
PS4/PS3/PS Vita Exclusive Attack on Titan Gets First Screenshots and Art, Looks a Lot Like the Anime

Today the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu had an article showcasing the first screenshots and artwork of Attack on Titan, in development at Omega Force for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.

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ZaWarudo3225d ago

Wouldn't it be better if you just put "PlayStation exclusive"?

Dir_en_grey3225d ago

I want a Morpheus Attack on Titan game that uses two PS Moves. It'd be just like the anime =)

Nicaragua3224d ago

How would you control your direction?

Dir_en_grey3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Look at where you want to shoot your 3d maneuver gear cable to aim, press trigger to shoot and sling yourself towards that target, you can look where ever else you want while you fly and keep slinging yourself.

If you are grounded, just look at the ground or non sling-able surface and hold trigger to start running, you can then turn by aiming the move while looking else where to shoot your cable with the other trigger.

There are many ways to turn for running on the ground like old PS Move games and now there's the Headset sight aim. Many things could be done to fit how the game is designed, but you'd want to be in the air mainly to cover ground just like in the anime anyway.

Seems like an amazing combination to me, now you have 3 ways to point and aim (given that if cross hair off screen can be calculated and aimed), sadly I got so many disagrees but come on people have some imagination.

smashman983224d ago

I'm Not saying your Idea is bad I just know realistically that vr and motion tech is still in this really weird phase where it feels gimmicky. Gamers love immersion and if this tech was as good as the matrix or even sword arts depictions you bet your ass I would line up for that, But as it is right now I honestly would just settle for a good aot game

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3224d ago
TheRedButterfly3224d ago

If they said it like that, then they couldn't add the game to the list of "PS4 exclusives" that everyone is always copy/pasting.

C L O U D3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

Seen the Live Action the other day...the best thing was Kiko Mizuhara

NovusTerminus3225d ago

In the same way The Last Airbender was...

C L O U D3225d ago

Its okay...more of a setup for the sequel...they took a different approach but its still the same story overall

spicelicka3225d ago

^oh godd don't mention the last airbender


Interesting, I'll probably watch it at home with friends then.

Chaosdreams3225d ago

Fantastic manga, great anime, and now with the live action movies and this video game...I'm just getting burned out. I know the story like the back of my hand, so I won't be picking this up unless it offers something unique that's not story focused.

Spotie3225d ago

Well, there's a lot of backstory to be told. It could cover the events of Before the Fall, for example.

Chaosdreams3225d ago

True enough, though for whatever reason I find the quality of that storytelling to be "meh" in comparison. I'll have to get back into it.

kratoz12093224d ago

They could even tell the story of the Boy that was born inside the Titan ;)

spicelicka3225d ago

I can't believe they can make all that shit but can't fuckin make SEASON 2! I'm gonna have to read the manga.

Chaosdreams3225d ago

Anime wise? They confirmed the second season for a start date in 2016. The manga is phenomenal, but the direction of the story takes a change. So in the anime you can expect the first half of season 2 to be action packed Human versus Titan, but the second half is more dialogue heavy with political standings within the wall.

Though the manga is now getting back to the human vs Titan thing, so it's all good.

NovusTerminus3225d ago

Season 2 of the anime was placed on hold to make sure the manga could get far enough ahead and they didn't have to use any filler.

rdgneoz33225d ago

Yah, unlike other animes where they just throw in filler after filler, they decided to wait a bit for the mangaka to have actual content for them to work with. The wait is brutal, but it's a lot better than having episodes like Naruto farting on an insect they were going to use to track Sasuke...

spicelicka3225d ago

Yea I meant anime, well that's good to hear, I've been waiting over 2 goddamn years

kaizokuspy3224d ago

Hey at least it's not hl3

ninjahunter3225d ago

Looks much better than the 3ds game.

KillerResistance3225d ago

well the 3DS, like every gaming device, has it's limitations, but the game itself for 3DS was just really bad

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3225d ago

the 3DS game was by Spike Chunsoft and it was low budget game.

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H9887d ago

Uhhhhh who is responsible for this, coming from a longtime Attack on Titan fan

CrimsonWing69887d ago

I love the part in Attack on Titan when Levi uses an SMG, Assault rifle, and more to take out titans.

Levii_92887d ago

Oh man .. why didn’t they just use the original manga/anime character designs and made it into 3d. That would have been much better.

CrimsonWing69887d ago

Yea and I’m fairly certain Levi isn’t Asian.

Deathdeliverer887d ago

Looks sick to me. Makes sense they don’t have him running around with a 2D face. They had to bring him to a realistic look. It’s also anime. Despite the many looks of the characters the ONLY ones that are white people are the ones with blonde hair and blue eyes (that specific combo) 95% of the time. Any other hair and eye combination and it’s Japanese person.


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