
DiscStorm Available Now for PC

Available today on Steam, this fast and furious arena-based combat game from XMPT Games and Mastertronic is the world's deadliest game of frisbee.

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GrapesOfRaf3323d ago

This actually reminds me of Towerfall for some reason, but bigger and better.

MercilessDMercer3323d ago

This is like the Disc battles in Tron... But on 8-bit steroids!!


The Best Indie Games on PC

From GameWatcher: "For all the tremendous, big-budget and eye-searingly satisfying triple A fare available for the PC, it can sometimes be easy to forget the gargantuan amount of stellar independently developed efforts for the platform. From Minecraft to Her Story and everything in-between, the indie scene on PC is a veritable embarrassment of riches.

The problem however, is that the sheer amount of indie titles available for the PC means that for every darling that gets celebrated such as Gone Home or Nuclear Throne, real diamonds in the rough such as DiscStorm and Extreme Exorcism tend to fall in-between the cracks and go largely unnoticed as a result."

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The Best Local Multiplayer Games on PC

From GameWatcher: "As much as the PC can lay claim to some of the biggest AAA blockbusters and sprawling single-player experiences available, it can often be nice to just take a step back from all that epic palaver and get stuck into a quick session of multiplayer goodness with your mates.

Perhaps more than it has ever been, the PC is now a properly viable home for local multiplayer shenanigans, allowing you to get together with a group of mates, get the beers flowing (if you drink) and generally have a splendid old time. Largely propped up by an incredible independent development scene that recalls those fond memories of local multiplayer gaming from yesteryear, we can happily report that there is no shortage of these games available."

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The Science of Making a Bad-Ass Indie Brawler: An Interview with XMPT Games

Harry Bowers writes: "What can you do when you find yourself with a powerful compulsion to murder your best friends? This was the conundrum that consumed the minds of Ed Moffatt, Richard Pilot, Brad Roeger and Luke Staddon about two years ago from today. Their solution (whilst ingeniously serving to keep them out of prison) was to make a video game. Flying under the banner of XMPT Games, these four intrepid folk set out to make an arena brawler that would satiate their homicidal tendencies, whilst at the same time deciding just who the true alpha male of the pack is. Turns out it’s Brad."

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