
Mark Wahlberg Won't Play Max Payne Video Game - Cites Addictive Personality

Ripten writes:

"Mark Wahlberg, the actor slated to play Max Payne in the upcoming film based on the popular video game franchise, states that he has not played, and will not play the video game. Why? Because he says he has an addictive personality, and that, combined with his other adult responsibilities, simply won't mesh well."

pwnsause5842d ago

MAX PAYNE= BAD MOVIE CONFIRMED. in order to know the character that you are playing as, you are supposed to study that character, just as How Heath Ledger studied on how to become the Joker's Character. Max Payne's story originated from a game. it was not only a great game, it had a superior story and the story telling in the game showed you each character's personality in that game.

Nostradavis5842d ago

I agree pwnsause. This trend is really strange. I mean, first we have Brett Favre on the cover of Madden flat out saying he doesn't play the game and practically can't stand it.

Now we have a guy that pranced around in his underwear saying that he simply can not allow himself to play a video game because he lacks the self control needed to pull himself away????

I am so fed up.

psycho3605842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

I dont know if he's making an excuse cuz to have such a great body definately requires dedication and self control. Maybe he's a guy whose not into video games, believe me i know people whom i forced to try some games but they rather sleep than play games.

Nostradavis5842d ago

OK psych, but this sounds worse than just saying "I don't really like videogames." This sounds like he has no self control, which assuming it isn't easy to have negative 12% body fat, is a bunch of bull.

A person with an addictive personality (as severe as he is implying) would likely eat one potato chip and weigh 4000lbs three days later.

psycho3605842d ago

NOstradavis, I dont know what happened to my reading comprehension but i can't seem to get what you're saying.

BTW I'm not the one who disagreed.

syanara5842d ago

WHY IS THIS EVEN NEWS? so what the max payne actor dosent like to play max payne cause hes got an addictive personality. WHO THE FU*K cares!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5842d ago
Nostradavis5842d ago

This trend is really strange. I mean, first we have Brett Favre on the cover of Madden flat out saying he doesn't play the game and practically can't stand it.

Now we have a guy that pranced around in his underwear saying that he simply can not allow himself to play a video game because he lacks the self control needed to pull himself away????

I am so fed up.

Jack Meahoffer5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

When I first heard he got the role I thought he was way too short to play the great Max Payne. Now he comes out and says he hasn't and won't play the game?! The hill is already steep for making a half way decent video game movie this kind of stuff while not critical clearly doesn't help. This is another reason to set your expectations for this movie very very low. Its most likely going to be another epic fail video game movie.

Markie Mark needs to get some "Good Vibrations" and STFU.

Nineball21125842d ago

why it matters how a movie turns out based on whether an actor in the movie actually plays the video game that the movie is based on. That honestly confounds me...

So, playing the game will enhance his acting skills? I suppose it could possibly help him "get in character", but hell, someone else who played the game could feel him in on what's like or for that matter he could just watch someone else play the game.

I actually understand where he's coming from. My wife is not a gamer, and my gaming has caused more then our fair share of arguments. It's pretty difficult to try and play a game in 30 minute or 1 hour intervals (at least one that has a story line and is involving, not to mention challenging).

Jack Meahoffer5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

"So, playing the game will enhance his acting skills?"

No but it might help him get "into" the characters head and understand his motivations. The movie is based on a game wouldn't you want the actor to experience the character in the medium in which the character was brought to life?

Honestly can't see how this would "confound" you. Its not about making his acting skills better its about knowing HOW to act. You can be the best actor in the world if you don't understand the character you will fail.

There is already a lot of talk about this being a watered down crime movie that has little to do with the original story... Now this is more evidence.

Its sounding more like this movie will be CSI the movie with a lead character named Max that may have murdered his family.

B Man5842d ago

If you were rich and could get practically any girl you wanted to, would you be sitting on your ass playing video games? If you would... then you should really spend some time rethinking your priorities. I don't blame either Mark or Brett, they are living the ultimate game, being rich and famous.

IaMs125842d ago

Yes playing the game would be wise for him to get into the head of Max Payne... Its like the Dark Knight movie, Heath Ledger visited Assylums so he could get into his character and he didnt a Freaking awesome job at it... thats one reason why they think he died too

Wii60Fan5842d ago

He's never heard of the OFF switch.

BWS19825842d ago

people are assuming he won't play the game means he has no clue how the game looks/feels/sounds/plays...?

Who's to say he hasn't already watched someone working on the film play through the two games, he seemed to have somewhat of an understanding on the monologues from Max Payne in the trailer. How does "I won't play the game" equate to "I won't watch the game played or research my role"? Now this assumption "confounds" me.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5842d ago
Omegasyde5842d ago

If I read in between the lines....Marky Mark has crappy hand to eye coordination thus making him also weak at driving a car with a manual transmission.

addictive personality = hollywood lingo for "too busy doing drugs"

Nostradavis5842d ago

I don't see the drug connection, but that's just me. Maybe I am not "Hollywood" enough.

psycho3605842d ago

I doubt he does drugs, in 90s he was singing pro health and anti d.r.u.g.g.i.e songs, like good vibrations, gonna have a good time etc.

Onrefni5842d ago

I'm not getting any good vibrations from this story.

Nostradavis5842d ago

Nice play on words. Bubble for you.

deeznuts5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

Maybe you need new batteries then? J/k ;)

I dont' see a problem. You don't see people who play serial killers go out there and murk people just to get into character.

Fishy Fingers5842d ago

Makes no difference as far as I can see, the star of the movie isn't the writter.

Nostradavis5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? It's a slap in the face to any actor who takes his role seriously, AND it's a slap in the face to the gaming industry.

Think about it for a moment....

Every good actor tries to do everything they can to learn about the role they are about to play. They meet the person if they can, meet their friends, their family, etc. They visit mental hospitals if they are going to play a crazy person, they gain weight if they are going to play a fat person.

Marky Mark Wahlberg saying this, is essentially saying "You know what...I don't take this video game stuff seriously. I am not going to do my research on the character, I am just going to cash my paycheck and do what I want."

Fishy Fingers5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

Yes thank you for the correct acting protocol. But I think your being slightly dramatic, it's not like he isn't going to take an interest in the character, of course he will take the time to speak to the creator, the fans etc and learn who Max Payne is, what his motivation is, his emotions etc

There are other ways to research on the character than just play the game.

I hear Van Damme took time to play street fighter before he made the movie, what exactly happened there then? Oh, the direction was rubbish, something actor have very little control over. 9 time out of 10 an actor is simply a tool, they do what they're told, their direction written, their lines written.

I'm a huge gamer and movie fan and frankly as long as the movie turns out good I couldnt give a fook what research is done. Basically your all jumping to conclusions about the films quality, little early days for that.

Ghoul5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )


"You know what...I don't take this video game stuff seriously. I am not going to do my research on the character, I am just going to cash my paycheck and do what I want."

nice stereotyping you got going on there mate. not cool.

actually you learn more about the character max payne from scripts and talking to remedy itself, then playing the game. the "only" necessary parts for a actor are the graphic novel parts inside max payne (cut scenes) nad i bet he has seen those often enough.

i guess he knows how to act and you dont need to educate us how an actor does his research couse everyone does it different. What ive seen sofar from the trailer and such im totally impressed and cant wait to see it in action.

mark whalberg is a great action actor and i bet he can bring enough drama for the rest to the table.


well said about the director actor relation, its true to the bone there are very very few actors that have the privilege to push the character they are plaing into a certain direction, johnny depp for example. most of them do as the director orders.

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Max Payne 1&2 Remake To Enter Full Production & Control 2 Pre-Production In Q2 2024

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Skuletor86d ago

I thought the remakes has been in full production for a while now

ElaBosak85d ago

They were making Alan Wake 2

Skuletor85d ago

You mean the game that already released almost 200 days ago now?

ravens5286d ago

Be another Alan Wake 2 situation if not. I hope they're not that pigheaded. Like really, if they're that petty I won't even wait for a physical release.

LucasRuinedChildhood86d ago

They have a different publisher for Max Payne than they did for Alan Wake 2 (Rockstar instead of Epic) so there probably will be a physical release for Max Payne 1&2 at least.

ElaBosak85d ago

Rockstar is publishing. There will be physical release.

Cacabunga86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

No physical support no buy .. do not screw This up

neutralgamer199286d ago

Sure Alan wake 2 still hasn’t recovered development cost

ElaBosak85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

What does that have to do with digital release?

neutralgamer199285d ago


There are many gamers who will not buy a game if it does not have a physical release, especially for Big blockbusters. So not being on steam and not having a physical release definitely has a lot to do with the fact they have yet to make that development cost back

I myself want to buy it on steam and I will also buy a physical version on PS five or Xbox if it becomes available but I will not spend a single penny on epic Store. I just want one storefront and one game launcher. I have no other reason to hate on epic or any other storefront.

ElaBosak85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

You think the physical games market is big? Have you looked at statistics from publishers between physical vs digital sales? Physical sales are almost irrelevant.

Neither Steam nor especially physical release have anything to do with it. Alan Wake 2 is inherently niche and not mainstream by any means. It would never have gotten a big audience and that's fine. Remedy and Sam Lake got to make the game of their dreams.

neutralgamer199285d ago

I am sorry I disagree completely. Yes physical market isn’t as big as digital but it still accounts for almost 30%. On top of that having the game on steam would have meant a lot more sales. These 2 points are facts and can’t be argued

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 85d ago
jznrpg86d ago

To lose money again? Do you want them to close?

ElaBosak85d ago

Wdym lose money? How big do you think the physical games market is?

darksky86d ago

Max Payne is a far better franchise than Alan Wake. This should be good.

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What The Next-Gen Max Payne Remake Could Look Like

Following the remake announcement of the Max Payne remakes, the internet exploded with ideas of what it could look like.

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isarai122d ago

Just look at Alan Wake 2, it quite literally has the exact same character. This model in This article looks nothing like any rendition of max

121d ago
FPS_D3TH120d ago

I don’t think about what he’s going to look like so much as I wonder as to what he’ll sound like after James Mcaffery passed away suddenly last year. He was the voice of Max Payne and it’s hard for me to imagine Max voiced by anyone else.

mkis007120d ago

Why would they need new voice-overs? I imagine the lines will be the same. It's story is part of the appeal and the delivery of the dialogue, especially during the comic scenes is iconic to me. They may have had the idea to add more lines, but I think the path is clear with him gone now.

FPS_D3TH120d ago

It’s a remake. Not a remaster and it combines both games. I’d be willing to bet $100 a lot changes.

Auron120d ago

More like max will be changed to maxine