
Eurogamer Review: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2

Dan Whitehead reports:

''The success of Geometry Wars has been something of a happy accident. Originally a fun little extra tucked away inside Project Gotham Racing 2, it was the perfect bite-sized burst of fun to showcase Xbox Live Arcade when 360 hit the shelves. After it was reworked as a standalone release, the mixture of dazzling visuals and moreish gameplay swiftly established it as the standard bearer for downloadable console gaming.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that most people will know what Geometry Wars entails, but for the sake of the unfortunate few here's the nutshell version. You are a little crab-shaped spaceship in an oblong black playfield. Enemies, represented by coloured geometric shapes, spawn and exhibit different behaviour depending on their form. You must blast them all, and you do this by moving with the left stick, and guiding your fire with the right.''

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LossTheEarthbreaker5807d ago

All the new modes are welcome additions, too.

Nevers5807d ago

and aren't too disapointed.. it doesn't have online co-op... think they've said there's just too much on the screen for people to survive if there's the minutest bit of lag... and after playing I can see why.


6 more titles drop in with Xbox One Backwards Compatibility – Are they worth the return?

Carlos "April proved to be a fantastic month for backwards compatible arrivals, with some of the most requested Xbox 360 games finally being made playable on Xbox One, all through the power of emulation. A new month means more titles and this week sees the first of May's BC titles bringing a double whammy for one popular series amongst the masses this week. Are they worth taking a look at?"

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neil3632606d ago

Ah how I love Geo Wars. This reminds me to go play it!

Notellin2606d ago

Loved these games! It's nice having these just added to my Xbox one library over time. Always have something to do even during game launch droughts.

4Sh0w2606d ago (Edited 2606d ago )

Daayum, they are killing it with X1 BC support. Now just show me some nice exclusives at E3 and I'll have no complaints.


I,bought some side scrolling Ninja game back in the day on XBL on 360 but I can't remember the name of it. It was fun as Hell! It was cell shaded and pretty violent. I wish they would bring that to BC. Anyone remember the name of that game?

Auron2606d ago

Was it N+ or mark of the ninja?

DaFeelz2606d ago

Two good guesses. I'm leaning towards Mark of the Ninja. N+ was only a single room you had to solve and MotN was a true side scroller. Both were violent as shit though.

DaFeelz2606d ago

*sigh* Dragons Dogma... where for art thou?


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