
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Launches on Xbox One, Wii U and New 3DS Today

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth brings blood and babies to Xbox One, Wii U and New 3DS today.

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MNGamer-N3259d ago

This game is so much fun! Super addicting and challenging twin stick shooter. Tons of unlocks. So many, than I don't think I'll ever achieve them all. Worth a grab.

Plus you get to shoot turds all day.

Palitera3259d ago (Edited 3259d ago )

One of the best roguelites out there, no doubt.

The random mechanics are a blessing and the whole game design simply makes every action count and be tied to the progression and success.

Don't be fooled by the slow start. Probably the best indie I have played in years.


PS: Seriously, buy it.

Concertoine3259d ago

I love playing games like this while studying or working on projects.

Crap load of coffee, some Isaac, and a 6 page paper.

Bring it on.

akiraburn3259d ago

As an original BOI fan, it was fun giving this a few run-throughs. Having a solid 60fps definitely helped with the fluidity of gameplay. However, that being said, I have to say that I really didn't find Rebirth as enjoyable as the original BOI/WOTL for one key factor that changed: Sound.

All of the music and sound effects were completely changed for the release of Rebirth, and in many cases I believe that it hurt the game more than helped. The original soundtrack provided a dark and deep atmosphere that didn't obstruct from playing the game itself, while the sound effects were a bit more subtle but still clear and fit well with the music. All of those factors and effects were opposite on

For those who own it or are thinking of getting it on PC, there's a Reddit thread on how to replace the music files with all of the originals. Sound effects are a bit more difficult, but it seems that it's still possible. Unfortunately, this is a PC-only workaround and these files aren't unlockables (must be downloaded from Reddit links and manually installed), so it isn't the same way on consoles.

So if you were an original BOI fan and are thinking of grabbing this on any platform, I'd recommend checking out the new soundtrack and sound effects before purchase, as I believe they can be very off-putting. If you are a new BOI fan and haven't heard the original, I believe it would be worthwhile to try downloading the original soundtrack, mute the game's music, and try listening to it through there as you play. That's what I ended up doing. Though again, this is all just my personal opinion.

wonderfulmonkeyman3259d ago

I'm tempted, but it'll depend on price.
If it's low enough, I'll nab it along with Legend of Kay at the beginning of next month.

Concertoine3259d ago


Honestly a little high for such an old game

PlatinumGX3259d ago

I'll personally wait for a discount. Heard some bad stuff about Nicalis.

Legend of Kay is day 1 buy though.


The Binding of Isaac online multiplayer beta offline until further notice after datamining

The online multiplayer beta for The Binding of Isaac is offline until further notice after someone data-mined the latest build.

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The Best Roguelike Games

IGN : Ask three different video game fans to define what a “Roguelike” is, and chances are, you’re likely to get three very different responses: One might say "Oh yeah, those are like that game with the sexy greek gods!" Another might reply "No, you idiot, Hades is a Rogue-LITE. A roguelike is a game like Spelunky." And another still might slam their hands on the table and shout, "The reason why they're called rogueLIKES is because they're LIKE the 1980s dungeon crawler rogue. None of those games are roguelikes at all!"

BrainSyphoned1117d ago

Everspace, Moonlighter and Monster Train are my top 3 quick time wasters.

Atom6661117d ago

Can't argue there. I am firmly on the Hades bandwagon too.

i81duce1116d ago

I’ll have to agree with a comment below that Binding of Isaac is my top, but thank you for 3 recommendations that I’ve never heard of to appease my addiction. @atom666, I’ll try and see what Hades is all about as welll ☺️

Sidewinder-1117d ago (Edited 1117d ago )

Loved FTL.

Oh, & Dungeons of Dredmor was pretty good.

Eviltattoo 1117d ago

My daughter and I had a blast with Rogue Legacy - our favorite by far.
We also enjoyed Undermine which I didn't see make this list unfortunately.

Vanfernal1117d ago

To me Binding of Isaac is the GOAT. No two runs in that game feel the same. The unlimited combinations of item synergies is still something no game has been able to match.

1117d ago

The 12 Best Indie Games From The Eighth Generation Of Gaming

It's right that we recognize the 12 best indie games of the eight generation of gaming. It would be remiss to ignore the impact they've had.

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NecrumOddBoy1351d ago

Hollow Knight was a masterpiece. I cared less for the arena combat (Gods, not in the in-game arena) but everything was tight and the exploration was extremely enjoyable. Absolute masters of their craft in level design. I hope Silk Song gives the bees a second chance since their area was only a short subsection.

1349d ago