
The First Ever Image of Borderlands Online Mobile Version

This year players will be able to play Borderlands Online on mobile devices, according to Shanda Games. At ChinaJoy 2015 the publisher told us the mobile version will be a first-person shooter that's similar to its PC couterpart. While most features are still to be nailed down, the game could allow you to take control of one character or lead a squad to fight.


2017 China Joy: Chinese Indie ICEY Is Coming To Mobile Soon

Chinese indie game ICEY is a fast-paced side-scrolling action game takes place in a futuristic world full with hostile robots. The game first released on Steam and now unveiling and showing off ICEY mobile version at China Joy 2017, gamers on China Joy can now forestalls to experience this game.

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Warehouse Scale Multiplayer VR Games Come to ChinaJoy 2017

Skonec Entertainment’s location-based VR works step-up at ChinaJoy with the new VR Square programme.


VR at ChinaJoy 2016: Countless Headsets and Crazy Peripherals

A look at some of the most unique virtual reality experiences on display at this year's ChinaJoy event, held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center.

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stalepie2912d ago

This looks crazy fun. I don't see why VR exhibits like this couldn't be the new arcade model. Maybe at certain malls or theme parks...