IzKyD13315838d ago

im scared the same thing might happen to FF 13

prunchess5838d ago

I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy series also. I really feel that the game will be limited by Square to ensure they maximise their profits on the 360. If this happens to FF13 we will see the online stores flooded with costly DLC that probably would have fit on the Blu-ray disk.

I could be wrong but could the additional content that the PS3 is getting with Bioshock have been included on the 360 DVD9 disk?

Light Yagami5838d ago

You 360 fanboys are a bunch of retards. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You just got owned.

morganfell5838d ago

No not all games will be this size, just an ever increasing number. Here is another wake up call. The Doom III engine was a kick ass piece of programming. Go back and look at it and then look at Unreal III. You will see the engine was actually pretty sweet. What hurt the engine was that Id did not develop the tools to license the engine. And anyone that has done development work knows that a great engine with no tools equals no engine.

IdTech5 is different in that they are building a suite and specifically looking at the U3 market and licensing.

As the engines are capable of rendering ever more complex worlds, as game features continue to expand - what you can do in the game escalates, as textures increase in size, as complexity grows period, games will continue to increase in size and required disc space.

You may be happy running around in a super linear game with small maps and actually few features when you think of it (some extra animations are not real features) but I and numerous gamers pushing the edge are not so cheaply satisfied.

First people said DVD9 wasn't a limitation. Now they are saying it is a limitation just not very often. How long are they going to keep serving that kool aid. What's next? More backward compatible xbox games to nurse your wounds?

And acting like DVD9 is just becoming an issue is living, er actually dying in denial:


pixelsword5799d ago (Edited 5799d ago )

...but really, it only took time before the truth came out. Sony looked down the road at last gen, and if last gen titles could go multi-disc, then it was obvious we would need more space this gen.

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 5799d ago
Wildarmsjecht5839d ago

Oh boy...a developer saying such a thing? There will be alot of flaming and anger from one camp, and alot of champagne popping from the other. I'm gonna go play some more Eden.

Viktor E5839d ago

Cause this is just sad,I mean,2 Dvds and the game is gonna be the worst out of the 3?


kingOVsticks5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

but we all knew that this day will come when developers just need more space,plan and simple.Microsoft have no one else to blame but themselves,this if anything is the biggest kink in the 360's armor.Well what a surprise fanboys SONY ACTUALLY KNOWS WTF THEIR DOING!!!

RememberThe3575839d ago

Sounds to me like hes trying to get MS to pony up on that third disk :)

jmalc5839d ago

And Carmack said Doom 4 will require "30% more horsepower".

I think all of us here can agree on what that means between the consoles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5839d ago
sushipoop5839d ago


TheXgamerLive5838d ago

First off, no programmer/developer say's "will look worse than another console", that's insinuating that all versions are going to look bad, so this is a fony sony wannabe fan girl's made up comments to make it seem like the Xbox 360 version won't look as good as the others, well as usual it will look better and we'll all see when live demo's are introduced again as usual.

Fony sony wannabe fan girls, it's time you gave up posting fake interviews or making up your own interpretation of what someone's comments really meant to mean.

Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake, in a couple day's an edited of the true post/article will come out, again as usual. This is getting so old wannabe's.

Viktor E5839d ago

TWO Dvds,and it STILL looks worse?

There's no way to spin it;Blu Ray is necessary for Hi Definition Content.

Atomic5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

not that surprising when you use a last century technology.

edit : why the disagrees ? the first DVD went into production in 1997. and that was in the last century.

deeznuts5839d ago

Last millenium dude. I mean, that's once in a thousand years! That's like, neanderthal man!

Cro-magnon man was seen using it ;)

Megatron085839d ago

There is also no way to spin the fact that he said the 360 is way more powerful then the ps3 and that the only place 360 is lacking is in storage. While you can use multi disc for storage there is no way to over come the ps3 lack of power

cahill5839d ago

Carmack clearly said that ps3 is way more powerful than x360 but harder to program

ps3 is more powerful . no denying there --Killzone 2, MAG, Resistance 2, uncharted

do i go on?

as for Cell it is immensely more powerful than xenon

The Lazy One5839d ago

find carmacks quote saying the PS3 is more powerful. I've heard him say the opposite quite a few times.

And the cell doesn't do anything on it's own but sit there. You have to look at the whole system not just the CPU.

GIJeff5839d ago

grew up a PC/Windows programmer. He hates anything that isnt PC-like. Thats why he thinks the ps3 is worse than the 360, because with his "skills", he cant utilize the PS3, he is too old school....like the 360...or xbox 1.5. He is an old dog in the gaming industry, and doesnt like to learn new tricks. A lot of the older "legends" are like that. That's also why they're games are beginning to suck. Quake4 was a joke at best. He needs to retire.

RememberThe3575839d ago

Thats last decade not century.

The Lazy One5839d ago

You have no idea wtf you're talking about.

John Carmack does prefer the PC and 360 to PS3, partly because of his background, but also because he is completely changing the way an engine uses the components.

He is a great innovator. Look at idtech 5 tech demos and the way it uses textures. That is completely amazing. He's even supposed to be working on a way to do similar things with polygons. He could very well increase the visible performance of video games by at least 3 times. He's one of the only people who's looking at ways to use the processor differently instead of using a different processor.

go find a corner and think about what you've said.

deeznuts5839d ago

The Lazy One, I guess you call yourself that cuz you're too lazy to look it up!


Listen to that. It's Carmack COMMENTING on PS3 vs 360. Listen to it and weep. This video isn't Moses coming down the mountain with a tablet. He says, PS3 offers more peak performance, 360 easier for developers.

kevin11225838d ago

sorry to tell you megatron, he did say if you program for the ps3 right it is marginally more powerful than the 360. But the 360 is easier to program for and microsoft offers better tools so he likes the 360 more.

Armyless5838d ago

"The truth is the PS3 has more peak performance on there and that's what Sony was looking for on there with the choices that they made and the Cell architecture in particular and to a lesser degree some of the video chip decisions on there, it gives it more theoretical power."

BlackTar5838d ago

Your a fool. So what who cares whats more powerful gameplay make games not graphics but I have to laugh at you so BLINDING PUTTING FAITH IN SOMETHING LIKE THIS. I love all systems get over it.

The Lazy One5838d ago

and in theory, a honda civic can be more powerful than a ford mustang.

On PS3, he's said the cell is powerful, the GPU is less powerful, and the RAM is crippling. (go to IGN, find the rage idtech5 tech demo and watch it). The PS3 version pre-compression hassle was going to be the worst of the three because of it. The artists actually had to create two versions of most levels because the PC/360 versions had higher performance.

Armyless5837d ago

You can't just make up facts to buttress your argument. In theory, a Ford Mustang is more powerful than a Honda Civic. You had it backwards, and you only proved Carmack's point for me.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5837d ago
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