
Xbox 360 vs. PS3 Face-Off: Round 13

Our groins suitably girded, we return once more to the great cross-platform console development debate with the latest in our ongoing face-off comparison coverage. As if you didn't know by now, the aim here is to supplement existing Eurogamer reviews with console-specific commentary, backed up with a range of 'assets' losslessly extracted from the hardware during our testing.

This is achieved with the now ubiquitous Digital Foundry TrueHD capture kit, the only equipment in the world capable of ruthlessly plundering the HDMI ports of the respective consoles at full 24-bit RGB precision. Literally every single piece of digital information pumped out by the hardware is ours - ours I tell you - and from there we can supply ultimate quality screenshots and comparison videos.

Round 13 includes:

Unreal Tournament 3
Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy
Top Spin 3
Iron Man
Battlefield: Bad Company

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Its sick I only looked at Unreal Tournement 3 and Battlfield: Bad Company and the 360 versions is superior maybe they should release the PS3 version later becuse 360 have won every battle so far but PS3 has KZ2 so dont get to sad.

shazam5804d ago

How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when your name is Liar?

Krazy Ken Kutaragi5804d ago

Look at his avatar, Liar/Lair is the same thing. It was meant to be the best game of 2007 and ended up the worst.

gw4k5804d ago

You buy a PS3 for the Sony games, Blu-Ray and the small amount of exclusives.

The buy the 360 for better games, what seems to be more exclusives and better functionality.

Anyone that has both systems will tell you, the 360 versions of multiplat games are better.

Not to mention, MS will buy their gamers the games they want! To me, a gamer, that means a lot!

That is all there is to it.

Will this change in the future? Maybe....Who knows. I hope so!

Drekken5804d ago

Burnout was better? DMC was better? COD was better? I am confused where people get their logic from.

Gamer side/open side this site has the same smell on both sides.

Gam715804d ago

Yes drekken,

All those was better?

Whats your point?

TheMART5804d ago

@ Drekken

Yes COD4 is better on the 360, just check the close texture comparisons. PS3 = blurry

Burnout Paradise was made on the PS3 first and then to the 360. And still the 360 was on par with the PS3 version.

It is like this

360 first --> PS3 then PS3 version sucks
PS3 first --> 360 then the versions are on par

You try to mention some but failed... And 99% of all multiplatform games run better on the 360. That's just a fact and won't change.

mabreu5804d ago

Is it true that the PS3 has a much higher software review average compared to the 360 and wii?

Bangladesh5804d ago

No. The 360 has more quality games than the PS3 and Wii combined. The 360 also has more games with scores between 7-10, as there are total games in the ps3's entire game library. You can check these links if you want.


PS3 & Wii

supahbad5804d ago

cod4 is beter on the ps3 due to dedicated servers, blurry textures vs. p2p connections..hmm?

compare the good games, done by dedicated devs and you have even games. not iron man please

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5804d ago
Overr8ed5804d ago

We are too busy enjoying our games =).

Jack T5804d ago

No idea where they are, it's not as if they have time to play games with all those mandatory installs.

juuken, "piss off" in advance of your inevitable trolling.

solidjun55804d ago

you must be getting a hard-on with every so-called "bad" Sony news that gets approved. Right now, at this moment, you're putting your chest across the computer monitor screaming "OH BILLLYYYYYY!!!!!"

@Jack T
Trolling?...well talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Is this like your 4th account.

Ali_The_Brit5804d ago

where where all the xbots when MGS4 was getting 55+ 10/10s again and again

where are they when news like burnout on 360 is still waiting for an update wev had a month, works both ways pal.

Jack The Lad5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

it doesnt say xbox360 news on top of this page u r.e.t.a.r.d.s
*Xbox 360 vs. PS3 Face-Off: Round 13* means its 4 both console owners to read u n.0.0.b.s
n00b -- [wotever he is called this week]

eurogamer.net=MS n00blickers

Kratos Spartan5804d ago

All the Sony goons are on here laughing at you xboys trying to find something to prove your console is superior

InMyOpinion5804d ago

"All the Sony goons are on here laughing at you xboys trying to find something to prove your console is superior"

Well if the games don't prove it I'm not sure what does...

juuken5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

Hey, Gaystation...go back to f*cking your 360 and leave the rest of us alone.

Stupid f*cking troll.

Wow...and another troll account? Jack T? Man, you bots are so desperate to prove the 360 is the best that you have to resort to using troll accounts.

How sad your lives must be.

Hey, Gaymer 71, I'm not a troll. I've been on this account ever since I got it. I don't need to make twenty different accounts to make my opinions known.

Now go f*ck your 360 dear. You've been doing a fine job so far. :D

Gam715804d ago

Seeing a bit of yourself in there juuken?

Kratos Spartan5804d ago

Hey the games don't prove it. I don't know what does either.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5804d ago
xg-ei8ht5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

Eurogamer, you fail hard.

Unreal3 uses the exact same texture assets on both systems,(i know people who work with the devs)

As you state the versions of bad company, have the same texture details, but what your messed up eyes can't tell is that, the 360 is darker all the time, making it appear to have more detail(idiots)with different colours.

I know Eurogamer, is actually run by a silent ms corp, i'll say no more.


shazam5804d ago

that pretty much all multiplat games except for a few ea sports titles use the same textures on both consoles. It simply saves time and money because you dont have to make different textures and shaders for both versions.

5804d ago
Martini5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

Until you invest in the hi-tech equipment that they are using and make a worthy comparisons of your own it's you who fails.

XBOX 360 - 13
PS3 - 0

cliffbo5804d ago

these chickens will squawk all the way to the slaughterhouse... enjoy it, because come Xmas you'll be on Sony's plate


I knew that the PS3 would take a year,maybe 18 months to get into its stride so developers knew how to utilise the hardware effectively.

Thus i knew that the multi plat titles up until this point my be slightly superior on the 360.

Why is it that after a decent 'bedding in period' the multi plat titles are more often than not still coming out better on the 360.

When is the CELL going to shine on these multi plats.

Is it bad/lazy developers (every developer in the world it seems) or is the PS3 really not as powerful as hyped?

callahan095804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

OK, I just watched that video, and I really and truly don't see where the 360 version is better? It looks the same to me. If there's a difference it's so miniscule that who the hell really gives a damn which version looks better? It's just stupid semantics. And remember, the game's been out for more than half a year on the PS3, but it's just come out for the 360.

Edit: All uses of the word "it" in this post are in reference to Unreal Tournament III.

cyclindk5804d ago

It's simple, ps3 multies were worse than 360, now they are about even, then they will surpass...time will tell.

Gam715804d ago

Yes it will.

And if devs keep getting more out of the 360 then time will definitely tell.

It's foolish to think that devs are only getting more out of the ps3 yet are stagnant on the 360

Ju5804d ago

I doubt that multi titles will ever be better on the PS3 (I don't see a big deal of difference here, either left or right, but it evens out eventually). It would require significantly coding towards the CELL to run better on the PS3 and I would guess, a generic engine has some common parts you can "adjust" here or there, but you'd need to write much more then that to really take advantage of the CELL. I have no idea how vertex reduction would work transparently, or "deferred" rendering - if its not build into the back end (OpenGL), e.g.
Crowd dynamics is another thing where the CELL could shine, but yet needs complete different code then on a regular CPU. But who knows, maybe the coming exclusives will put so much pressure onto the third party studios, and they'll put some more effort into their PS3 engines.

OmegaKulu5804d ago

It's simple, when you make a multi-plat game, none of the codes transfer all that well between the two(with very few exceptions) so normally one side will be pushed aside, ps3 just not as high of a priority due to the # of them out there.

supahbad5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

why would a multiplat game use cell? WHY? they want the games to be the SAME! are you kidding me?

cyclindk5804d ago

The Final Fantasy game that just went multi will undoubtedly be superior on PS3 for one, two, read reviews (even if you don't trust them entirely) they have all been gradually moving from saying 360 multies were better, to they are dead even, to some PS3 versions being better, this will only continue. You hardly ever hear any devs saying, "we're gonna get a lot more out of the 360 in future," it's only the PS3 that they say that.

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Red Dead Redemption 1 Isn't As Good As People Remember It To Be

RDR 1 was a great game, but the lack of screen time for some characters, boring horse riding, and lack of mission variety takes away the fun at times.

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jambola15h ago

It's as good as you remember
Feels like one of those "10 HARSH realities of Re-watching" articles

just_looken6h ago

I love how it seems a extreme few remember that red dead redemption is red dead revolver 2.

red dead revolver now that is rough red dead redemption for its time was groundbreaking and it still has way better cover system/dlc/mp content then red dead 2.

I remember all the bugs the game had day one like donkey lady so dam funny

shinoff218314h ago

Junk article. Game was dope and still is. The swimming part sucks though.

just_looken6h ago

It does but the game was made originally for ps2 back after san andreas so for the dev window and timeline it makes sense.


Yes, that's Kara in season 4 of The Boys

Been watching season 4 of The Boys and find Firecracker's face familiar? As a gamer, where you know her from might surprise you.

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Nerdmaster23h ago

I did have one of those "where do I know her from...?" feelings.
It's funny how a different hair style changes a person. I saw some pictures of her with short or blond hair and it made me remember Kara, but making her a redhead AND with long hair, just bugged my brain.
Here's hoping her character survives until the end of the show (even though her character is a horrible person).

just_looken22h ago

No doubt homelander will get pissed and show her his appreciation.

Episode 3 i was expecting a bitch slap death but it never happened he was zoned out then.

Would it not buy the boys still comedy she fight's back with that lame finger snap power he is like bitch really then just takes her out with one hit LOL

bloop11h ago

Thank you. Couldn't remember who Kara was and was too lazy to open article.

Tankbusta4016h ago

The only image from the show in my mind is the multiplying dudes eating each others butts in the sauna

VariantAEC16h ago

Valorie Curry is her name... not sure why that's not even in the short summary. Why is this gaming news though?

ZeekQuattro12h ago

I couldn't for the life of me remember what I remembered her from and then I saw The Tick in her acting credits. That's why she looked so familiar. I loved that short lived Amazon show.

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PlayStation’s Most Underrated Franchise Is All Playable On PS5

Fans who pine for the days of Naughty Dog’s Jak and Daxter are in for some good news, as the complete series is now playable on PS5 with trophy support. This isn’t just the trilogy either, as the PSP games and Jak X are also available, so hardcore Jak fans can now relive these great titles.

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isarai1d 12h ago

Underrated? J&D was one of the most popular IPs at the time, quite literally the face of the ps2 beside God of War

Outside_ofthe_Box1d 11h ago

Would love to see a open world Jak 4 on the PS5, would be amazing, but I know ND said they'd never do it.

purple1011d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

apparently there is a movie being made. I just cant get my head around what Sony is doing recently,

In regards to cancelling twisted metal game, when they push ahead with series 2 of the tv show, surely she show is meant to promote the game, where the real profits can be made.

Now we hear of a Jan and daxter film, (an old ps2 game) but NO new game to go with it,

mind boggles:

Sony Pictures, PlayStation Productions Releases & In Production:

• TV Shows:

-HBO: The Last Of Us Season 1
-Peacock: Twisted Metal Season 1
-HBO: The Last Of Us Season 2 & 3
-Netflix: Horizon
-Peacock: Twisted Metal Season 2
-Amazon Prime: God Of War
-Disney+: Films/TV Shows
-Hulu: Films/TV Shows

• Movies:

-Gran Turismo
-Ghost Of Tsushima
-Jak And Daxter
-Gravity Rush
-Until Dawn
-Uncharted 2

Master-Tonberry1d ago

I wasn't aware that ND said they'd never do it...

I know they said it would difficult for them to go back to it after doing super high fidelity, gritty, realistic stuff like Last of Us but I didn't think they'd ruled it out completely.

Outside_ofthe_Box15h ago

They didn't say never, but was basically what they said. They actually tried making a new Jak, but what they were making was straying far from it's roots so they canned it. They're just in a different mindset when it comes to developing games compared to when they made Jak.

XiNatsuDragnel1d ago

Jak and dexter is known franchise Sly Cooper was more hidden one tbh.

darthv7213h ago

...and he was trying to stay hidden because he was a thievius racoon.

Demetrius10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Seeing jak&d left in the past like that really makes me appreciate nintendo even more for atleast keeping mario, zelda, metroid, and others around while making em still feel fresh, Playstation should have another gem besides astroboy and ratchet&clank

gold_drake4h ago

i wouldnt call jack and daxter underrated.

its a beloved franchise that pretty much was one of the biggest games on the ps2 and psp